Your Near Death Experiences in MS Paint

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Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
try to make them in under a minute if you can for bonus points.


Basically when I was like 4 or 5 my family and I went down to Niagara Falls. We were on the American side and there is a place called 'The Devils Hole' and it must be notorious for people dying. Anyway I was walking with my family down to the base of the falls (maybe a few miles downriver...I can't recall) but I guess I slipped into the water. I don't even remember any of it because its always been blocked out of my mind.

I've tried to remember so many times but I constantly have to ask relatives what happened. From what I kept hearing was that I fell in and landed on a rock in the water up to my stomach. My brother saw me in the water and yelled for my dad. All I was holding onto were my Transformers sunglasses and crying. My dad jumped in, handed me to my brother and then climbed out. Nowhere to be found was mom, then we found her and she asked why I was wet. Very strange story but I can't remember any of it.

So go ahead, draw your near death experience but only use MS Paint. It'll make things more interesting. Also I do have quiet a few more to share.
How the **** are we supposed to top that Krynn? **** you.
Yeah, way to only tell half of the story Vegeta. It was MY near death experience, and I'll never forgive you for it.

guys guys, don't you remember I was there too?


That was a bad place to choose to put my ladder up to paint my miniature house, that bucket of spikes looked really dangerous
Why did I agree to help paint the inside of your miniature house with flammable paint?

Thats not ice-cream.


(twas suppoused to be me but SOMEONE posted before me the inconsiderate iced cream schnaffler.)

Yeah, stfu guise, I'm trying to kick Deathmaster's ass at CS.
my fat body saved you all just in the nick of time

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