Your "pwnage" music

Ytse Jam

Feb 17, 2007
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So I was just wondering what it is you guys listen to when playing HL2DM? I personally have my own iTunes playlist that I use whenever I turn on HL2DM. If you guys do, what do you put on it?

Mine currently consists of Dream Theater, OSI, Rush, Porcupine Tree, Genesis, Glass Hammer, Vox Tempus, Linkin Park, lostprophets, Adema, Beastie Boys, stuff from the Matrix soundtracks (1 + 2 only), Papa Roach, Matisyahu, The Beatles, Yellowcard, and some other stuff that isn't coming to mind. Yes, I know my tastes in music are....diverse. :laugh:
Muse does it for me, atmospheric & adrenalin inducing.
Love muse, but not heavy enough. I listen to music I don't normally listen to like killswitch engage and disturbed when playing FPS games online.
Rage Against the Machine. Just put on the entire Battle of Los Angeles album, and pwn away.
Some Pantera or Machine Head has me disembowelling many a foe :D
I used to put the original UT soundtrack on to everything. Steady, adrenalized music that accents combat without getting in the way. It's damn good on its own as well.

Nowadays though, I primarily play WoW. I just generate any usual playlist for that.
I used to put the original UT soundtrack on to everything. Steady, adrenalized music that accents combat without getting in the way. It's damn good on its own as well.

Nowadays though, I primarily play WoW. I just generate any usual playlist for that.

fantastic, i love the original UT's soundtrack. Facing Worlds theme = jamsauce.
I actually discovered recently that Metallica goes really well with some HL2DM maps. :cat:
Usually have post-rock/ambient/instrumental stuff playing in the background when I play CS and CSS.
Anything fast, loud, chaotic.

To name some:

The fast DnB breakbeats on Venetian Snares' "Rossz Csillag Alatt Sz?letett" album
Fenix Funk 5 by AFX
Vic Acid by Squarepusher
Come to Daddy by Aphex Twin
54 Cymru Beats by Aphex Twin
Mangle 11 [Circuit Bent VIP Mix] by AFX

You get the picture.
I usually don't listen to music while playing CS:S because I need to hear footsteps... but for real fragging, like Unreal Tournament or Soldat or what have you, I listen to early Tool, Nine Inch Nails, or trance.

edit: Vegeta, Come to Daddy is such a good pwnage track. I also love playing The Specialists while listening to Windowlicker.
Specifically the ending of Windowlicker, right? It uses the same instrument/synth whatever as CTD, as far as I can tell.

I used to have that part as my windows start up noise to pump me up :)
I have a question.

Why do a lot of people hate linkin park?

I dunno about you guys but in my school if you listen to linkin park you "don't know good music"

wtf is up with that?!
I used to like a bit of LP. Nowadays the only LP that gets playtime is Numb (encore).
Because Linkin Park is pretty much the poster child for unoriginal, unsubtle, superficial, shallow teen angst crap. They sit barely on the cusp of being edgy, but not so much that they drive away Mom and Pop from buying the album for their kids. It's without any kind of emotional value other than the generic.

They can certainly whip up some catchy material. But any deeper search into their music yields very little.
well, i like their's not that bad lol :(
They do have a good sound, they can make some nicely melodic heavy-guitar music.

But all their songs are about the same thing.
Because Linkin Park is pretty much the poster child for unoriginal, unsubtle, superficial, shallow teen angst crap. They sit barely on the cusp of being edgy, but not so much that they drive away Mom and Pop from buying the album for their kids. It's without any kind of emotional value other than the generic.

They can certainly whip up some catchy material. But any deeper search into their music yields very little.
You've summed it up. I actually quite like Linkin Park's first album (Hybrid Theory) and it was essentially the soundtrack of my life when I was 11 or so. Unfortunately, once I grew a bit older, I began to recognize that a lot of what's vital is missing... their sound and marketing is too calculated, it's all on the surface.

It could be why I almost seek out musicians that are the opposite, too esoteric and strange for most people to ever like or understand, but whose music actually carries that kind of truth that I can't explain very well.
I personally can't listen to music while playing... keeps me unconcentrated because when music is playing, I cannot hear what is happening in-game. Just wanted to see if anybody else is like this?
im like that..

but now im usually into playing hilarious sounds that are on the server

R.I.P @play 29 <3
I personally can't listen to music while playing... keeps me unconcentrated because when music is playing, I cannot hear what is happening in-game. Just wanted to see if anybody else is like this?
Depends on the game and how much you give a **** about your K/D.
In HL2DM on a killbox map, sound is not very important.
Many might dislike it, but a little bit of Rob Zombie gets me pumping (the 'techno' remixes that is).
SomE nin songs, just like you Imagined pumps me up. also, pantera
I can never listen to music while I'm playing a game, unless it's one that doesn't require my full attention, like grinding in WoW. Especially things like CS or CoD where I rely on sound alot.

Besides those though... instrumental stuff like Explosions in the Sky makes for great in-the-background music.
I actually like Linkin Park, they were the first band I genuinely enjoyed, and the first band that actually got me interested in music. I think they'd hold my interest once their new album comes out (it's been four years already, come on! :P), but they're still a favorite of mine. They usually turn up on my playlist too, often followed by Behold... The Arctopus! (check 'em out; progressive tech metal, so it's the speed of Dragonforce without all the power metal crapola)
^ Same here. Basically for me Linkin Park were a "gateway band", weening me off the crap I was listening to beforehand and eventually leading me on to bigger and better bands. I still listen to them once in awhile, but I'm not a fan like I used to be.