Zelda Wii mirrored?


Aug 22, 2003
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Does Wii Twilight Princess use a mirror mode to turn Link right-handed? Nintendo's legendary producer explains.
I didn't realize that they mirrored the entire game just so Link could be right-handed (correct me if i'm wrong). It won't matter to me since I am right-handed and won't be playing both Wii and GC versions. It will be the same gameplay. But it is a wierd solution rather than just having an option to mirror the model for right and left-handed people. Lefties are sorta out on this one unless they wanna use the sword in their right and shield in their left hand (they can use it left-handed but it would just not match what's on the screen). I think it would be better to have the model match which hand you use the sword in.

Did a search and didn't see this posted. It's dated yesterday so I figured it was at least somewhat new. =p
Hahaha! Weird! Makes sense I guess, but its certainly indicative of the kinds of things devs are going to have to think about when designing and developing games for the Wii.
Haha, thats extreme. Go Nintendo!
Don't see why they couldnt have just mirrored Links model though.
I just hope they go through the game and catch all the direction's given to the player and make sure they are correct.
"Go to the east to find...I mean west."
I'm pissed about this because I'm left handed. Lamers.

Lucky thing is I've been playing right handed all my life (because of shit sinistral support in all games), so it doesn't bother me.
I reckon it's because there are animations that require left-handedness. So it makes sense. I think I'm right in saying that. Like the Master Sword-in-the-Stone seen in the recent trailer.

You never know, both versions may be included for purists and lefties?
You never know, both versions may be included for retards and lefties?

Fixed :P

dekstar said:
I'm pissed about this because I'm left handed. Lamers.

Lucky thing is I've been playing right handed all my life (because of shit sinistral support in all games), so it doesn't bother me.

I know, I'm a lefty too. When I heard they changed Link to righty I realized I'd be doing a bit of hand switching in Zelda. Wiimote in the right for most of the game and in the left for fishing (gotta reel with the nunchuck with my right) :P

I doubt the ENTIRE game is mirrored. That'd create a lot of extra work. I think they could just mirror the model for Link and change some cutscenes where there are some hand-specific animations or something.

EDIT: I bet this line is just mistranslated or understood.

"The interesting this is, on the GameCube Link is still left-handed; because of the mirror mode the game map is reversed."

Maybe they meant control scheme or the demo map or something.

EDIT2: Who knows, maybe they found a simple way to reverse everything in the game along its Y-axis.
Link should still be left handed. But whatever, it's not that much of a chore to play right handed. Go lefties!
IDK, if he says game map that seem to be more than just the model to me.
When you think about it, the game HAS been in development for over 2 years. This entire time, they've been coding a game based on a left handed main character, and now they have to change it to accomidate a right handed mode. It makes sense to just invert everything on the Y axis and redo some dialogue other than having to redo animations and such.