Zero Punctuation: Oblivion

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I was like - Oblivion?

Then I was like - lol
Hahaha! Too true for the most part. Still, I liked Oblivion a lot and was quite immersed for quite some time. :)
I laughed, though I enjoy roaming around Oblivion's landscape, and find most of it is pretty unique and interesting.
Spot on. Oblivion is wank, and that is pretty much down to the boring, empty landscape – I found myself leaping into the HELLBEHERE portals simply to get away from it all. At least there you would encounter traces of diverse, interesting wildlife. The land of Oblivion is the land of the lone wolves who sporadically appear here, there and everywhere for the sole purpose of chasing you down every square mile.
I agree on all which he said, but I dunno. It was lacking the lol.
I agree with what he said. I really didn't like oblivion :|
This was unexpected and f***ing fantastic. What a dude.
Spot on. Couldn't of said it any better myself really. Oblivion lacked a lot and the mods are the things that are sorting it out.
Oblivion's landscape is what I use to show girls how awesome my rig is when I bring them home.

I've never been laid :(.
Nice surprise this week. While I liked the landscapes in Oblivion well enough, he was spot on about the voice acting. How is it supposed to be a believable world when the characters are contemptible cardboard cut outs? All the fancy face-generation in the world is for nothing if you are incapable of injecting personality into your NPCs.

Look at Baldur's Gate. It had something like 6 character models yet thanks to superb written dialogue, it's characters had about 100x the personality of those in Oblivion, with a truly immersive world being the payoff.

Bad voice acting is worse than no voice acting.

As for the flaws he left out (levelling, etc.), I think that Yahtzee's just out of his depth a bit when it comes to critiquing the game mechanics of RPGs. An RPG, western or otherwise, gets by on its story and immersion factor and at least he nailed Oblivion on that point.
It was a shit game. I was like oh cool, when i heard stewart, then he died and it was all downhill.
I was thinking about installing it and playing it, then i saw his review... :P
It seems like i'm the only person here who enjoyed Oblivion. It was certainly no BG or Planescape, but then again it wasn't trying to be. The Assassin and Thieves guilds were great fun and for 20 hours or so I got to wonder about tinkering with weapons/spells/armour and having an explore.

I still agree with pretty much everything mentioned in the vid, but still found enough to enjoy in the game.
How could he NOT make fun of what is probably the worst combat system ever aside from previous Elder Scrolls games? :P

Oblivion just has the same use Morrowind had... strolling around in a thunderstorm is awesome. But after you experience that you can quit. That kinda goes against his whole "no immersion" thing since those thunderstorms are pretty immersive... but everything else, yeah, sure. :P
It seems like i'm the only person here who enjoyed Oblivion. It was certainly no BG or Planescape, but then again it wasn't trying to be. The Assassin and Thieves guilds were great fun and for 20 hours or so I got to wonder about tinkering with weapons/spells/armour and having an explore.

I still agree with pretty much everything mentioned in the vid, but still found enough to enjoy in the game.

I think it's because the more you play it, the more repetitive the core gameplay becomes and the more obvious the flaws are. I think it just leaves a bad taste and you can easily forget what was so absorbing about it in the first place.
I really want him to review Age of Conan next! He better do it!!

That would be a bit hard. Not sure how much he plays of game to review it but he would need to see all aspects of it to judge and that will take a hell of a lot of time.
That would be a bit hard. Not sure how much he plays of game to review it but he would need to see all aspects of it to judge and that will take a hell of a lot of time.

He reviewed Tabula Rosa (Spelling?) didn't he?
Haha that's funny, I had to look to see how you drops things too.

Anyways, I really liked Oblivion, despite its obvious flaws.

I can't wait until the next one :D
Am i the only one seeing the elephant at the table?HE IS REVIEWING A 2 YEAR OLD GAME
He also reviewed Pain Killer.
He's doing older games right now or whatever Escapist gives him
It seems like i'm the only person here who enjoyed Oblivion. It was certainly no BG or Planescape, but then again it wasn't trying to be. The Assassin and Thieves guilds were great fun and for 20 hours or so I got to wonder about tinkering with weapons/spells/armour and having an explore.

I still agree with pretty much everything mentioned in the vid, but still found enough to enjoy in the game.
I enjoyed it too, it's just easy to make fun of, like a slow but nice friend. I must've spent near 100 hours on it, but after that amount of time the errors become very apparent and hard to gloss over. Thank God for mods is all I say.
I played a hell of a lot of Oblivion, but he got me to laugh out loud this week with the "having a conversation with themselves about a shot owned by themselves" thing.
Spot on, Yahtzee. I absolutely cannot stand the Elder Scrolls games for the same reason he couldn't stand Oblivion.
Oblivion had some glaring flaws, but with some mods it was quite awesome IMO.

I loved creeping around in those caves killing bandits with the best First person swordplay I've ever experienced.

I think they made some bad decisions making the game, and I think and hope the next elder scrolls game is going to be incredible.
I made some really nice looking characters

misunderstand you maybe. OH, yeah, all the characters in the game were wrinkled. LOL
"soapy tit wank"

I will now try to weave that term into every conversation I have from no on.