Soccor Mom finds porn, goes into hysterics, universe on verge of collapse


May 5, 2004
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Soccer Mom Buys Porn-filled Used PSP Memory Stick

"Oh my goodness. I just, my stomach turned, you know. I just was sick. I just couldn't believe they had witnessed that," Hemm said.

A Fort Worth mother said the refurbished Sony PlayStation Portable memory card she bought from a local Gamestop store was packed with pornography.

Sandra Hemm said she bought the refurbished card for her son at the McCart and Alta Mesa store and was told it would be like new.

Instead, she said, the card, which stores game data, contained several pornographic videos and photos.

omg! teenage boys shouldnt be exposed to porn! it might corrupt their fragile minds
she should look in my harddrive, she would commit suicide ;)
"It was like that when I got here" is never an excuse that's worked for me, surprisingly.
It's not like he won't look at porn any other time in his life =/
CptStern, I'm a teenager and I don't look at porn.

*Covers self from barrage of ash trays and porn magazines*
CptStern, I'm a teenager and I don't look at porn.

*Covers self from barrage of ash trays and porn magazines*


oh and Sears catalogues can be considered porn ...sort of
ahhh spring catalogue 1986 ..swimmsuit section

...memories.... ;(
I'll bet a million dollars that that mom never looked at porn herself. If she did, we wouldn't be here.
Everyone knows Porno is the driving force behind communication technology.
Porn has existed since the dawn of civilisation.

It's what separates us from animals.
Yeah, animals don't need porn, since theres no law against a deer raping another deer.

Why can't we be deer?
The entire human race owes itself to sex.
lol @ the pic on that article. He looks into it.

Was that the first time they turned it on that she noticed? They kid probably got the card and was like "sweet! time to porn it up!" then then accidentally turned it on forgetting he just installed massive pr0ns on it.
lol @ the pic on that article. He looks into it.

Was that the first time they turned it on that she noticed? They kid probably got the card and was like "sweet! time to porn it up!" then then accidentally turned it on forgetting he just installed massive pr0ns on it.
The truth.
hmmm...there's porn on the internet? I better investigate this, I'll be back to report my findings in 5 hours.
Am I the only one who thinks this bitch needs a life changing punch to the c*nt? It's just F*CKING PORN.
Although getting a memory card full of porn from your mom would be pretty creepy....
I have a picture of me when I was four years old reading a Sears catalogue on the toilet. True story.