Zelda:Twilight Princess DELAYED!

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
If anyone cares, here's the story.

I am upset because I was very much anticipating this title for the holiday season, but I guess I can wait as more polish is always good and new levels sounds great too. Maybe the Revolution will be out by around then too!

2006 is looking very good indeed!

EDIT: Here's IGN's take.
*Direwolf chalks this up there with "The ocean is wet!" and "Girls are weird!." :D
poo :(

*remembers the Oot wait and shudders*
Not that most of us didn't see it coming, but this is still really disappointing. I was looking forward to Twilight Princess more than any game in the next year. Even worse, this will basically make the game an anachronism, as it will be released in the months when the next gen systems are stealing all of the limelight. I can definitely see Nintendo delaying it even further and pulling a Starfox Adventures - who knows when we'll see this game?
This game is the only reason I'm keeping my GameCube, I think I might just sell it now and wait til I get the revolution to play it
Narcolepsy said:
Not that most of us didn't see it coming, but this is still really disappointing. I was looking forward to Twilight Princess more than any game in the next year. Even worse, this will basically make the game an anachronism, as it will be released in the months when the next gen systems are stealing all of the limelight. I can definitely see Nintendo delaying it even further and pulling a Starfox Adventures - who knows when we'll see this game?

Let's not go crazy and compare the new Zelda with Starfox Adventures (which was a crock of shite)

It may lose much of its limelight, but I very much doubt that any of the next gen consoles will have a title that can match it on release.

OoT is timeless, and still on par with the very best games this generation of consoles/pcs have to offer. Hopefully the new Zelda will be the same :)
Warbie said:
Let's not go crazy and compare the new Zelda with Starfox Adventures (which was a crock of shite)

It may lose much of its limelight, but I very much doubt that any of the next gen consoles will have a title that can match it on release.

OoT is timeless, and still on par with the very best games this generation of consoles/pcs have to offer. Hopefully the new Zelda will be the same :)
Yeah, I agree with everything you say there. :) It's not that I think any of the other consoles will be able to outdo Zelda on release, just that to the average consumer who buys what he sees on TV and what is currently "in", Zelda won't seem like nearly as big of a deal anymore. It's not bad for us, but for Nintendo as a business. It's sad, but graphics alone have way too much of a hold on many people.
Delays are part of games..I got over it..especially with HL2.
Darnit :(

Warbie said:
poo :(

*remembers the Oot wait and shudders*

How long was that, exactly? I became an Oot fan after a spontaneous purchase of the Wind Waker, whihc I thought I would regret (how wrong I was!).
Argh, i remember the wait for OOT. And reading all those awesome magazine articles just didn't help at all :p

But i'll get this no matter what. I don't mind waiting for it. In fact, it would be cool if it was a release title for the Revolution. It'd sell the revolution to me :)
Suicide42 said:
How long was that, exactly? I became an Oot fan after a spontaneous purchase of the Wind Waker, whihc I thought I would regret (how wrong I was!).

I can't remember, it seemed like years and years. Was well worth it though :)
there is something more in this delay than meets the eye, The excuse Nintendo gave of “more levels” and stuff just doesn’t cut it, the game was scheduled for November released which means it was pretty much done and ready, the layout of the game (levels, difficulty, etc) is created way before the final stages before release, they have a complete game that they will put in the vault to counterattack PS3 release, they might as well pull a Starfox Adventure here as Narcolepsy said…
I think Nintendo would much rather get this released for Christmas than try and compete with the PS3.
Jeez Nintendo, sort it out.

Thankfully True Crime: New York City and the forthcoming Ultimate Spider-man are being released on Cube. :hmph:
Well that's a bit annoying, to be honest it's the only reason I've still got this Gamecube. Awesome paper-weight though! :p
:flame: :flame: :flame:
:dozey: :dozey: :dozey:
:hmph: :hmph: :hmph:

Well there goes me playing anything good during the winter months :monkee:
Unless anyone can show me otherwise?
Just got home from work to hear a GameStop employee telling me my reservation on TP is still valid, but the game was delayed. Oh well, I can wait.
rAdIOhEaD said:
there is something more in this delay than meets the eye, The excuse Nintendo gave of “more levels” and stuff just doesn’t cut it, the game was scheduled for November released which means it was pretty much done and ready, the layout of the game (levels, difficulty, etc) is created way before the final stages before release, they have a complete game that they will put in the vault to counterattack PS3 release, they might as well pull a Starfox Adventure here as Narcolepsy said…

Nintendo has said they've delayed it in order to include some "incredible new elements" into the game. :O

And IMO there's no way they will scrap those finished-quality graphics, and redevelop the whole game for Revolution - not after parading it as the Cube's crowning glory at TWO E3 expos. No chance!
I think the game will come out late for GC, and will also serve as an early Rev launch title. :P

Hell, maybe those incredible new elements will require the game to be played on a Revolution?

