

May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Who enjoyed the first encounter with Zombines in the dark, run-down, parking garage after Alyx makes her joke more than anything in the game?

I couldn't believe how well they made that area. They even timed the music perfectly. Just as the first Zombine emerges out of the darkness and behind a car that awesome WAILING sound that enhances the Zombines' cries, I was thunderstruck.

Anyone else feel the same way? Thought a different part was really cool?
The music played its part excellently in that part. There were a lot of zombines in that area, but they initially seemed to be more interested in the Antlions. One explosive barrel into the group of zombines managed to take out most of them :D
I just find it weird how once you take off the headcrap off Zombines, there is no head. I had assumed that Headcrabs required a brain to be able to control its host. I guess they can use the nerve along the spine and neck too.
Not really. I mean, once you think about. The Combine are simply genetically mutated humans that the Administrators morphed into their own more controllable form. For all we know the Combines 'brain' my be elsewhere in it's body, seeing since they don't seem to have that much free will.