What are you up to these days?


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
When I used to post on here, I was a 13-17 year old.

Now I am 30 years old. I moved from the UK to Greece, I live in Athens now.

I run a UK marketing agency.

I have enjoyed my life so far.

However I do miss the little community we had here. I have never again really been in something like it.

What about you guys?

Daniel / Solaris
never would have guessed you were an underaged goblin

also community has been dead for years chief
Outside of work my three main pursuits at the moment are filling out a million forms to legally change my name, making a silly golf mod for Sonic Robo Blast 2 and making a podcast about Journey to the West.
dude that's sick as hell, I really like Journey To The West and the different adaptations throughout games and film. Also post the mod when done.

I quit my shit job of 8 years and started working as a part time chef and show my gf of also 8 years tokusatsu and the entire godzilla filmology while she works as a Rad Tech and we plan on kids and try to get our lives together in this hell world.
dude that's sick as hell, I really like Journey To The West and the different adaptations throughout games and film. Also post the mod when done.

I quit my shit job of 8 years and started working as a part time chef and show my gf of also 8 years tokusatsu and the entire godzilla filmology while she works as a Rad Tech and we plan on kids and try to get our lives together in this hell world.

and thank the maker you did. wish the best for you and so happy to hear it
How you doin dude?

just sucking on a ding-dong

no haha, like, honestly, pretty good. getting a new job finally that pays me well and looking to get my own place downtown. used to be an underground punk joint or whatever, it's what the kids were into and stuff. gonna be rooming and stuff with a german girl apparently, so we'll see. i mean, i don't have it yet, but it's definitely something where it seems pretty reasonably likely and all that jazz