Youtube to pay $$ for your videos!


Dec 13, 2005
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Chad Hurley said:
DAVOS, Switzerland -- Chad Hurley, co-founder of YouTube, said Saturday that his wildly successful site will start sharing revenue with its millions of users.

Hurley said one of the major proposed innovations is a way to allow users to be paid for content. YouTube, which was sold to Google for $1.65 billion in November, has become an Internet phenomenon since it started catching on in late 2005. About 70 million videos are viewed on the site daily.

''We are getting an audience large enough where we have an opportunity to support creativity, to foster creativity through sharing revenue with our users,'' Hurley said. ''So in the coming months we are going to be opening that up.''
As long as we don't have to pay to watch, I'm in.
All the people who mirror random popular videos and get thousands of hits must be foaming at the mouth atm.

Assuming this profit sharing is based on video popularity.
Heh, they'll have to crack down on copyrighted material... 'get paid to upload illegal content!'
Sounds like individuals will just pay users for videos they like
If they charge me to watch, it better be in 1080i.
Am I the only one who sees this as a really bad idea.
Firstly you wouldn't be able to put up copywrited material because you
would be making a profit.
Secondly if anyone has ever used ninemsn videos which have adds before
each clip it's annoying as.

I just think it's fine the way it is and this is just a way to get more money.
I just think it's fine the way it is and this is just a way to get more money. people money is a way to get more money? And since when is making a profit bad? They aren't getting the money from us, just advertisements and other small things like that
All the people who mirror random popular videos and get thousands of hits must be foaming at the mouth atm.

Assuming this profit sharing is based on video popularity.

I hope that isn't how it works, since that way we'll get more people trying to "trick" you into watching their video...almost like the whole, "CLICK HERE FOR A FREE IPOD!" We'll see ads saying, "CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE FUNNIEST VIDEO EVER!"
and it's nothing.
I hope that isn't how it works, since that way we'll get more people trying to "trick" you into watching their video...almost like the whole, "CLICK HERE FOR A FREE IPOD!" We'll see ads saying, "CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE FUNNIEST VIDEO EVER!"
and it's nothing.

lol well the ad worked for you.
No doubt you'll need to confirm a lot of details before you get any money - meaning the stuff you upload will have to be absolutely your own content. The only reason people feel free to upload copyrighted material at the moment is because they're completely anonymous. I doubt anyone will be so willing when they've given out all their details.
This nullifies the Heroes joke,

"I'm gonna put this on Youtube and get like a million bucks!"
"Youtube is free, stupid."

I honestly don't see the need to pay users for their videos. I don't care how creative they are; what's the point? Why SHOULD they be paid?
Because they're entertaining you for free?

I honestly don't know, I haven't thought about it enough
Maybe they will be organizing it in a way of a contest? Like, most popular video releases for the month gets $1,000.
Well since revver started doing it they are just making sure they keep their video base while gaining new people. They get ad money and the popular videos give em more hits. Why not spread it around as some incentive to continue?

Although it might be a good idea if it was based on views AND ratings,favorites or honors so they don't encourage linking to crappy videos for more views and money.
Although it might be a good idea if it was based on views AND ratings,favorites or honors so they don't encourage linking to crappy videos for more views and money.

it will happen
the most paid videos will be crappy stuff like people defecating

is youtube after all
Am I the only one who sees this as a really bad idea.
Firstly you wouldn't be able to put up copywrited material because you would be making a profit.
Secondly if anyone has ever used ninemsn videos which have adds before each clip it's annoying as.
Err, you AREN'T allowed to put up copyrighted stuff anyway. They are getting sued by a few companies, and have a team of people that search for and delete copyrighted stuff. They even have acoustic software to help them try to detect ripped off music videos and movies etc.
Err, you AREN'T allowed to put up copyrighted stuff anyway. They are getting sued by a few companies, and have a team of people that search for and delete copyrighted stuff. They even have acoustic software to help them try to detect ripped off music videos and movies etc.

You're so predictable.
You're so predictable.
Yes, being right IS just expected of me these days. Just like flaming people for pointing out cold hard facts is expected of YOU. Do you think I should have just let people like him think you were legally allowed to upload copyrighted material? (Oh wait - I don't care what you think.) I'm helping make you all better people by spreading the knowledge around.
Yes, being right IS just expected of me these days. Just like flaming people for pointing out cold hard facts is expected of YOU. Do you think I should have just let people like him think you were legally allowed to upload copyrighted material? (Oh wait - I don't care what you think.) I'm helping make you all better people by spreading the knowledge around.

I didn't claim anything at all.

Would you quit ****ing starting shit with him. You're the one letting him bother you, he didn't even do anything wrong.

Err, you AREN'T allowed to put up copyrighted stuff anyway. They are getting sued by a few companies, and have a team of people that search for and delete copyrighted stuff. They even have acoustic software to help them try to detect ripped off music videos and movies etc.

.... what about the stuff that the makers don't mind being posted on youtube but wouldn't like the idea of people being able to profit from there work, even if it is only for a short time till they get pulled off.

Also I think you people took me a BIT too literally, there is a community of people who make a share videos with no need of compensation. I don't think it is a good idea to start paying people to post things on the site, if they want to make money from their work there are other ways to do it. I'll save judgment for when the program starts like the rest of you should.
The only people who will get paid are those people who have uploaded content that belongs to them.

In other words, if you want YouTube to give you some money, go out and create something worthwhile. The guy who took a picture of himself for 5 years is a case in point. He must be a bit annoyed now.