Classic Doom v 1.0

Do you need DOOM 3 to play this? Or is this a stand-alone mod?
Original DOOM > your mother and that mod.

Well...sorta. I guess. Maybe.

Doom and Doom II still focking rock though.
It's out! YES! I have .26, I've been waiting for 1.0 for FO EVAH.
1.0 finally hu?
Guess this gives warrant to reinstall Doom 3 finally.
Haha, got so excited until I realized this was a Doom 3 mod. Not worth the re-install.
Complete Doom 3 sound overhaul mod

Awesome! It came out Dec.10. 2 days ago! I wasn't aware of this

An entire Doom 1 episode of maps on Doom 3 engine. Its about time! That must have been alot of work. I just finished downloading it. I'll let you know how it is.

My Doom 3 Sound mod I am nearly complete:
DreadLord1337 said:
Haha, got so excited until I realized this was a Doom 3 mod. Not worth the re-install.
Not worth the re-download.
Damn your misleading thread title. Not worth picking the pieces of the Doom3 DvD out of the bin and sticking them back together.

Origional Doom > Any other doom and/or any mod
This mod is a little buggy. IT crashed my PC and I had to hit the power button to recover when i pressed "reset video settings" button

The volume control on the music doesn't work forcing me to listen to horrible 12 year old music revamped with blaring guitars

The mouse sensitivity is horrible. I have to pick up the mouse several times in order to turn to the right (slide mouse all the way right, pick up, put down, slide mouse all the way to the right, repeat)

Im not sure why nearly every monster gibs everytime you kill them. it didnt do that on Doom 1 or 2

I can't believe that they would let huge flaws like this pass by when underneath is the original Doom 1 episode completely re-done with the Doom 3 engine in ultra high rez.
