Your predictions on the next-gen consoles


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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Motion-sensing will be on every console without a doubt anbd I also think the focus on hardware could be shifted a little.
I'm hoping for better focus on gameplay, it'd be a wonder to have the same fun as the 2-d consoles.
The next gen consoles should have all of its games available for download, just so I don't have to change discs when I want to play something else. It just feels so archaic to me nowadays, like something left over from when everyone used to use cartridges. :x

Apart from that, w/e. :)
The next gen consoles should have all of its games available for download, just so I don't have to change discs when I want to play something else. It just feels so archaic to me nowadays, like something left over from when everyone used to use cartridges. :x

Apart from that, w/e. :)

Yep, and loading times feel the same way; archaic.

Interesting topic, but new consoles are far, far away. I just can't see it yet. Controllers with full motion and a touch sensitive screen would be cool - similar to the wii + DS.

Hard drives = mandatory
The only thing that I could predict is that Sony will make the wrong decisions again.
Motion-sensing will be a standard.

Increased online functionality (ie. downloading games to your HD). Cross-platform multiplayer may depend on how well 360 users mingle with PC users with Live.

Considering the success of the Wii, I think traditional gamepads will be on their way out. If not the next generation, then the one after that. There will be an increased emphasis on "hands-on" interaction.

I hope we'll start seeing more development time on hardware being geared into AI and NPC behavior. We still have a lot of potential there.
Maybe the next big step is mods? I wouldn't have a clue how this is possible for consoles. Can anybody come up with a logical thought?
Yep, and loading times feel the same way; archaic.

Interesting topic, but new consoles are far, far away. I just can't see it yet. Controllers with full motion and a touch sensitive screen would be cool - similar to the wii + DS.

Hard drives = mandatory
There were just 4 years between the XB1 and XB360, so if MS keeps the same spacing between their console, that means the next-gen XB console will come out 2009, only two years away.
I can't see a new generation being available in two years, tbh.
what have consoles ever done thats great? its a pc for christ sake.
Yeah, I can't see another Xbox in just 2 years from now either. They just started in the console market and after their first console they were prepared for this gen. They knew Sony and Nintendo would be updating soon and put the 360 out first.

Plus, we started hearing rumors and things (like MS dropping Nvidia) about "Xbox 2" 3.5 years before the Xbox360 was released.
We'll have to see if it's true or not, but Microsoft has said, "there will not be an Xbox 3".

Similarly, id Software also said there will be no Doom 4.

I think this is a means to get people to buy the current stuff though, personally. Years down the line, I think they will change their minds.
The next gen consoles should have all of its games available for download, just so I don't have to change discs when I want to play something else. It just feels so archaic to me nowadays, like something left over from when everyone used to use cartridges. :x

Apart from that, w/e. :)

The problem is, publishers and retailers would take a severe blow here. Though I really savor that idea. I think games should be delivered both by a STEAM type service (XBL/Sony Marketplace) AND hardcopy.. preferably very high capacity formats.. hopefully blu-ray and hd-dvd go down in cost to manufacture.

Some features on the truly next Gen consoles I'd like to see:

-very high capacity hard-drive, (100gb+)
-very high capacity disks (hd-dvd, bluray, etc)
-HDMI ready (yes, even you nintendo)
-sufficient online content delivery and online gameplay with 'friends' type functions (Nintendo and Sony clearly slacking here)
-DX10/11 style graphics or better, (yes, even you Nintendo)
-multitude of peripheral functions not limited to: keyboards, mice, motion sensitive devices, blu-tooth and WIFI capabilities, or more unique controllers at the discretion of game developers
-portable storage options, such as a high capacity flash card or USB portable hard-drives
-affordable (360 price, for basic model + controller)
-multiple cores processors with dedicated physics acceleration
-user created content delivery, for instance if HL2 would be released the ability to install any and all source mods and play with a mouse and keyboard if desired
The problem is, publishers and retailers would take a severe blow here. Though I really savor that idea. I think games should be delivered both by a STEAM type service (XBL/Sony Marketplace) AND hardcopy.. preferably very high capacity formats.. hopefully blu-ray and hd-dvd go down in cost to manufacture.

Some features on the truly next Gen consoles I'd like to see:

-very high capacity hard-drive, (100gb+)
-very high capacity disks (hd-dvd, bluray, etc)
-HDMI ready (yes, even you nintendo)
-sufficient online content delivery and online gameplay with 'friends' type functions (Nintendo and Sony clearly slacking here)
-DX10/11 style graphics or better, (yes, even you Nintendo)
-multitude of peripheral functions not limited to: keyboards, mice, motion sensitive devices, blu-tooth and WIFI capabilities, or more unique controllers at the discretion of game developers
-portable storage options, such as a high capacity flash card or USB portable hard-drives
-affordable (360 price, for basic model + controller)
-multiple cores processors with dedicated physics acceleration
-user created content delivery, for instance if HL2 would be released the ability to install any and all source mods and play with a mouse and keyboard if desired

That almost describes a PC, which is why I prefer a PC.

