Your thoughts on Grindhouse?


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Being as Death Proof has been out about a month now and Planet Terror just came out today I put some thought into buying them both. But I can't be sure that they're any good. Yeah, I've read the reviews and saw what the critics had to say, though I want to hear from some of you what YOU thought of the whole Grindhouse package.

Buy or no buy?
I missed the Grindhouse double-feature at the theatre this summer as well. I would have gladly gone out and rented Grindhouse, except that it does not exits on DVD yet. Sure the two movies are available seperately, but what's the point? It's no longer Grindhouse anymore. Just two B-movies sold at full price. You don't even get the humorous fake trailers on either DVD. I feel that's a big mistake.

My only hope that a special edition will be released in the future with the two movies together, plus the fake trailers all in tact. Personally, I'm just going to wait for that.

I'm kicking myself now because I missed it in theatres. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it too.
Planet Terror was great fun while Death Proof was a little boring but still really good.

They're on DVD now?... But being sold separately? That's a dumb idea.
I'm going to wait until they're out together on the same dvd with the adverts. I assume there will be a directors cut or special edition.
death proof was good...although i was disappointed by the last 30 minutes of it.
Death Proof was brilliant, a perfect ending. Planet Terror on the other hand was just....average, I guess I'm just a bigger fan of Tarantino's writing but Planet Terror just seemed so empty compared to Death Proof
I thought they were both really average films. Planet Terror was a good laugh but nothing more, and Death Proof was good for the first hour or so and then it all went downhill
I thought the last 30 mins of Death Proof was the best part, the car chase was amazing
Loved Death Proof beyond anything. But Planet Terror doesn't even have a release date over here. :frown:
I thought the last 30 mins of Death Proof was the best part, the car chase was amazing


I was getting bored, i mean you could obviously tell they were going 30mph, and it was just 10 minutes of
*hit*, everybody scream, the girl on the hood wiggles around a bit, repeat.

Then it got hood after they both spun out, but then it got bad again when
the guy was like, "i'm sorry! i was just kidding around!" and then he started to cry when they crashed.

I did like the film as a whole though, the ending was just weak I thought.
I enjoyed both :)

In Deathproof I thought it was pretty stupid that in the car chase in the end they kept on going with the girl on the hood, instead of simply stopping (and they had plenty of time to do that, get her back in the car and continue from there).

It was interesting to see the actress playing Pam in Deathproof as Cherry in Planet Terror, such a different character.
Both movies are equally great for different reasons. But it's a lot less fun to watch them seperately than it is to watch them in a movie theater. Still, buy both and do a double-feature, or something.
Don't buy anything that doesn't involve hobo with a shotgun or maniac Nicolas Cage.
Why was the film split in half, anyway? I heard it came out in America and people just didn't get it and to be honest that pisses me off because now the only thing we're getting over here (for a while) is some shitty dumbed down version which defeats the point of the entire thing.
Question : Do either of the DVDs come with the hilarious trailers?!

If not, I'm not buying.
Question : Do either of the DVDs come with the hilarious trailers?!

If not, I'm not buying.

Nope. The faux trailers from the Grindhouse feature film are not included.

I'm seeing Death Proof tonight anyway.
I like the first half of Deathproof, but the second act was shit (despite the stunt driving). I just didn't buy the characters of the girls at all, and the dialog was just plain dire, and they all talked with one voice (namely Quentins). I'd say rent it,rather than buy it. Let's face it in 6 months they'll no doubt release a grindhouse extended special edition directors cut with commentary, not that I'm cynical or anything. :dozey:
Death Proof
I love his movies but this is by far the worst piece of Tarantino's film work.
Kurt Russell could've used a jump start to his career,this certainly didn't help though.
With the exception of Kurt,i found whole cast quite obnoxious.
Zoe Bell should stick to her stunt work and get that ****ing smirk of her face.
If i see Rosario Dawson in one more ****ing independent movie, i'll have to slit my wrists.The only gratifying thing i got out this is when Stuntman Mike does his deed and turns the first group into minced meat with his car.
Give us Inglorious Bastards and quit ****ing about.

Planet Terror
Gotta love Robert Rodriguez.
He can work with any type of movie genre without ****ing it up.
This guy is the modern day John Carpenter imo.I just hope that he doesn't lose his way like good ol Johnny.Anyway,the movie is just pure mindless fun.
Cheesy and cliched all over the place.
It's a blockbuster B movie with great character actors and some long forgotten stars.
If you're a fan of zombie/survival movies that don't take themselves too serious then you are going to enjoy this very much.
Tarantino's balls falling off sealed the deal for me.