Zombie Panic Source patch released


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score

-Fixed exploits and updated ZPS_Town, ZPS_Deadend, ZPS_Silence, and ZPS_Subway.
-Fixed bug that caused people to be able to join zombie team when life counter was empty late in the game.
-Increased maximum number of pistol rounds you can carry to 45.
-Fixed the bug that caused the last player in a server to skip the ready room.
-Maps should not cycle now unless the round is over.
-Increased maximum speeds for all players.
-Added several custom textures.
-Swapped Zombie counter icon and the counter's locations.
-Swapped Survivor health icon.
-Added mapcycle.txt, so dedicated servers do not default to having HL2DM maps
in their default map cycle.
-Added Armory maps to the hidden map list, they were mainly for testing anyway.
-Removed respawn_entities command functionality.
-Removed bug that caused dropped ammo to create a new ammo respawn point.
-Zombievision sounds play on the client only.
-Head hitboxes now work, headshots should take 2.5 damage now.
-Zombie lunge time has been lowered.
-Zombie life calculator at round start will now max out at 25 zombie lives.
-Grenade damage increased to 300 (Was 150).
-Added new song KM_Plague.mp3.
-Added new song KM_Rebirth.mp3.
-Added panic sounds.
-Updated server settings and added advanced options to multiplayer settings.
-Fixed pickup item bug where it would light up and you could not get it.
-Added death notice icons.
-Only survivors can spray paint now.
-Fixed tpose for servers not properly set up.
-Ammo weights are a bit heavier now.
-Default round limit set to 15 minutes now, ammo respawns every 8 minutes by default.
-Increased shotgun pellet damage from 12 to 13.
-Improved Remmington 870 accuracy.
-Melee damages, swing rates, and swing distances have been tweaked.
-Fixed dev server command exploits that allowed noclip and insta-survivor win.
-Those who wait for game to start to avoid being zombie now spawn with PPK and keyboard as starting weapons.
Good to see the dudes are getting the dents hammered out :D

-Angry Lawyer
Zombies lack a way to split 'cades, so that's likely why they left it out.

-Angry Lawyer
I want mah goddamn happy meal!..


I want mah goddamn zombie spray!.