Good list.

I don't know.. I'm sickened at the thought of having to buy specific keyboards, hard drives, optical drives, mice, memory cards, etc. And irritated by Proprietary machines (consoles) all together.

I actually hope there are no next... next gen consoles, but the way people are buying them like crazy, that won't happen in any foreseeable future.

Consoles are for noobs. Lol.

I'm pretty disappointed in Video games anymore. It's like, we had games that were scoring a 9 or a perfect 10 back in the 8 and 16 bit days - (15 & 20 years ago), then they just abandon it.

If it scored a 9.. then why the hell can't their next version of this game be a 10 already? Fix the stuff that wasn't perfect, and keep the stuff that was.

Finding a gem like this now a days is rare, despite the thousands of games released in the past 10+ years, and all of the technology and hardware power of today.

That's kind of why games on systems like the Gameboy advance rock so hard to me. They are 2D games, which have been around since the 70's, and through the arcades, Super NES, genesis, etc., they had honed the flagship games to perfection. And they still make those kinds of games (like Mario and Zelda) for the Gameboy Advance and DS.

Maybe I'm just getting annoyed with the politics of video games, and the expense of it. NEVERMIND. I keep waiting for that one game to rule them all.

I know one thing - SEGA needs to recreate some of their older titles... like Shining in the Darkness. Then the world will be at peace.
Consoles are for noobs? :|

Nintendo will without enter the HD-era with their next-console. The graphical power will be up to standard next-gen as well.

What about Sony? Who knows. The PS3 could essentially end up being a Sega Saturn. The PS4 might bring Sony's dominance back to the industry but it depends on what they learn from the failure that is the PS3.

Microsoft are difficult for me to predict. I honestly don't have a clue what they'll due next-gen. :|
Consoles are for noobs? :|

Don't let it bother you please.

I think consoles are stupid. I also think smokers are stupid. I also think speeding around driving like an idiot is stupid. I think drinking and driving is ****ing idiotic.


I used to love consoles. I used to smoke. I have gotten a DUI (driving under the influence) I sometimes drive like an idiot.

So... I don't know what to say.. I feel I have lived and learned. I can't imagine doing any of those things again, although ... you never know.

I'm just being a punk-ass.

Alternatives to consoles:

With the MAC as a gaming platform?


Now there are different versions of Windows competing even!


Despite the drama..

Obviously I like the PC game platform, but I say whatever makes you happy.

Fortunately then, that I am sick of video games the past few months.

What about Sony? Who knows. The PS3 could essentially end up being a Sega Saturn. The PS4 might bring Sony's dominance back to the industry but it depends on what they learn from the failure that is the PS3.

Doubt Sony is happy to switch places with Nintendo this generation.

(in console sales figures)

Nintendo goes from last to first.
Xbox stays in second
Sony goes from first to last
I remember reading something intellectual on GameFAQs.

NES = First Console in Cycle = Win
SNES = Second Console in Cycle = Win
N64 = Third Console in Cycle = Fail

PS1 = First Console in Cycle = Absolute Epic Win
PS2 = Second Console in Cycle = Absolute Epic Win
PS3 = Third Console in Cycle = Absolute Epic Fail!

Something like that anyway. A pretty interesting pattern imo. ;)
N64 was a fail? From what I remember everyone owned one
The PS1 sold 100 million roughly and the N64 sold about 30 million so a big difference. Also I never owned an N64.
I owned an N64 and PS1, I loved them both, but I had to choose, I would choose the N64.

A fail? What shit you smoking?
I was talking in sale figures. :P

I loved the N64 more then the PS1 but the PS1 was hella more popular.
Disregarding this console vs. PC NONSENSE, here's a wee snippet from the beeb:

As of now, the Wii is the most popular console out there. I think that motion sensing will play a big part in even the current gen systems (six-axis; wii mote).

I hope it doesn't become stale too quickly though.
Scary stuff. D:
The DC was great and it only sold 10 mil D:

NOTE: That may sounds alot but it's a failure compared to:
GC 21 million
XBox 24 million
PS2 120 million
Yeah sales figures mean nothing, I mean how can the figures of the amount of people don't even try and specific console indicate how good console is? Maybe those people just dont want to try anything new.
Not sure if motion controls will take off as much as everyone thinks... Combining the gamepad and motion controls really hasn't worked so far with the SIXAXIS, but it may just be because it was slapped on and just a shitty design.

The Wii so far hasn't had any "OMG THIS IS THE REASON I BOUGHT THIS SYSTEM" games yet... It hasn't proven motion controls are the way to go yet. Yes it's innovative, but not industry changing yet.

The Dreamcast had motion controls with the fishing controllers and such, and there were PS1 motion controllers (third party)... Wii has been the first to use it as its main controller so far and its going to have some rough edges... So I'm not sold that it's the way to go.

The next consoles will also probably be using the next format (whether it 's blu-ray or HDDVD) and also take huge advances in the downloadable arena with full games being able to be downloaded. Obviously a part of this is the large HDD's that will be included.

