Zack Snyder to direct new Superman


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score

I thought that it was a rumor at first but looks it's true.

I wish the guy good luck. I liked most of his movies. Let's hope that he can pull it off. If it were up to me, i'd cast Jon Hamm in the title role. He's the look and the acting chops. Just gotta put some muscle on him.
Really, out of the directors he had lined up it seemed like none of them really had any action movie experience.

I just hope Snyder doesn't go and put an ungodly amount of slo-mo in this movie too.
I hope Supes will inform us at some point that, rather than madness, THIS. IS. KRYPTON.
meh chances are it'll be crappy. superman as a concept doesnt translate that well to modern times. there's no room for an uber-mensch in today's society. it would probably work better as a parody than as straight up realism
I think Brandon Routh was a pretty good supes, even if the film in general was lacking. No need to replace him.
The problem with Superman is that he's simplistic, anachronistic, and has nothing to say. He's invincible, and can only ever succumb to one thing (Kryptonite). No matter the storyline, you can ask yourself two questions and know whether there is any reason to be worried.

1. Is there Kryptonite involved?
2. Will Lex Luthor show up?

If the answers are no, then there's no reason to care what happens. He's not gonna die, and it's not as if Superman is going to reveal some deep truth about human nature in lieu of mortal danger. If the answers are yes... you still don't care, because Lex Luthor is a shitty villain.

There is nothing left for Superman to say unless the franchise undergoes a massive and fundamental reboot. The show Smallville was good for the first season or so because it treated Superman in a way that didn't shoehorn every storyline into that boring will-he-or-won't-he-beat-up-Lex-Luthor failure of dramatic tension. He was treated as at least partially human, with flaws that extend beyond "aw, I can't reveal my identity and get the girl :(", and that made him interesting for once.

If this movie is in the same vein as Superman Returns and follows in the footsteps of every other Superman stereotype before it, it's just going to be another example of how irrelevant the franchise is outside of vague WW2-era jingoism.

Oh, and John Hamm would make a decent Superman, I agree.
zack snyder? my interest has already been killed tbh :|
Is John Hamm tall enough? He's only barely 6ft. Reeve was 6'4" and Routh 6'3"

Technically Supes is also vulnerable to magic and telepathy iirc, as well as extreme blunt force (Doomsday for example).
Knowing Zack I could see him doing a Doomsday plot, at least if he were to get a sequel to what may be an origin. Nice and OTT.
As much as i like Chris Reeve's Superman, i don't want another homage to those movies.
Bryan Singer tried it and it didn't work. Brandon Routh may have a similar look but he neither has the talent nor the charm of Reeve. Sorry, but no! What we need is a reboot like the new Batman movies.
Grounded, serious in tone but filled with action and none of the drawn out, soap opera, drama bullshit from Singer's movie. As for the villain, General Zod appears to be the front runner atm.