Video of the tsunami


Sep 16, 2003
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I'm getting very sick of the way the tv news channels are handling this disaster coverage, I have yet to see a single video of the tsunami hitting. There HAVE to be real videos of this thing hitting, because the region that was hit is heavy on resorts. Resorts have always on security cameras and somewhere one must have caught video of it. And thats assuming that not a single person got home video of it hitting, which I doubt.

anyway, does anyone have a link to a actual video of this thing hitting? I'm morbidly curious.
I don't have a link, but I've seen several videos, though they were all from personal cameras. I doubt you'l see anything of the really badly hit areas as the wave was hitting, because the cameras would have been destroyed.
I've seen several on tv, made by amateurs. Not where you see some huge 20 m wave, but just water coming from nowhere onto land.
I've always wondered what it would look like to see a Tsunami coming up the beach.

I doubt they'll be many videos, I can imagine that running away would be high on the priotity list, and any cameras would've been damaged by water anyway.
I can just go for a walk and see video cameras everywhere. On the sides of convieniance stores, office buildings, in busses, integrated into cellphones. There virtually has to be at least a few videos of the hard hit areas getting hit. I know they dont have as many video cameras in india as here in the US, but the region is a big tourist draw, and luxury hotels and resorts should have cameras.

Plus, last night on fox news I saw what looked like a massive hit, but they only showed about 3 seconds of it then went back to their goddamn human interest story.
They probably have footage, but because it might be too "upsetting" or "unfit for the public" they wont show it, to "protect" us.
Seen movie footage too, a big wave flooding into a town.
I saw some of the footage, this ladie that was on the beach described it she said like all the water from the beach dissapeared and everyone was wondering what was going on then the tsunami hit. Now thats something I would want to see <- Realplayer

I expected like a The day after tomorow or Deep Inpact kinda wave but that one dosent look too big at all..

but i got an explenation in another forum..

Tsunamis are rarely even noticed in the deep ocean, they move very fast and pass by unoticed unless there are monitoring boeys around.
Its more of a swell/surge than a wave.
As the tsunami approches the shore and enters shallow water the amplitude increases, as with any ocean swell that hits the beach but nothing like you see in the movies and is dependent on the ocean floor geography of the beach that it is hitting.
Think of it as a fast moving broad/fat swell or surge (not breaking wave) that washes up on the beach.
Effectively its a massive surge of water that just washes away everything in its path when it hits the beach.
The damage of a tsunami is caused by the water and debri that is washed inland then back out again., Nothing can stop it, its got the whole ocean behind it.
Blimey, that video does look pretty bad if you ask me! :O
Looks bad. The wave doesn't look that high but it floods the town pretty bad.
the tsunami wasn't that big anyway. If it was a 100m tsunami like in Day after Tomorrow or Deep Impact, it would be just the same.
I saw a clip where around 6 fellas were running from a big wave. 2 or 3 of them were caught and were thrown into the ocean. Very sad...
h00dlum said:
Found another video....this camera man was right in the "action", so you really get a first person view of how out would feel to be there...notice the swedish accent..

All I can say is wow...It really brings it to your when you see those two men washed away like that. It was horrible watching that guy trying to reach for them, only for them to get swept off (along with what they were hoping would support them) as if they were cardboard.
Got some more for you, some are pretty dramatic... <-- Good footage of the first wave.. <-- Video taken from distance.

(some of the links is to the same video..i cant be arsed to sort them right now, its late and im tired)

And there got to be a hell of alot of swedes over there, i have heard people screaming in swedish in 3 videos so far...
Good first video, that really showed something i wanted to see. The second one ive seen about 50 times on the next, its great the way the water is just behind that guy, and he out runs it, and gets inside just in time :) English tourists in that one, as you can hear. we've sent plastic sheets and tents apparently...not enough government! more!!!
Wow, those videos are something. Just makes me even more scarred of the ocean :-(.
Very good videos showing the waves and the destruction that they have caused h00dlum. Been looking for some everywhere but couldnt so TY. The 1st and 4th video (same thing) are the most captivating of the deadly first wave, couldn't believe how high the wave was getting and then the sound when it reached shore, so glad he ran, i was screaming run run u fool and stop filming, at my monitor ffs. The beach was no longer there when it finished. And don't think this can't happen to you, tsunamis have hit America before and geologists are worried that if that fault line in California (San Fransisco) goes more south sommet like this could happen. Even Europe isn't safe, there was an Earthquake in the 1700s in Portugal (Lisbon to be more precise) that made the sea rise and batter most of the Portugal coast and Southern parts of England (Cornwall mainly)
Tsunamis usually retract the beach line by several feet as they "suck" all of the water before them, as its captured in the undercurrent to fuel its motion forward, I didnt see that in the fist video, I dont think it was a tsunami wave, just a rather large one perhaps caused by the mini shocks after the quake.
I've seen some five, ten movies... although some of the videos linked here were new to me.

