Valve Anti Cheat


Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
When will it be out??

Was on a server today when some jerk came in. I was CT on dust and as soon as I could I started running but when I came to the gate where that little wagon is some T was already there he immidiately shot me, then he killed the rest of the team.. 8-10 people.

His hack was constantly changing his name and it was a combined speed hack and aim bot. As he HS'd everyone by just randomly firing off a few rounds in the general direction of an enemy.

He continued to by himself kill all of our team for ten rounds or so... unfortunately I don't know how to record a demo :(
yeah, he will be banned.

I don't think there's been any set date, although it should be out soon.
Press ` (left of 1) to open the console. Before you can use the console, you have to enable it in options, keyboard settings, advanced. In the console, type record name, where name is the name you want to give to the demo. To stop recording, disconnect, change the map, or type stop in the console. You can view a demo by typing playdemo name in the console, where name is the name of the demo you recorded. You also need his steamID (it's linked to his CDkey). You can get it by typing status in the console.

But know that Valve doesn't accept demos of hackers, so don't even bother :)

If you find a hacker, just join a different server.
I don't think they will ever give out a date for VAC2. I think they want to catch all the hackers off-guard.
On an Office server, and guy had a combo speed and aimbot hack plus a name changer... changed his name every .5 seconds to something else (randomly generated)...
Dumb Dude said:
I don't think they will ever give out a date for VAC2. I think they want to catch all the hackers off-guard.

i think they'll have to announce it. Mainly because its up to the servers whether they want to run VAC on it, so they'd have to announce to the server hosters that it is now available. Their policy has been to allowed hackers to play on servers that the admin lets them(i.e. unVAC'd servers) but allow the other server admins to run VAC to stop hackers.
Q_onfused said:
On an Office server, and guy had a combo speed and aimbot hack plus a name changer... changed his name every .5 seconds to something else (randomly generated)...

I was on Digiatal Servers' Cbble Server and that exact same thing was being used by a fool on there.
DeathIncarnate said:
Press ` (left of 1) to open the console. Before you can use the console, you have to enable it in options, keyboard settings, advanced. In the console, type record name, where name is the name you want to give to the demo. To stop recording, disconnect, change the map, or type stop in the console. You can view a demo by typing playdemo name in the console, where name is the name of the demo you recorded. You also need his steamID (it's linked to his CDkey). You can get it by typing status in the console.

But know that Valve doesn't accept demos of hackers, so don't even bother :)

If you find a hacker, just join a different server.
Ah... thanks... I was just trying different cl and sv stuff..

I wasn't going to send the demo to Valve.. I was just going to show it as a prime example of a cheater.
I'm happy to wait a few extra weeks or even months if it means that hacking will be just that little bit harder and they catch more hackers. No use releasing a shoddy VAC
i've been hearing 'oh, in about 2 weeks' from a semi-reliable source for the last 2 month :) - i too am prepared to just server-hop until it's ready. take your time valve, make it good....
CS:S just isn't fun anymore. When you have cheater's (not hackers as you actually have to be the creator of the hack to be considered one} joining every second server out there, it makes me turn it off.
Valve.. please hurry.
I think they shouldn't ask server admins whether they want VAC 2 or not (at least at the beginning). Just release it, make it a neccessary download for everyone, and ban the bastards.
there so many lame asses who cheat, fortunatly source has less cheaters than cs for all what ive seen, although i still notice alot of those crappy IWC aimbot'rs :/
N@Sc said:
there so many lame asses who cheat, fortunatly source has less cheaters than cs for all what ive seen, although i still notice alot of those crappy IWC aimbot'rs :/

It might just be me, but it seems like Server Admins cheat alot more than average players.
I was on a server last night, on de_Aztec, and i was headshotted from 20 feet by this guy's shotgun. He had a score of 28-1. :flame:
(Good thing was, i was the one that killed him. Guess im not so n00bish after all) :afro:
stinger.aim92 said:
I think they shouldn't ask server admins whether they want VAC 2 or not (at least at the beginning). Just release it, make it a neccessary download for everyone, and ban the bastards.

no arguament there m8
Dumb Dude said:
I don't think they will ever give out a date for VAC2.

No offense to VALVe, but I mean, this IS VALVe we're talking about...creators of HALF-LIFE 2! if anyone gets what I mean...
Valve won't ever give out a release date again. I promise you that.
Imagine if VALVe had already released it silently in a patch, and were recording every cheater who went on the servers, and their steam ID's and details. Then they'd release a subsequent patch which gave VAC2 the ability to ban them on sight. Now that would be hillarious.
Septih said:
i think they'll have to announce it. Mainly because its up to the servers whether they want to run VAC on it, so they'd have to announce to the server hosters that it is now available. Their policy has been to allowed hackers to play on servers that the admin lets them(i.e. unVAC'd servers) but allow the other server admins to run VAC to stop hackers.

