Zalman HSF Bad, Help!,


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
I hooked this up to the fanmate and put the fanmate pin on the MOBO, The fanmate works fine it speeds up the Fan and slows it down. But even with the fanmate not attached, i get a CPU ERROR, "CPU FAN FAIL" right on boot up, bu tits not its spinning, im looking at it now.

Even after a direct connection it gives the error, anyone has this fan? any advice?

Asus Q fan is disabled by default, it still gives error, when i enable it, Bios wont even boot up, it just sits there forever.

I have a:

Athlon 3500+ Winchester
Asus SLI
Asus x800xtpe pcix
Hyperx 2x512

so when you boot up it's not spinning? I don't know when it's spinning and when it's not :S

(btw, fix your spacing, it looks a little weird now :p)
My HSF works all the time BUT, on startup it says CPU FAN FAILED, but it did not fail it still works, mobo is not detecting the fan but wires are in fine and everything looks good, system gets max 44C hardcore gaming any game. it works

but it gives an error, why i dont know, anyway to fix this?
so, the os is giving you the error?

what os is it?
i turn on my computer, it says CPU FAN FAIL

i look at CPU fan its on,

it boots up normaly and im running normally.

all is pluged in and everythign is updated, why dosent it recognize the cpu fan running?

asus sli
If it's not any direct problem (you can still run stuff and the fan is actualy spinning) just ignore it. I also have an asus mobo and from time to time it gives me "Memory test failed" but it just runs like normal.
FireCrack said:
If it's not any direct problem (you can still run stuff and the fan is actualy spinning) just ignore it. I also have an asus mobo and from time to time it gives me "Memory test failed" but it just runs like normal.
in that case, you should run memtest just to be sure
it sounds like the mobo is giving the fault, possibly a bios error. Could always flash to a new version. Also you could try another fan in there to see if it gives the error.
it sounds like your BIOS is checking the temperature of the cpu at bootup, and the cpu is too hot so it issues a warning. you may want to check that the heastink is applied properly to the cpu.