Your typical day


May 5, 2004
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What's your typical day like?


wake up at 7:30 ...usually by my 8 month old son playing with my ear :)
walk my dog
get ready for work
out the door by 8:40
work from 9:00 to 5:00 (spend far too much time here during work hours)
get home, have dinner
play with son till it's his bath time, put him to bed
hang out with wife till about 10 pm, walk dog
jump on the computer, surf, work a bit, play games till 12:30
go to bed
this is just for the summer..

i normally wake up between the hours of 7 and 8 in the morning. a bit later if i've been up late.
go for a jog depending on the weather.
spend an hour or so surfing the net or whatever.
spend the rest of the day doing design work, maybe taking the odd half an hour to play some games.
have dinner and then go to bed around 12-2am.

during term time i usually have to go to lectures if i'm up to it.
wake up at 5 pm. Talk to someone about my odd sleep schedule.
5pm - 7 pm become hungry. get something to eat while procrastinating.
7 pm - 11 pm play a game of some sort
11 pm - 2am get bored with said game, troll the forums
2 am greet the brits with a good morning
2:30 am discuss the merits of education and work with sparrow
3:00-3:30 yell at brian damage for not being around, greet crushenator, make fun of him for glowing flies, yell at varg and steal his girlfriend
4 am - 5 am: discuss tea with badger
5 am: get tired
between 5 and 7: starcraft with swedes
later: sleep or not, tis the question.
cybersheep you have the oddest schedule dad would have killed me if I got up at 5 pm when I was living at my parents home
Wake up 11ish, comtemplate doing something for 12ish hours (much of that time spent sitting here), bed. Today is different though, I have a friend over and he has PS2 :):)

/me takes off his hat to cybor
I'm doing an internship in an bank in CZ this month so my typical day now is very different from my usual lifestyle, plus I'm back in my parents house for my stay here: I actually have to wake up in the morning :laugh:

8am: I wake up and I get ready.
9am-5pm: pretend I'm doing work in front of the pc, greet customers with a fake smile all day, troll the forums a lot to pass time.
6pm-2am: watch TV, troll some more.

Funny thing is, out of the bazillion channels on TV I can't find anything good to watch except National Geographic :laugh:

I'm going back home on the fifth, and my typical day back there is very simple: wake up, games all day!
Summer: Get up, eat, come online find that no one is awake then go and play final fantasy 8/9. (10.30 am - 1.30).
Lunch + tv
Go outside for 2-15 minutes
Go on computer play diablo/ come one here/ msn.
9:00-11.30 play timesplitters2 with brothers
12: bed.
9am: Drag self out of bed muttering about the damn over-enthusiastic sun.
9:30am: Finish dragging self out of bed. Start doing something productive like opening eyes.
10am: Eat breakfast. Put milk back in the cupboard and cereal back in the icebox.
10:30am: Wake up in shower when the hot water runs out. Utter bad words.
11am: Ready to face the world. Walk toward door and rest hand on door knob. Pause.
11:15am: Open door briskly, step outside, loudly curse the world and the unnatural hours it keeps. Step back inside.
11:16: Return to bed. Fall asleep waiting for the next glorious day on Earth to come around.
Summer schedule:
12:00pm - 12:30PM: I wake up
12:30pm - 12:40pm: listen to music to wake me up some
12:40pm - 1:00pm: Drink coffee...mmmmm
1:00pm - 4:00pm: sit my ass on the computer, usually wasting time here. Oh yeah, I eat sometime in this time period
4:00pm - 5:20pm: More computer time
5:20pm - 7:30pm: Go to Karate class
7:30pm - 8:00pm: Eat dinner
8:00pm - 1:30am: Play PC games
1:30am - 2:30am: Watch Pr0n
2:30am - 3:00am: Read in my room
3:00am-12:00pm sleeeep

School Schedule:
6:00AM - wake up, grumbling and swearing
6:00AM-6:30 Take a long shower, trying to stay conscious
6:30-6:57- Get coffee and look at some websites for updates
6:57- go out to the bus, ignore the annoying pale kid whos my neighbor
7:04- arrive at school
7:20 - 2:20 bullshit my way through highschool
2:30 - 3:30 or 4 - eat food and read stuff on the computer
4:00-5:20 - do homework
5:20-7:30 - go to Karate
7:30 - 8 Eat dinner
8:20-11:00 sit on computer and watch tv
11:00-6:00am - sweet slumber
neutrino you realise you spend 15 minutes standing in front of the door!!! I'm envious :)
Get up at 6 am

play a game till 10am

eat breakfast

check forums/play games till 10pm

eat a pizza

crank off

go to sleep around 2 am.
CptStern said:
neutrino you realise you spend 15 minutes standing in front of the door!!! I'm envious :)

