Your Setups?

  • Thread starter Thread starter DreadLord
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Well I'm the kind of guy who usually plays games like CSS. I'm all old school and i use the arrow keys, because in my opinion they have a huuuuge advantage over WASD. My setup usually involves the numpad, insert, home, etc.. and most of the right side of the keyboard.

When I got BF2, there were obvioulsy a ton of controls I'd have to get used to, so I re-did my whole control list to pretty well match my CSS setup. But I couldn't fly for crap with a keyboard and mouse. So right now I'm running a Saitek Cyborg Evo for planes and helicopters, and I am flying ten times easier than before.

I was just wondering what type of setup you guys run. Do any of you use joysticks for flight like me?
I use the default setup, but i changed the parachute to "P".
I use the keyboard and mouse to fly anything, and i upped the sensitivity for planes.
DreadLord1337 said:
match my CSS setup. But I couldn't fly for crap with a keyboard and mouse. So right now I'm running a Saitek Cyborg Evo for planes and helicopters, and I am flying ten times easier than before.

I was just wondering what type of setup you guys run. Do any of you use joysticks for flight like me?

I do, but I need practice. :thumbs:
I use default almost. I use mouse3 as my parachute key. 9 is too far away :P

Gonna set up my joystick soon for planes. I'm fine with helos with just mouse and keyboard.
Default setup and I've got a joystick for flying.
mine is krazy.

t- strafe left
y- strafe right
f- duck
c- jump
space - move backwards
right mouse - move forwards
left mouse - shoot
mouse wheel - change weapons
h - move in/out of vehicle
g - voice communication - never seem to use it.

and bunch of other keys, but too lazy to write. This is the essential part. It's the same for fps generally.
Adidajs said:
mine is krazy.

t- strafe left
y- strafe right
f- duck
c- jump
space - move backwards
right mouse - move forwards
left mouse - shoot
mouse wheel - change weapons
h - move in/out of vehicle
g - voice communication - never seem to use it.

and bunch of other keys, but too lazy to write. This is the essential part. It's the same for fps generally.

WIERD! So you never use iron sights?
Default movement except for crouch and prone (Mouse 4 and Mouse 5). My helicopter controls are all default. The plane is running on a Saitek X-45 joystick. My voice comm is mouse 3 (middle mouse button). My parachute key is default. :P
Everything is is now LeftAlt...that's the only difference. WASD is my baby, and used it back with Duke3d and the sorts
TheSomeone said:
Arrow keys setup SUCK for trickjumping.

That's your view, but i can generally outmaneuver any WASD player in just about any game. the arrow keys setup is far cleaner, and has more buttons. There's a reason WASD wasnt used for years and years after PC games came out. the W isn't even centered unless you have a gaming keyboard, and everythign is so cluttered around it. Now of course it comes down to what you're used to and how you use it, not your setup. I can use arrow keys probably more efficiently than most WASD users can use their WASD setup. I can prime nades and crouch-jump-release them to an exact locaton in dod because of my setup, within 2 feet of my intended target. Something all my WASD clan mates cant seem to do.

It's preference, and im glad im not the only one using a joystick lol
mines all changed.

i've used the same config for years, the default delta force 1:P , match it up as best i can, then config the rest as best i can, arrow keys for movement too...

enter-enter/exit vehicle etc
ins 0-jump
Absolutely stock standard.
Back in 1942 i used the arrow keys to fly planes once i got in, but i had to use the mouse to drop bombs still, which meant a very quick and long hand movement over to the mouse- not very effective.
I just use mouse to fly now, but im not very good at jet fighters.
DreadLord1337 said:
That's your view, but i can generally outmaneuver any WASD player in just about any game. the arrow keys setup is far cleaner, and has more buttons. l

The thing is I used to be a trickjump trainer (as stupid as it sounds) and I kept having to deal with arrow-key configs that couldn't press run and jump at the same time :P or other things.
The only keys different from the default setting:
C for crouch
X for prone
Z for cycle view
F for pick up kit
G for cycle weapons
WASD for movement
E for entering vehicles
R for parachute
G for Map
left ALT for slot 1
back button on my mouse for slot 3
forward button on my mouse for slot 2
f for slot 6

and I can't think of anything else i've changed
TheSomeone said:
The thing is I used to be a trickjump trainer (as stupid as it sounds) and I kept having to deal with arrow-key configs that couldn't press run and jump at the same time :P or other things.

5 on numpad is sprint, and 0 on numpad is jump, i can sprint strafe crouch and jump at the same time if you need me to. :D
DreadLord1337 said:
5 on numpad is sprint, and 0 on numpad is jump, i can sprint strafe crouch and jump at the same time if you need me to. :D

Wait, what finger do you have on left strafe?
TheSomeone said:
Wait, what finger do you have on left strafe?
In order to do what i said, here's the hand setup lol (this is stupid)

Index Finger on Sprint
Thumb on Jump
Middle Finger on Forward
Ring Finger on Left Strafe
and Right clicking for crouch.

If you'd like to see it done... lol

Edit: and before you say right strafe, my middle would move to right strafe, and my ring finger to forward.
@Dreadlord: Really you saying that the arrow keys are far superior to WASD is just silly. That's like saying Bread with butter is so much better than toast with Peanut Butter! It's all personal preferance. The fact that your clanmates cant nade a spot where its needed is their skill fault..not their setup \= just ranting. and my fingers are crooked just perfectly, so in my hands sense, W is centered :P

It's just what your better at, not setup is superior to another really...
CyberPitz said:
@Dreadlord: Really you saying that the arrow keys are far superior to WASD is just silly. That's like saying Bread with butter is so much better than toast with Peanut Butter! It's all personal preferance. The fact that your clanmates cant nade a spot where its needed is their skill fault..not their setup \= just ranting. and my fingers are crooked just perfectly, so in my hands sense, W is centered :P

It's just what your better at, not setup is superior to another really...

DreadLord1337 said:
Now of course it comes down to what you're used to and how you use it, not your setup.

DreadLord1337 said:
Edit: and before you say right strafe, my middle would move to right strafe, and my ring finger to forward.

You have tentacles. Don't deny it.
DreadLord1337 said:
In order to do what i said, here's the hand setup lol (this is stupid)

Index Finger on Sprint
Thumb on Jump
Middle Finger on Forward
Ring Finger on Left Strafe
and Right clicking for crouch.

If you'd like to see it done... lol

Edit: and before you say right strafe, my middle would move to right strafe, and my ring finger to forward.

Not to burst your bubble but that's easy to do with WSAD setup too (ctrl + space + shift + D of A if you had to with the same shifting of fingers that you do + W if that had a use). Too bad you can't even strafe-sprint to begin with.

I think I might make L. Alt my new parachute key and middleclick can be map, then my forward button can be commander channel chat or TS2 chat.
AmishSlayer said:
Not to burst your bubble but that's easy to do with WSAD setup too (ctrl + space + shift + D of A if you had to with the same shifting of fingers that you do + W if that had a use). Too bad you can't even strafe-sprint to begin with.

I think I might make L. Alt my new parachute key and middleclick can be map, then my forward button can be commander channel chat or TS2 chat.

I didn't say it wasn't im just proving arrow keys are just as good.

But yea, I changed my parachute button to mouse3, and right control is my TS key.
Default, except; Y for chat, U for team chat and I for squad chat.
Im curious to know if most of the players here are using shift key to sprint (coming from hl2) cos i do, and have no problems with it, but other people i know are like "wtf?, double-tap w is so much easier"
Heres my setup Look in my SIG

Double tapping forward is NOT easier is it?