Noticed in Half Life manual


Aug 1, 2003
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Sorry if this has been posted before

But just want to share with you all that hasn't got the Half-Life Manual (Half Life 1)

On the front pages of the manual it shows a LETTER from Black Mesa Research Facility to Dr Gordon Freeman.

I qoute all what is says below.. This show that gordon isn't married and was his first day at the black mesa (you all prob know this but i want to share it with you for discussion in this thread.

This is for all those who want to know a little of the story in why Gordon Freeman was on that Train at the start of Half-Life.

Office of the Adiministrator
Black Mesa, New Mexico

May 5, 200-

Dr Gordon Freeman
Visiting Fellow
Institute for Experimental Phsics
University of Innsbruck
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Re: Offer of Employment

Dear Dr. Freeman:

This letter shall confirm a recent telephone conversation in which you were offered, and did accept, a position at the Black Mesa Research Facility commencing immediately but no later than May 15. As discussed, you shall begin at level 3 Research Associate status, assigned to the Anomalous Materials Laboratory. We understand that it will take some time to conclude your affairs at the University of Innsbruck and return to the United States. Please notify the Personnel Department of your intended arrival time immediately.

Since you are unmarried and without dependents, you have been assigned appropriate living quarters in the Personnel Dormitories. However, you may not gain admittance to your quarters until level 3 security processing is complete. Please bring this offer letter and all documents listed on the attached sheet to the Black Mesa Personnel Department no later then may 15.
A retinal scan will not be necessary at this time, but we do require urinalysis and bloodwork to establish baselines for your medical history during your employment.

Please not that as a necessary condition of your work witn anomalous materials, you may be required to wear and operate an HEV hazardous environment suit. You will be trained and certified in it's use during the standard orientation process. All further questions regarding the Black Mesa Research Facility and your role as Research Associate will be answered during orientation.

As you know Dr. Kliener, your former professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, originally recommended you for contact by the civilian Recruitment Division. He wishes to extend his congratulations on your decision to accept our offer. Like Dr. Kliener, we are confident that your career with the Black Mesa Research Facility will be long and rewarding one.

Office of the Administrator
Civilian recruitment Division
Black Mesa Research Facility

OTA: lm (signature LM then is hand writen)

Well above that is all that shows what is in the Manual of the First Half Life Pages :D
i have, but couldnt remember it. nice to refresh the old memory with the old HL1 info :D
isn't it Kleiner and not Kliener?

btw my cat has seen it too. does that count?
sweet getting deja vu with every topic, everytime i look at these forums. its like 'groundhog day' or something
What I've only just noticed is that Gordon is Dr. Freeman not Mr as the G-man calls him.
Wow, this is 6 years old.
FYI, "LM" is widely believed to be the administrator.
It wasn't in mine either. I just got a 8 pages long book with the most basic info.
Matthias said:
What I've only just noticed is that Gordon is Dr. Freeman not Mr as the G-man calls him.

"I didn't spend 6 years at evil medical school to be called mister, thank you very much."

[heh, my principal in high school would go nuts if you called him mister instead of doctor.]

I remember writing this out for a post about Gordon having kids somewhere. I'm not sure what part was relevant, and I'm to lazy at the moment to go find the thread.
he he nice replys sorry for those that still remember it in the manual i was just refreshing peoples memories with somethings like Gordon isn't married and he is a DR. i know loads knew but i still wanted to take time to show all hehe.

So it was his first trip to Black Mesa.

i had the manual for years and it is the first time i read it lol.

Also sorry about the Kleiner spelling i was typing fast hehe
If I remember correctly, the game manual also said that you could make weapons more dangerous by eventually modifying them.

This never happened in the game. And even though I only read the manual after playing the game, I felt slightly cheated.
Absinthe said:
If I remember correctly, the game manual also said that you could make weapons more dangerous by eventually modifying them.

This never happened in the game. And even though I only read the manual after playing the game, I felt slightly cheated.

in hl2 you are able to upgrade the physgun and possibly others. at least they managed to fit it into the second one.
Tyrsenus said:
Wow, this is 6 years old.
FYI, "LM" is widely believed to be the administrator.

Or was, because we know who the Administrator is now. Have done for months.
LM = ML in reverse, Story writer called Marc Laidlaw, coincidence? I guess not.
Hold on!!! Gordon's single? Wasn't there a photo of a [human] baby in Gordon's dressing locker? Errr, I do remember one, but don't remember whose locker it was...