It's a small moment of calm in a hectic world.
hmmmm some people (alcoholics especially) would call them "blackouts" should probably consult a physician :)
CptStern said:
neutrino you realise you spend 15 minutes standing in front of the door!!! I'm envious :)

That's not his real problem Stern! He sleeps all friggin' day :laugh:
CptStern said:
hmmmm some people (alcoholics especially) would call them "blackouts" should probably consult a physician :)

Bah, last time I saw him he had the gall to tell me excessive sunlight doesn't kill, the quack!
Wake up 11am-12pm
Take the dog out
Listen to some music, visit some sites while doing this, spam forums!!!
eat something sooner or later
play pc games
school work
more pc games :)
more pc games
settle down and chat on aim to friends
play some more pc games from about 11pm-2am
then sleep.

During school...

I have to be in school at 7:30..

7 am- wake up
7:05 -get in shower
7:10 - get out of shower and get dressed
7:20 - get in car and on my way to school
7:28 - running up the staires to get to my first period class before the bell rings.

2:15 pm get out of school go to locker room to get ready for practice.
5:00 finish practice and drag my tired ass home
5-6 watch tv/browse forums.
7- eat dinner
7-11 watch tv/browse forums/talk to people on AIM/ do homework.
My schedule

1:00 PM - Wake up
1:15 PM - Go on computer/forums
3:00 PM - Eat something so I can continue my pathetic existance
5:00 PM - Get yelled at for being on computer
5:15 PM - Do something
6:45 PM - Eat dinner
7:30 PM - Do stuff
8:30 PM - Go on computer/forums
1:00 AM - Watch cartoon network
2:00 AM - Brush Teeth
2:05 AM - Sleep

Of course I sometimes do those things in all sorts of random orders. Going to sleep also occurs at 4 AM some times and waking up sometimes is 2 or 3 PM.
well, heres my schedule for today... heres a recap of what happened earlier!
wake up at 5 pm. Talk to someone about my odd sleep schedule.
5pm - 7 pm become hungry. get something to eat while procrastinating.
7 pm - 11 pm play a game of some sort
11 pm - 2am get bored with said game, troll the forums
2 am greet the brits with a good morning
2:30 am discuss the merits of education and work with sparrow
3:00-3:30 yell at brian damage for not being around, greet crushenator, make fun of him for glowing flies, yell at varg and steal his girlfriend
4 am - 5 am: discuss tea with badger
5 am: get tired
between 5 and 7: starcraft with swedes
7-11: watch naruto, very tiredly. troll forums.
11am - 1 pm: get excrciatingly tired. talk to erestheux about how tired I am.
1pm-2pm: boy am I tired.
2:30: decide to jog to starbucks in sandals(ouch) for a caffeine dose
3pm: I get back, talk to iyrehscthooks about how I'm not wearing pants
3pm - now: still no pants, compliment ooroztigz about looking like jesus

I think I am winning so far
Schoolday schedule:

wake up on mondays 6:55 AM , other workdays 7:55 AM.
7:55 AM - 8:40 am shower, breakfast and clothes and stuff
8:40am get my Yamaha DT 125 cc motorcycle out of the carage and drive to school.
8:50am arrive at school.
up to 4pm school.
after 4pm at home: eat
after 4:30 do my homework and use the comp. maybe some work outside or go driving around
about 11:30 pm (23:30) sleep
CyberSh33p said:
well, heres my schedule for today... heres a recap of what happened earlier!
wake up at 5 pm. Talk to someone about my odd sleep schedule.
5pm - 7 pm become hungry. get something to eat while procrastinating.
7 pm - 11 pm play a game of some sort
11 pm - 2am get bored with said game, troll the forums
2 am greet the brits with a good morning
2:30 am discuss the merits of education and work with sparrow
3:00-3:30 yell at brian damage for not being around, greet crushenator, make fun of him for glowing flies, yell at varg and steal his girlfriend
4 am - 5 am: discuss tea with badger
5 am: get tired
between 5 and 7: starcraft with swedes
7-11: watch naruto, very tiredly. troll forums.
11am - 1 pm: get excrciatingly tired. talk to erestheux about how tired I am.
1pm-2pm: boy am I tired.
2:30: decide to jog to starbucks in sandals(ouch) for a caffeine dose
3pm: I get back, talk to iyrehscthooks about how I'm not wearing pants
3pm - now: still no pants, compliment ooroztigz about looking like jesus

I think I am winning so far
I'm hurt;( you don't talk to me.....
Do you actually see much daylight anymore?