h00dlum said:
Found another video....this camera man was right in the "action", so you really get a first person view of how out would feel to be there...notice the swedish accent..

That one was really horrible, when those two guy were reaching for the white guy, and then were swept away. I've seen a part of this video before, but they had cut that part away.

As you can see, Sprafa, this is one big ****ing wave. Maybe not quite as big as hollywood films depicted, but it's big enough to completely demolish an entire coast.

There have been reports of the wave being over 80 feet, and even perhaps over 100 feet in some areas. Go find a 100 foot tape measure, and stretch it out accross your yard, then get on the roof and look down at it. That's big.

You just haven't seen any photos or footage of the largest sections of the wave because, well, hardly anything survived. Just about everything was destroyed, killed, ripped to peices, or sucked out into the ocean as the wave approached land. There's no way ordinary cameras could have survived.

Keep in mind this is not a slow moving wave a la ordinary beaches. In the largest sections, the massive wall of water was traveling over 500 miles per hour.
I think in the months to come we'll see more images, as cameras are dug from the ruins. Digital cameras will almost certainly have stored the images and will be retrievable, I doubt film cameras will survive unless reasonably dry.
bliink said:
They look fake.

I'm not sure if they are or not. Still, you get the idea of how massive it would have been/it is.

NBC just showed footage taken from the top of a hotel near the beach as an 80 foot section of the wave hit. I can't seem to find it on their site though, but they seem to be competing over the latest footage, so they may take a while before they post online. There's even a message on their site saying they're competing.
Man, this happened the same day that I was watching Day After Tomorrow too. How crazy is that?

Watching something on it right now, channel 8, abc where I am I think, is having a thing on it right now with footage... Lots of footage actually. Videos of the waves crashing into vehicles, tons of people being pulled away by it. Scary to watch.
I have a little bit more respect for ABC now that theyre actually showing they care about the disaster unlike FOX, NBC who are just playing their "reality shows"
Man, that one you posted had an ogrish link on it. I won't even go into that site to watch it, since it links to ogrish. I don't see how people can go there to look at some of the stuff they have there. Ugh.
SupremePain said:
:( i hope atleast some of those people made it

Even if they didn't some of the people look pretty damn happy about being caught in it. Look at the woman wearing black, and the guys next to her. They are all smiling.

(what I'm getting at is that it looks fake).

This one made me go "wow"

Anyways...I honestly don't think there were any instances where the waves were over the height that we've already seen...

Most of the videos I have seen it just looks like a huge, fast, sea surge. Aside from the one above, which actually looks really impressive.
Baal said:
This one made me go "wow"

Anyways...I honestly don't think there were any instances where the waves were over the height that we've already seen...

Most of the videos I have seen it just looks like a huge, fast, sea surge. Aside from the one above, which actually looks really impressive.

Wow, that's crazy!
That video made me go wow too, i dont think either that the wave could get that high but when it hits the beach you see all the water just surge up with all the white froth like youd see in a movie its sorta freaky and from that i can see how powerful this thing was
Baal said:
This one made me go "wow"

Anyways...I honestly don't think there were any instances where the waves were over the height that we've already seen...

Most of the videos I have seen it just looks like a huge, fast, sea surge. Aside from the one above, which actually looks really impressive.

Although it looks impressive, I don't think it shows it as bad as it was. This Tsunami killed 25,000 people, in the video it looked wet, but it didn't look like it could've killed anyone.
Feath said:
Although it looks impressive, I don't think it shows it as bad as it was. This Tsunami killed 25,000 people, in the video it looked wet, but it didn't look like it could've killed anyone.

Well, that's true, but what was shown in that video was the first of an unrelenting number of powerful waves that would have followed