Zero Punctuation: Duke Nukem Forever

What part of "always bet on Duke" do you not ****ing understand??? Do I have to spell it in Esperanto for you?
I just picked up my copy; in the game you can travel to the moon and hit a golf ball with a crocket mallet. This game is sooo cool.

Apparently its coming to steam in a about a month (Valve Time)
Haven't watched it yet, but I lol'd already just from the title.
I just got this yesterday, and I must say, it's an amazing game.

My only complaint is that it may have been too epic.

My eyes burn from the awesome.

They thought of everything... it doesn't even come on a specific console, you just buy it, and it works on all of them.
I approve of this review.

This is the perfect game. Period. No need to make anymore games unless to pale in mediocrity to this masterpiece.
Loved it :D

Love for Yahtzee decreased around the time he changed the theme tune, but he's now back on form.
I don't think you guys understand.
Yahtzee's review of the game might as well apply to the review itself.
He will never win this much again.