Fancy talking about the merits of work and education?
MY schedule sucks arse...

7:00am Alarm Goes off... (on my mobile phone-my actual alarm is too far away) Hit Snooze
7:10am see above...
7:20am realise i have to get dressed/washed and out the door in 10 minutes
7:32am leave for the bus 2 minutes late...
7:32am-7:39am run like mad to the bus stop
7:40am-7:45am wait for the bus if its late
7:45am-8:00am ride the bus to "town"
8:00am buy 2 tracker bars and a bottle of water
8:01am-8:08am wait for train eat 2 tracker bars have a sip of water
8:08am-8:55am sit on train reading a book/drinking water listening to music...
8:55am-9am walk to work
9:00am-1pm pretend to work
1pm-1:30pm Have lunch (buying lunch from pretty girls in sandwich shops ;) )
1:30pm-1:40pm sit at computer viewing forums/news sites...
1:40-5pm pretend to work some more
5:00-5:05pm walk to train station listening to music
5:05-5:13pm wait for train to set off...
5:13-5:45pm sit on train reading book listening to music
5:45-5:52pm wait for bus
5:52-6:10pm ride bus home
6:10-6:30pm walk home
6:30-7pm eat stuff
7pm-12am mess about on computer
12am-1am go to bed and put on a DVD
~12am-~1am pass out leaving tv and dvd playing...

repeat 5 days a week...

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hmmmm....I'm intimidated. Here goes,

summer (work schedule =(...

4:30 am - wake up (hahahahahahahahhahahah)
4:44 am - somehow find my way downstairs to make my lunch for the day. I can't begin to describe how hard it is to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich at this hour of the morning, nevermind actually making a lunch.
5:08 am - Out the door to start a fresh new day at my favorite job working for a tennis court company.
5:30; arrive at work...sleep in my car for around 3 minutes
5:33; load up trucks with paint and other such materials to go wherever the hell we need to go (guys i work with are crazy)
-if a long ride...hour and a half -----I sleep untill the driver violently rocks the car back and forth while speeding on the highway in excess of 85 miles an hour to try and wake me up...(it usually works)
-if short...20 minutes, I wish for some higher power to make my passing quick
3:30 - 8:00 pm - Finish work and go home to troll forums, have dinner, read MaximumPC or PCGamer, then go to bed for another exciting day. (Sometimes I work Saturdays too =()

But thankfully, I stoped working a couple days ago so now I'm free!....And tired!
An average schedule this summer:

Wake up anywhere from 7:00-8:00
Work out (run or do weight training) for about 45 minutes
Breakfast / early lunch
Spend the rest of the day doing whatever needs to be done (summer work, piano practice, job stuff...), then fill in the holes with reading, listening to music, and using the computer
more random stuff until i go to bed...usually by 12:00
I'm surprised no one mentioned wanking in their typical day yet :laugh:
CB | Para said:
I'm surprised no one mentioned wanking in their typical day yet :laugh:

i think that it was just expected that everyone here is wanking while they do everything else

i dont have a schedueal cuz i have terrible sleeping paterns so


while wanking durning the intire time of course
Dalamari said:
crank off
sorry to rain on your paradae parararar :P

so far, mine: continued: 4pm-7pm: talk a lot with yuri'sducks and farrow and stuff! I think! that was a while ago!
7-9: grow very tired
9-11: become insanely giddy and thank someone a whole lot
11pm: sleep
2:30 am: woken up by drunk dad, drive oover to friends house
3:00am - 5am: talk with sparrow about fake political parties, look at varg's hawt face
5:am go to sleep gadamit!
Revisedsoul said:
i think that it was just expected that everyone here is wanking while they do everything else

You're right, here take Sashwash for example:

Spend the rest of the day doing whatever needs to be done (summer work, piano practice, job stuff...), then fill in the holes with reading, listening to music, and using the computer.

Wakeup at 9am
Take a bus to gym at 10am
Finish gym at 1pm
Home at 2pm
On the internet up to 1am

or after gym I go out with my m8s up to 11pm

for today I have a Job [scurity] starting at 6pm-4am

SO For today I ll miss these forums. :)
KidRock said:
7:05 -get in shower
7:10 - get out of shower and get dressed

Damn, even when I was at school I was still taking half hour showers...