lol septih ive seen that googlezon video :p
If there's an Admin on the server, have the Admin get his Steam ID and ban it from the server.
have steam remove all valve software on detection of an HLH download. if it misses that and the arsehole manages to use it - scrub all valvesoftware and dispatch some rentathugs round to break the users fingers
Cheater to ban !!! CS1.6

Hi i was on a serveur cs1.6 and a cheater come along and he was speed hacking and had and aimbot
could you please watch this record what i record and ban him

his Steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:7065841

it says it in the video too

here is my MSn to look at the demo because i dunno how to put the demo in the attached files

[email protected]

please reply cause i think all cheater sould be baned
I hate hackers/cheaters! Sure, people can get lucky shots now and then but these hacking scum need to be banned!
Ok, I don't deny that there are some cheaters, but how many of these "hackers" are actually cheating? I get accused of cheating in every other server I go to, and, no, I do not cheat. And usually in every server I go to there's somebody accused of cheating that obviously isn't. Most of the idiots playing out there accuse someone of cheating if they get a couple lucky shots, immediately blaming it on some aimbot. Hell, I've been accused of cheating because I possessed the mythical ability to shoot through the hostie room walls on cs_compound.

My point being, most people know nothing about the game and what you can really do in it. They usually just blindly accuse others of cheating because they are doing better than themselves--admins included (and those morons have the ability to kick/ban people).

I've been playing CS: Source since last April and I have seen three definitive, almost unkillable hackers, two on the same server at the same time with speed hacks (on compound, they, as terrorists, would be at the CT spawn before anybody even had a chance to finish buying, plus they were spinning). The other cheater I've seen was an admin who was open about it. He was trying an aimbot to see how he could spot it in other users, and I just picked the wrong time to join his server.

I've got a few tips on choosing servers without hackers before you even connect if anybody wants to hear.
Yeah Verbal_Kint. I get accused of cheating a lot (Even turned down for a large clan because of it). There is really nothing you can do. If you deny it then that's the response most people expect from cheaters. If you say you do then it just makes their life easier. Best just to ignore them and keep playing 'till you get banned.

And yeah I want to hear your tips on server using!
Ah, finally out of class...
Well, really there's one technique for choosing servers that I swear by. Its pretty obvious to some so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of you guys do this already. This isn't only for finding cheaters, but just picking good servers all around.

Here goes: First find a server with a good ping (duh) then view the servers info. If there's a player who's kills are far greater than the minutes he's been in the server its likely he's either cheating or too good for anybody (including me) to go up against. I generally avoid going to servers that show player "John" 20 Kills, 5 minutes or such. This is especially true when there's only one player with a ratio like this.

Even moreso when there are under 10 players in there. If one player has "20" kills in "5-10" minutes and nobody else is even approaching his record, than it normally means he's killing everybody, every round and his team isn't hardly killing anybody. Once again, he could just be really good, or playing with a bunch of losers, but there's also a greater chance that he's cheating than normal.

Avoid servers with over 20 people in them too. I firmly believe that counter-strike is not meant for that many people at once. it can be fun to goof around with but, when trying to play seriously, too many people flood choke points and make maps pointless (ever tried de_dust with more than 20 people? more than enough CTs to camp the tunnels and simply wait for Terrorists to come in, normally one by one.) Simply put, there aren't enough routes on most maps to help you get around 4-5 people at each route. Usually servers with over 20 players end up in camp fests for a while at choke points.

So, make sure players Kill:Time ratio isn't absurd (i find that average players seem to get around a kill a minute) and avoid large amounts of players (its easier for people to cheat in large servers too with all the general confusion of 20 people running around)

I'm a slightly above average player. I cant beat roughly 60-70% of people I play, can hold my own against another 10-20%, and generally get my ass handed to my by the rest. Using this method, though, I constantly get accused of cheating, so it makes me feel better lol.

I realize that in using this method it might seem like I'm straying away from tough matches, but there are a ton of other players about as good as me, and theres usually a few guys in any server that I go to that I can trade kills with and have a really good match-up.

Sorry for the long read. I'll try to clarify anything moreover if you guys want. But for now thats it.
Nah that sounds good. but sometimes it's good to join a server where there's one guy just owning everyone. If you can put him in his place by owning him, then you feel 100x better than just owning a bunch of noobs :D
That is true, dekstar. I do that every so often too. Or I'll get my friends, who are all roughly the same skill level as me and all go into a server like that and piss off the guy who's been pissing off everybody else.

Speaking of friends: Sometimes three of us will find an empty server and play until a few other people join in. By that time one of us usually has a really good score and the other two do ok. We have similar names so it appears that we're in a clan. These things can actually make someone who joins in a little nervous believe it or not. Not always, but sometimes, when a person joins a server with someone who's obviously doing really good it they perform a little worse than they normally would, just because they think that somebody is a ton better than them from their score.

My friends and I know each others methods pretty well, and when its just us playing it is a very tense, hard match. We can pull off some pretty amazing kills and tactics on each other because we're always trying to find new ways to beat each other. Somebody who has just joined and spectates me jumping off a high ledge and knifing my friend is naturally going to feel a little wary of going up against me.