Zoom B1X Bass pedal


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm considering getting the Zoom B1X Bass Multi effects pedal to replace my current Zoom 506II (I think it is) bass pedal since it's just plain broken now. Do any bassists here have this pedal or anyone used/heard about this pedal before?
I'm considering getting the Zoom B1X Bass Multi effects pedal to replace my current Zoom 506II (I think it is) bass pedal since it's just plain broken now. Do any bassists here have this pedal or anyone used/heard about this pedal before?

i have the G1X for standard guitars...i'm very pleased with it. i'm willing to bet it's one of the best multiFX in its price range out there. lots of effects and few noise.

i really recommend it, but i have never tried a bass one.
My friend just got this pedal, and he loves it.
All I heard on it though was the Whammy Pedal, and it was wicked.
Made of plastic huh? Don't break it.

Yeah it is, and my current Zoom pedal is plastic. The plastic itself is fine and has survived for several years, I just accidentally buggered up one of the jacks at the back which makes it a bit fiddly to get working again.