Zero Puntuation: Infamous

I'm wondering about buying this. If I could get it cheapish I probably would.
That one was really funny. Great critique of the terrible way that 'moral choices' are implemented in most games, even though it feels like he's said it a dozen times already.
Yeah, I felt the same way about the moral choices in Mass Effect too. Loved the game, but there really isn't much difference at all in being good or bad. Maybe the second will expand on all of that though. (That is my hope at least.)

It is good to hear that he liked this though. Whenever he likes a game I tend to look at it differently as he hates so much. :P
He simply made a mistake on the last boss.

A tip for anyone who hasn't completed the game: When the final boss is stunned, don't use your normal zap, it does hardly anything, spam him with rocket attacks instead. Then he dies in no time.