zombie survivor mod. help needed



I know its been done before, but i just love working on my own mod. If thers any coder out there who is up on starting a new mod project contact me ([email protected]) , ive already finished a bit of the code on my own, I would need a helping hand from a coder better than me so i can focus on making advanced and pretty mapps :p.

The idea/concept: is to use half-life 2 rebels as survivors and various player controlled zombies as enemies.
when a survivor dies it will join the zombies.

some maps should be constructed in such a way as etc, stop the zombies from reaching the safe haven, defending from an above cliff (much like a tower defence) by moving around explosives and enableing mechanical traps while trying to conserv ammo. other maps might be to get from point A to B weapons and ammo is spread widly accross the maps and reaching em can be a bit of a risk. i will make sure the maps have very good quality and also gameplay.

Zombies regenerate health quick when below <60 hp, and much slower when above.
Zombies walk at about 70% of normal human speed.
a headshot does the job fairly quick, but i choose to use 3rd player and most of the weapons beside the sniper rifle are aimless.

here is some of my work as a concept artist i can contribute with :

im going to record a video of what ive done so far with fraps and post it on youtube. check back soon :E

edit: i must say im sorry for my poor grammar and i o hope its okay anyway :p.
forgot to mention i also need a webdesigner and hoster. sorry for the bump :p..
Good idea dude, sounds pretty damn decent and solid... altho since 28days later and 28weeks later I kinda like my intected targets to move much faster than at 70% human speed, more pressure to fight them off which in turn gives me a realy good rush of exitement... You should make an editable fuction to edit the speed of the zombies then I'll love to play your mod :)
*Flies over* What are you looking for in a designer?
well.. from webdesigners i require some experience and skill ( reason for asking alot from webdesigners is that its the main fan attractor ). it does not neccecerly have to be a regular website. i once had a forum website with concepts and downloads in topics.
also site has to be unique, im aware of premade php sites. but then they have to use an unique skinn.

3d artists: mostly experience, the mod is in 3rd person and weapons arnt heavily bumpmaped or detailed.

Animators: not much neither, just patience and some experience with bringing the zombie animations to life.

I think a companion coder would be the most important thing for me now, especily now when thers not much of code-lines to ninja :p
i want to keep the team small and active, and focus on the maps.
Good idea dude, sounds pretty damn decent and solid... altho since 28days later and 28weeks later I kinda like my intected targets to move much faster than at 70% human speed, more pressure to fight them off which in turn gives me a realy good rush of exitement... You should make an editable fuction to edit the speed of the zombies then I'll love to play your mod :)

yeh why not, i plan giving the zombies a charge that makes em darn scary for a few seconds :p (aslong as its balanced)
well.. from webdesigners i require some experience and skill ( reason for asking alot from webdesigners is that its the main fan attractor ). it does not neccecerly have to be a regular website. i once had a forum website with concepts and downloads in topics.
also site has to be unique, im aware of premade php sites. but then they have to use an unique skinn.

My website isn't really live yet, but the designs section is up. If you like my style, which is pretty minimal, and you're interested, I might be able to whip something up. I wouldn't be able to help with the hosting, though.
A good game is also a pretty effective "fan attractor".

I love zombies.

No. a good product seldomly sells it self :p, look at the market as it is today. coke and pepsi is basicly the same.. but ye you get the point.
My website isn't really live yet, but the designs section is up. If you like my style, which is pretty minimal, and you're interested, I might be able to whip something up. I wouldn't be able to help with the hosting, though.

Yes, if your up for it im more than glad to have you at it :)

how would you prefere to keep in touch steam/msn messenger :?
becouse my first video didnt show much of the zombies, i figure i would make a second one. Left mouse button makes a regular sweep attack, while the right mousebutton slunges items far away. The settings in this video have been exchagerated for viewer purpouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWxPMWnzmZE

some aditional information : i plan to use 2 classes of zombies, one slow and strong (this one ) the fast one will have a long jump ability, and wall climbing (the big ones primary ability is being able to throw props. it also has extra health and damage
aah !! i was expecting the the last 2 barrels to explode when kicked >: [
Anyway, good to see that youre prototyping code, etc of the mod before posting in the help wanted section... also posting videos... +1. Good luck : )

aah !! i was expecting the the last 2 barrels to explode when kicked >: [
Anyway, good to see that youre prototyping code, etc of the mod before posting in the help wanted section... also posting videos... +1. Good luck : )


thank you, im making huge progress on the mod every day :p.
This is almost turning into a blog, i think this is my last post just to show people im still working !

here are the concept and paint overs :


description: im not ace on the story yet, but survivors will have to move down too the bunker if they want to live. to their disadvantage the generator that opens the massive door is broken. and the only other way to get in is to manualy open it. wich takes alot of time. While their spinning the wheel to open the bunker, zombies attacks in waves , and when they are close to running out of ammo. they send half the group to locate the ammo boxes back at the crash site while the rest keep opening the door and defending. the squad fetches the ammo and have to run back to drop it off to the rest of the people(this will probably have to be done a few times). if the handle that opens the door manualy is released. the door slowly closes itself. this is what itl do anyway when everyone is in and they fend off the last waves off zombies in a last stand. the door is then locked from inside, and the survivors win ! hehe
lmao keep the blog going, better than 90% of the posts in this forum :)