your opinion on this video card

It really isn't worth it.
Your GF4 (4200?) can beat this card in framerate in some games.
If you want a DX9 card, look at the 9600xt or 9800pro.

It's def. not worth 120$ to upgrade from a GF4 4200. If you have a GF4 MX then it would be but I'd still recommend the 9600/9800 cards.

btw SE= Sucky Edition
1 2
That SE has a 50/50 chance of being softmodded to a 9800 Pro though.

So, look at it in two ways:

1) You get a crap card (that's not realistically crap, just not as good as a 9800 Pro)
2) You get a crap card that can be softmodded into an effective version of a 9800 Pro and save $80
The card I have now is a GeForce 4 mx400 129mb
It still isn't a 9800Pro even when softmodded though, AFAIK.
It would have a 128Bit memory bus, not 256Bit.
Asus said:
It still isn't a 9800Pro even when softmodded though, AFAIK.
It would have a 128Bit memory bus, not 256Bit.

Nope. That particular SE has the 256bit memory bus.

I'd say, if you're limited to that budget, that would be a great buy and upgrade, Hazar

Read up on how to softmod your card (it's not hard, it really just involves downloading third party ATi drivers), and you should be good to go.
That would be a good buy if you decide to attempt the softmod.
I didn't realise that some 9800SE's actually have a 256bit bus. Nice pointing that out, Shuzer.

Otherwise it will perform a little under a 9600XT.
what's wrong with the drivers from ATI's page?

btw, I wish it came with a different game
Hazar Dakiri said:
what's wrong with the drivers from ATI's page?

btw, I wish it came with a different game

Nothing is wrong with ATI's official drivers. However, the Omega Drivers ( have special softmod drivers, which unlock 4 extra pipelines that would otherwise remain disabled on the 9800SE.
Shuzer said:
Nothing is wrong with ATI's official drivers. However, the Omega Drivers ( have special softmod drivers, which unlock 4 extra pipelines that would otherwise remain disabled on the 9800SE.

ahhh gotcha

however, why would ATI want to limit their producs?
Hazar Dakiri said:
ahhh gotcha

however, why would ATI want to limit their producs?

It's built on the 9800 Pro board, and some of them are simply 9800 Pros with the extra pipelines disabled. I guess they cost the same to produce, and it's easier for companies that way to produce both cards
The one above is better, simply because you can softmod it to a 9800 Pro (which is about 30% faster than a 9600 XT). Without softmod, the card you first linked to runs a little slower than that card.

I'd take the risk, buy the 9800SE, softmod it. It should work. And if it doesn't (and the chances of it softmodding properly are greater than not), you still have a more-than-decent enough card.