Whatever... I'm glad they chose to delay it and to not do a "Wind Waker"- ie, releasing the game unfinished and with a gaping hole in the middle. If it turns out to be as complete a game as OOT, I really don't care when it comes out!
OOT was my favorite game of all time, so I'm really looking forward to this.
I wonder if this has any effect on the release of the Revolution??


As of now, I'd like the game to be tuned for a Revolution release. We're already going to be waiting out of our asses for it, just put the damn thing on the Revolution, Nintendo.
Lt. Drebin said:
I wonder if this has any effect on the release of the Revolution??


As of now, I'd like the game to be tuned for a Revolution release. We're already going to be waiting out of our asses for it, just put the damn thing on the Revolution, Nintendo.

Yeah, I was actually under the impression that there was already a next-gen Zelda underway for the Revolution, along with a next-gen Mario and other Nintendo staples. I really don't get this delay, but I can certainly wait, though I have become so sick of delays as "the norm." Like gas prices--"They'll get used to it!"
Well its a good thing Nintendo are the best developers in the world, otherwise i'd be upset. Now Twilight Princess will only get better.
Well, at least now I can invest time in figuring out:

a) What the hell the boys at Capcom were smokin' when they made Killer 7.

b) Where I can get some of it.

I don't care about the delay all that much. As long as the game shines when it's released, you can rest assured of my happiness.
Sparta said:
Well its a good thing Nintendo are the best developers in the world, otherwise i'd be upset. Now Twilight Princess will only get better.

I agree that it will only get better now, but there's simply no point in putting it on the GameCube in the year when most people are going to be trading in their old consoles for the next gen. They have to figure there will be less GameCubes in circulation and people will have to wait for the Revolution.

Why drop such a high profile title at the END of a console's life....literally at the end?? This is a move devoid of business sense. I mean, April 06 at LEAST. You have to believe that if the Revolution is not out by then, the GameCube will be slumping big time. And forget about additional GCN sales....I wouldn't buy one then....wait for the Revolution since it's backwards-compatible. This is assinine and I'm forced to believe LOZ:TP is being moved to the Revolution. I honestly expect an announcement soon.
If that's the case, then it'll be a Revolution title that fails to take advantage of the Revolution's superior hardware, unless they completely redo it.
It'd make more sense to release it as a GC game, while pointing out that it can also be played on the Revolution.
Pi Mu Rho said:
If that's the case, then it'll be a Revolution title that fails to take advantage of the Revolution's superior hardware, unless they completely redo it.

Well, that's kinda what I was getting at. We're waiting this long as it is, I certainly won't mind an additional wait if it's moved to the Revolution.

Pi Mu Rho said:
It'd make more sense to release it as a GC game, while pointing out that it can also be played on the Revolution.

I simply couldn't disagree more. As much as all of us will appreciate the better game that we're getting, as a Nintendo fan, I can't appreciate the foolish business decision they're making. I want them to continue making these brilliant games....this title is SOOOO high profile, Nintendo is going to take a hit initially when LOZ doesn't FLY off the shelves. I certainly wouldn't have any problem waiting for the Revolution....especially if I didn't have a GC. Why would I drop $100 a matter of months before I'll have to drop another $300 for a system that plays the same games. I certainly see your POV, but I feel the hit they'd take from the game not selling as well may be more than the hit to rework it for the Revolution. If it's not announce for the Revolution then I see Nintendo delaying the Rev as well. They cannot afford to divert attention from what is sure to be am EPIC title.
SearanoX said:
I admin a Zelda forum...you guys can't imagine how pissed off some people there are. ;)

I don't mind the delay at all. I have more to do than play Zelda, talk about Zelda and wait for the next Zelda to come out. This isn't a bad move on Nintendo's part - with proper marketing, this game will be huge, even if it isn't released during the holiday season. Yes, they're taking a bite in sales, but they're doing so in order to release the best game of the generation, and hoping the reviews and hype will do their work. Don't lose faith so quickly; a game can sell millions even if it isn't premiered during the holidays, and Zelda is also the type of game that will sell, and continue to sell, for years to come. Don't forget about the preorder bonus as well. I think we've got something good in store.

Well, if I'm Nintendo, I don't want anything stealing this game's fire....nothing. The immenant release of the Revolution is going to do that. Nothing will be worse than the first game on the Revolution making this game obsolete...then it's forgotten by 90% of console gamers. Then we'll have people saying, "they should have just put it on the Revolution" and who know, reviewer like IGN and Gamepot, etc might factor that into the review...."it would have been better on the Rev, etc.". This is not the way to do this. I'll wait until 2007 if it means it will be a Revolution release.
I very much doubt any game released on the Revolution, or any other next gen console, could make TP obsolete.

I'd rather get TP when it's finished and on the GC. We'll get the next Zelda title on the Revolution soon enough :)
Warbie said:
I very much doubt any game released on the Revolution, or any other next gen console, could make TP obsolete.

Sorry, but you know a large percentage of gamers are just that shallow.

Again, this isn't about TP being a great game....in my mind that is a foregone conclusion.....this is about smart and savy business moves being made by a company that has a struggling public image. I have ZERO problem waiting until 2007 if it means Nintendo does better as a company.