Not sure how far Nintendo's graphical advances will be. If they're going to be taking the same approach as the Wii, it's going to be around or slightly below the Xbox360 or PS3 capabilities. It seems Nintendo is trying to stay one generation behind in graphics so that developers are more comfortable with it, but then obviously you can't push the system and you don't get that great of graphics..

Sony is probably going to do some crazy shit again, stupid marketing, and all sorts of mistakes again. Actually, I'm hoping they will so they realize how ignorant they are in the gaming space. I expect the PSN will also become a pay-service by this point if they expand it a lot.

The next Xbox will take more advantage of the Live service, especially Live Anywhere and integration with PC's. Hopefully they stay strong and don't make any big mistakes.
Consoles will become even more dedicated PCs than they are now.

So ther will be an universal PC and a TV PC (console).
Maybe the next big step is mods? I wouldn't have a clue how this is possible for consoles. Can anybody come up with a logical thought?

Easy. They bring out an SDK for the game on PCs and since every console will have a HDD you can just put the mod from your PC onto your console.
Firstly, I doubt any of the big 3 are gonna become a post-DC Sega and become software only. They're all either doing too well (MS & Nintendo) or are too rich and don't know when to stop digging (Sony).

Motion-control will play a part. Either in the Wii way (dedicated controller) or in the SIXAXIS way (optional function). Force feedback analogue sticks should also be introduced (possibly the next Ninten-ovation).

Nintendo, now that they are ahead on the motion control front and have won back several new and old fans, can concentrate on graphics and networking/online.

Sony will need to rethink or die. It is no longer Nintendo who are stuck in an old-fashioned rut. They will make a cheaper system and maybe 'do a Nintendo' and not upgrade graphics.

Microsoft will continue their frankly amazing Live service and continue raking in great exclusive titles. They will also start a collaboration with Nintendo on the next next gen... maybe? :P
Nintendo, now that they are ahead on the motion control front and have won back several new and old fans, can concentrate on graphics and networking/online.
:laugh: :p

Iced_Eagle said:
The Wii so far hasn't had any "OMG THIS IS THE REASON I BOUGHT THIS SYSTEM" games yet... It hasn't proven motion controls are the way to go yet. Yes it's innovative, but not industry changing yet.
Actually, every Wii game I have makes me think that, because of the entirely unique method of control. Particularly Tiger Woods.
Consoles are no different form PCs these days except for the fact that they all have standard hardware and operation standards, so it's very hard to predict any kind of future. It's really only game sales that keep them alive - it seems a trend to sell for a loss in the truly 'next-gen' market.

I can see Wii winning out as far as consoles go, sacrificing the cutting edge for gameplay innovation. Publishers probably also like the sales perks releasing console games come with, as people find themselves having to jump MUCH higher hurdles to pirate console games. So we're looking at a variety of things that consoles bring here.

- mass appeal, it's easy you know the game will work the way you want it, standardized hardware is brilliant in this respect.. if not somewhat creepy.
- less piracy for games released on console, whereas pirating a PC game is as simple as a few clicks.
- TV play, you can set up in your living room, in the hangout place - PC's have yet to take over living rooms.. they remain a bedroom affair

Consoles are not obsolete or on the verge of dying, and on the same note, neither are PCs. I can, however, sadly see margin that divides the two widening in some cases. PCs becoming more solidly work station devices whereas consoles become the place for developers to release AAA titles. While it saddens me to see this, I must add that online functionality and downloads, as well as the much needed ability for user created content could brighten to the situation. I cannot predict the future here, it's incredible hard.. but sometimes I wonder if the market is big enough for casual and 'next-gen' players. The average Xbox live nub knows nothing about mod communities and the joys of PC gaming. So hopefully all 3 markets (PC Gamers, Casual Console players(Wii), and Hardcore console players(360/PS3) all remain and become stronger. No matter who the victor, gamers win :).
Particularly Tiger Woods.

Which is by far the worse use of the Wiimote to date. That game is a travesty.

Wii Sports alone shows how great motion sensing can be. Simple games that could easily be mapped to a pad, yet truly excel because of the Wiimote. Wii Bowling and Tennis sessions have become a regular event with my friends, guys and gals, gamers and non gamers alike. 10 or more of us will get together, eat, drink and bowl. Would any of us bother had Wii Sports been released on another platform? - not for a second. This is the most social gaming has ever been, and is all the more fun for it.

Otherwise, try Kororinpa or Elebits (Eledees) - both show how well the Wiimote can be implemented. While bolted on, Zelda certainly benefits (it's horrible going back to a pad), as does RE4.

I'm looking forward to some decent flying games next - there's one mini game in Monkey Ball that involves flying a bird around which is lovelly to control - as so far we've only seen a few rushed attempts. It's just a matter of time untill we get worthy of the Wiimote. The same can be said of fps - Metroid has a fair bit to prove.

The potential is there to see for anyone who's played a decent selection of games. Gaming on the Wii can be that much more involving, immediate, accessible ... fun :)