Zombie Comic?


May 20, 2004
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Hey guys and gals.. im probably one of the largest fans of zombie movie flicks. Everything about zombies is creepy. how they crave flesh... they dont think... they just eat. I have been in the processs of creating a comic book based on zombies taking over a small town. A family and his friends must escape the odds. I know the idea has been done to death... but i think i brought sumthing new to the drawing board here. lol Let me know what u think of this idea....

Will be posting it soon.


Mike :naughty:
I doubt you are a bigger zombie fanatic than me. :)

But yeah, I"d like to see how this comic turns out. :D
Zombies? Comics? What more is needed? Eagerly awaiting.
Maybe you should help Sulkdodds draw his spammer zombies. (Not like he needs any help though ^_^ )

I await your zombie filled comic, Payne...
What was it that that VeganZombie guy on IRC said?

Oh yeah..."Graaaaaaaaains..."

very cool.. thnxs for the input guys. i have about thirteen pages done. Mind you i did these back in grade 10. My art skills have increased ten fold since then. But i still like the rough look to them. Ill scan them asap.


Mike :smoking: