Your most recognisable song intro?


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
ok since im bored i'll start this off

Guns 'n Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

Alexisonfire - No Transitory
Billy Talent - Try Honesty

I can recognise those before the second note is played. Seriously.
Nine Inch Nails- Somewhat Damaged....

....D Eb E F....

....D Eb E F....

....D Eb E F....

Slayer - Raining Blood.

Everyone should know that.
Kristafon said:
Nine Inch Nails- Somewhat Damaged....

....D Eb E F....

....D Eb E F....

....D Eb E F....

LOL i was thinking that!
Pureball said:
ok since im bored i'll start this off

Guns 'n Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

Good choice.

also Nivana - smells like teen spirit.
burnzie said:
Good choice.

also Nivana - smells like teen spirit.
yep, also very distinctive...

Stairway to Heaven is easily recognized by me as well.
smoke on the water - second that

hives - die all right
Cake - The Distance

It's just words instead of just instruments, though. Does that not count?
Shadowsfall - the light that blinds
Now THATS an intro. hah (listen to it if you havent ever, Its worth it)
Well, one that anyone would know would be Hey Jude, since he says the title first thing in. But one that me and my friends can spot easy is Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone, my favorite intro to any song ever made.

eatbugs said:
Closing time. Has to be.

:D That's what I was going to say.

Smashing Pumpkins -- "Today" is also pretty recognizable, and Green Day -- "Good Riddance" too. That's all I can think of for now.
Prodigy - Firestarter ... can recognise it in the first .3 of a second... although I guess anyone thats heard it before can do to.

Great tune :thumbs:
Pureball said:
ok since im bored i'll start this off

Guns 'n Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine

Holy shit! I was going to post the exact same song when I read the topic!
Sweet Child O' Mine has to be the most recognisable intro, Slash is a true musical genious.
Barring the obvious like Metallica - Enter Sandman, I'd say for me it's:

Children of Bodom - anything, and I literally mean this. Every song has just about the most unique style I could name every one if played seperately.

Arch Enemy - Enemy Within. As soon as you hear about two of those piano notes, you instantly know what's coming.

Dark Tranquillity - White Noise/Black Silence

Dismember - As the Coins Upon your Eyes

In Flames - Episode 666 (In fact, most of the Whoracle album.)
Razor said:
Sweet Child O' Mine has to be the most recognisable intro, Slash is a true musical genious.

Apparently he was just mucking about when he came up with the riff. :dozey:
Have to agree with Smoke On The Water. And Slayer - Raining Blood was a good one, everybody (Slayer and Slipknot fans mostly) went mental as soon as it started.
Also, Metallica - One is pretty recognisable.
Axyon said:
Barring the obvious like Metallica - Enter Sandman, I'd say for me it's:

Children of Bodom - anything, and I literally mean this. Every song has just about the most unique style I could name every one if played seperately.

Arch Enemy - Enemy Within. As soon as you hear about two of those piano notes, you instantly know what's coming.

Dark Tranquillity - White Noise/Black Silence

Dismember - As the Coins Upon your Eyes

In Flames - Episode 666 (In fact, most of the Whoracle album.)

Enter Sandman is the only song I know off that list....
Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom
Metallica - Fade to Black and One (look at tab)
Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace.. Dumdumdumdem dumdumdumdem....
Rammstein - Links 2 3 4..
SearanoX said:
I don't know, some of their songs are kind of repetative. A few songs on Follow the Reaper sound very similar. The intros can be unique, though.

Another one I'd have to say is Satyricon - Walk the Path of Sorrow. Very recognisable string arrangement (though done on a keyboard), and incredibly diabolical. Add to that Genesis to Genocide by Deströyer 666. Piano intro with some strings in the background and the wind blowing. Very recognisable. Bathory - Blood Fire Death, aside from being a masterpiece of a song, also has a great acoustic intro. Shores in Flames by Bathory as well. Acoustic too, but the wind blowing in the background and the faded, almost dreamlike singing in the background adds a lot to it.
Hmm, I guess overlistening to FtR has nullified that somewhat, heh. I'd like to add Behemoth - Chant for Eschaton 2000 too. Behemoth are already masters of the 'catchy intro', but this is especially distinguishable.
Axyon said:
I'd like to add Behemoth - Chant for Eschaton 2000 too. Behemoth are already masters of the 'catchy intro', but this is especially distinguishable.

The spoken word intro to Antichristian Phenomenon also sticks out a mile :P
white stripes - seven nation army

when you just hear those 7 notes, you know what it is

How about the Halo theme? Those monks are so easy to recognize
Sugar - System of a Down
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Give it Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers

just to name a few...