Zombie Attack on Rebel Base

Dec 16, 2008
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Hello everyone, I'm looking for advice on how to set up a scripted scene.

I'm currently building a mod (www.gregbdesign.co.uk/ld_cull.html), and a very important part of the game is a zombie attack on a rebel base, a bit like the infected attack on the army base in 28 Days Later (but much slower of course haha).

The problem is, the zombies don't seem to cooperate. The way I tried getting it to work was by having a trigger on the door leading to the building's roof. When the player steps into it, 3 NPC_makers activate and start pumping out zombies (1 making fast zombies). On each npc_maker there is an output saying:

onSpawn -> BeginSequence, where the sequence is just 2 scripted sequences, one near the spawn point and one near the rebel base, so that as soon as each zombie is created, it will wander towards the house where it's gunned down by rebels.

The first one created works fine, but after that they just stay at the spawn point. Am I even doing the right thing? Is there an entity which attracts NPCs that I can stick next to the base to draw all the zombies towards it?
Oh, I should have mentioned, I want the attack to be ongoing, so I can't just ahve a bunch of zombies follow scripted sequences then die, it needs to be based around npc_makers.
use ai_scriptedschedule, not scriptedsequence.
Thanks, it's working much better now with the schedules.

I also want the zombies to start attacking the fences (basically just fire off some animations) if they make it to the fence without dying, is there a way of setting up a trigger which uses the entity which triggers (a zombie) it as the Target entity? Because there could be any number of zombies which wander into this info_target, and they have different names.