Zero Punctuation: Zack & Wiki

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Quite funny. His Wii bashing bothers me though.

*Takes anti-fanboy medication*
Yaaaaaaaah, these are still blocked at work. :hmph:

Zack and Wiki though, I think this could be interesting.
I liked it, he has a point about the Wii. Hope that one day games don't need to use stupid motion controls that don't work.
It was kinda funny. It didn't have as many 'lol' moments as the others, but still pretty good.
I liked it overall, and yes he has a point about all good adventure games having a puzzle involving paper under a door and pushing a key out of the lock :)
I'm rather tired of the old Wii=gimmick thing people seem to believe
Wait... Ben is the designer of adventure games that you have hop onto his train of logic and made a game very similar to King's Quest...
lol @ the tags on this thread.

And Zeropunctuation, fantastic as usual!
Guys, did you read the final snippet of text at the end when the credits were rolling?

Sounds exactly like Penumbra to me...
Not the best he has done but like always some good lines.