Zombie Panic Source Update


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Those wonderful fellas over at Zombie Panic Source have released a massive media update, you can check out the whole thing here while we have a selection of the new media right here, right now.
<div align="center"><font>Player Models</font>[br]


Don't forget, ModDB's Mod of the Year Awards are now in phase 2 so if you fancy voting for Zombie Panic, head over to their ModDB Profile and Vote for them to be this years Released Mod of the Year![br]
Awesome, but don't know if I'll be playing this much as I'm hooked on Left 4 Dead :D
oh god, i hate this mod. but those models look good.
Yes, those screenshots look amazing, particularly those models. Quite a lot of effort obviously went into this. However I wouldn't be doing my proper duty if I didn't point out the obvious ...
http://s88958877.onlinehome.us/misc/paul.jpg" width=400 height=300></img>
Yes, those screenshots look amazing, particularly those models. Quite a lot of effort obviously went into this. However I wouldn't be doing my proper duty if I didn't point out the obvious ...
http://s88958877.onlinehome.us/misc/paul.jpg" width=400 height=300></img>

First thing I thought of too!

ps. Multipass.
First thing I thought of too!

ps. Multipass.

First thing I thought was "3D.SK REFERENCE AND TEXTURES OMG!"



Second thing I thought was "It also appears that he has a broken thumb."
Looking forward to it being released. I really like this mod, some of the maps are lacking though.