Stan R.
Could have easily been a nephew or something. It didn't have to be HIS kid.
it wasn't his first day.... that letter was dated in may. All of the calanders in bmrf are turned to december. And yea the pic could be any little kid. It was probably the pic that came with the frame.
stanr said:
Hold on!!! Gordon's single? Wasn't there a photo of a [human] baby in Gordon's dressing locker? Errr, I do remember one, but don't remember whose locker it was...

Stan R.
Maybe it was an new empty picture frame with the cute "template" picture still left in it from the store... Then, ironically, it will turn out to be Alyx and Gordon's baby that they take back in time, put into modeling, which then lands the baby picture in the new frame Gordon bought to put in his BRM locker!!!! </OVERANALYSIS>

Um, it's actually probably one of the developer's kids they wanted to easter egg into the game.
Ah .. these speculations threads never stops surprising me. The manual stuff was an interesting read for me, since I've never seen it before.

BTW, the picture in the locker is the child of one of the programmers of the game (or so I heard)

I have the Game of the year edition manual, but I haven't read it. :p

I bet you'll find another letter in the HL2 manual, don't you think?

Also, that picture of the little baby, maybe Gordon has a adopted something.. ;) .. Someone even :p

Well, speculations are held in the speculations thread.

Thanks for the info btw, now I want to know the whole plot behind Half-Life .. *GARRR*GAAAAAAAAAAAAARR*
What i dont get is how people know that Dr. Breen is the administrator for black mesa from that manual, i have the ps2 version aswell and it still says "office of the administrator" however i dont have the OP4 or BS manuals.
Actually, I think Gabe/other Valve member said that Breen was the Admin, rather than some smartarse figuring it out logically.

As for LM, I used to think he was the Administrator (that is, that LM was the G-man and that the G-man was the Admin); on an old mappack of mine (never released, thank God- ever seen a Barney with a beard that floated under his neck? Stupid Milkshape) LM was Leonard Mason, the G-man.

Mason; considering there's the Dickensian trend of naming NPCs after their primary characteristics in the HL universe (Freeman the independant survivor, Shepherd the leader of men, Mason the creator) I thought it was pretty neat...
stanr said:
Hold on!!! Gordon's single? Wasn't there a photo of a [human] baby in Gordon's dressing locker?
Obviously that picture came with the frame. :p
coolio, i never had a manual for the game ( i stole it from my friend :E )
maybe Dr Freeman was a Pedophile ...........that explains the picture.... :naughty:


I just found the manual on my old GOTY disc. I never got a paper one.


Edit: Was tested by a team of 8 testers. That's about the only interesting info I can find. That and all the cool concept art/level designs in the badkground.
What i dont get is how people know that Dr. Breen is the administrator for black mesa from that manual, i have the ps2 version aswell and it still says "office of the administrator" however i dont have the OP4 or BS manuals.
We have been told that the Gman and the Administrator are not the same person (from Doug I think). It might have been revealed in the stolen build that Breen is the Administrator; its one of those spoilers that everyone knows by now.
Tyrsenus said:
We have been told that the Gman and the Administrator are not the same person (from Doug I think). It might have been revealed in the stolen build that blah blah
Well, everyone knows now. It was still open to interpretation.

Laidlaw was the one that said the G-man and the Administrator weren't the same. He said it in a PHL interview.
Brian Damage said:
Or was, because we know who the Administrator is now. Have done for months.

so that signature was not the Administrator...hmm.. who could it be? :dork:


RotorHead said:
maybe Dr Freeman was a Pedophile ...........that explains the picture.... :naughty:


i take offense to that!! :hmph: :p
Edcrab said:
Mason; considering there's the Dickensian trend of naming NPCs after their primary characteristics in the HL universe (Freeman the independant survivor, Shepherd the leader of men, Mason the creator) I thought it was pretty neat...
Oooh how observant! That's quite nice, even if it is looking into things just a bit too hard.
I hope the G-Man doesn't get a name though. There are so many pillars that his mysteriousness relies on and his anonymity is one of them.
slider3005 said:
it wasn't his first day.... that letter was dated in may. All of the calanders in bmrf are turned to december.

Actually, the game happens in May. I forget the exact day though.

The calendars are all outdated since no-one bothered to replace them when the year ran out, apparently.
Or a texture artist messed up. :p
Dr. Freeman said:
so that signature was not the Administrator...hmm.. who could it be? :dork:

It's the typist who typed up the letter.
Mechagodzilla said:
Actually, the game happens in May. I forget the exact day though.
How the hell do you know that!?
Even so, it's still not his first day.