Zombie Strider? !Spoilers!

Could a Strider become Zombified?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 11.4%
  • No

    Votes: 63 51.2%

    Votes: 46 37.4%

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Dec 26, 2006
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Now, I am not suggesting we fight zombie striders. This is purley for the answer. Do you think its possible for a strider to get headcrabed? As we see in EP 2, they have brains. If, say a strider was damaged, and his brain shield was broken, would it be possible for a crab to "possess" it. I relize the possiblity would be microscopice, but just the theyroy.
I am currently inebriated enough to consider your theory seriously. My verdict would be - YES.

If the Strider was wounded, the brain panelling exposed and the headcrab in just the right place to accidentally jump onto it (because I don't think it would instinctively know to attack the strider) then it could maybe happen. I doubt that the headcrab could effect any physical changes in the strider though, because of the tough biomechanical materials.

So it might just act like a retarded, weaponless strider that wanted to eat people but couldn't.
That would probably be the lamest enemy possible in HL2.
Well it could be possible, if the headcrab could reach the nervous system somehow.

But a headcrab is too small.
Only if the armor was ripped off and the brain (which Dog seemingly had to dig around for) was exposed. And who knows if the Headcrab can control the CNS (if the Strider even has one).
Ofcourse the striders have a CNS. They are organic, living creatures, with the weapons and technology built into them.

that would be totally impossible. The headcrab would not even be able to get inches near the strider..
Yeah he did. You asked if it was possible. He said no, impossible.
Did you read it either, Sheep?

Yeah, if any of this happened to happen in some world where cake is bacon and orange juice is cocaine, this would happen.
This is one of THE stupidest posts I have ever seen....
I've seen the brain. It is too big and covered in shiny lights.

There is no zombie strider.
That would be ****ing awesome. When I saw first pics of HL2 I thought the Striders are large headcrabs because there was not yet any video of them. I understood what they are when I first played HL2 :D I decided not to look any videos of HL2 so the whole game was surprise.
I'm not sure. On the other hand, it might be possible, but I doubt synth systems are organic enough to be headcrab compatible. After all that Combine tweaking they hardly compare to "original" animals/lifeforms.

How would it feed, BTW? It would probably make a kamikaze fall on the enemy...
After all that Combine tweaking they hardly compare to "original" animals/lifeforms.

Well, Combine soldiers can be headcrabbed, although figuring out just how augmented they were underneath the mask and armour would be hard work
I forgot about them, good point. I still think the striders are way out of a headcrab's league, but hey, who knows...
^ But it had maschine parts, right?

I've understood it like it was a "normal" organism at first, but when the Combine enslaved it, they added to much technology that it's currently more of a maschine than an organism.
Sure, yeah, they added mechanical engineering to force its evolution.
Lights? No, it was small and gray.

I thought so too, but after re-checking, the brains do have spots which glow (constantly slowly flashing). I took a screenshot, you can see for yourselves. It's the same kind of light blue/green that is seen on pretty every synth, and unless striders have naturally glowing brain pathways, looks like the Combine have made some extensive enhancements.

I wouldn't want to be the headcrab who has to hack through that...


  • Braiiins.jpg
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I just had a vision of a Gonarch sitting on the head of a Strider :E
I thought so too, but after re-checking, the brains do have spots which glow (constantly slowly flashing). I took a screenshot, you can see for yourselves. It's the same kind of light blue/green that is seen on pretty every synth, and unless striders have naturally glowing brain pathways, looks like the Combine have made some extensive enhancements.

I wouldn't want to be the headcrab who has to hack through that...

Neurological enhancements to improve cognitive performance?
Slime, did you rip that out of the strider?
Hawley SHiiat.
Dog did. I only noticed that he threw something away on my second playthrough, though. (By the way I didn't mean "hack" as in hacking to a system, just as in fighting over.)
Who tell you the gray tissue under the shiled that DOG tear out from the Strider's 'head' is actualy the brain? It looked much more like muscle tissue, holding this thing's 'head'. It's way too big to be a brain, as these creatures are not from the most intelligent ones i guess the actual brain is pretty small and is emplaced in his 'head' - the most front part of the body with some antennae coming out of it.
I'm not sure. On the other hand, it might be possible, but I doubt synth systems are organic enough to be headcrab compatible. After all that Combine tweaking they hardly compare to "original" animals/lifeforms.

How would it feed, BTW? It would probably make a kamikaze fall on the enemy...
On the mark. Even if the strider's armor plating was removed, exposing its nervous system, and even if the headcrab could somehow get up to it, I doubt it could plug in because of the way a synth is wired. Literally, wired.

Human overwatch haven't been completely changed yet. They're still mostly human, with a few cybernetic implants. And very minimal ones, at that. Their nerves are all still intact.

This is, of course, assuming that the Combine have gone so far in changing a strider that its nerves function using completely different methods than a normal living creature, which I believe they have. Simply by the fact that a strider can be dismantled and assembled in a factory states that they have a CNS that connects in a different manner, and also they probably don't transmit chemical information to the muscles of the creature. Probably electrical signals. Data, probably, different from normal electrical signals (because pure organic beings have that too). A headcrab couldn't reproduce those kinds of signals.
I dont know, not really into a strider zombie, But Valve can make anything cool.
I would venture a guess that the little suckers have no concept of weaponry. There's some kind of interface with the hosts old behaviours but if they actualy understood then Zombines would throw the grenades. As it is they know enough to associate them with combat but no more. The same would hold true of any kind of merging with a synth. I don't think that it would be able to change the structure of the synth but it might try to stamp on you, or perhaps wack you on the noggin with the cannon.
Any which way you cut it, it's a daft premise.
I consider the Strider to be more mechanical than biological - something which the synths seem to balance in different proportions. Now if it were unalert and its brains exposed, maybe a Hunter (which leans towards organic rather than machine, as hitting it with a pulse ball shows) could become infested.
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