The worst birthday present ever (and best prank ever)


Sep 13, 2003
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I have a friend who, despite better judgement, likes many girls. I don't mean that he's some kind of pimp who screws lots of girls, this may be the complete opposite. He genuinely cares for many many girls, and all of them could care less about him. One could characterize him as a "pussy." Pretty much any girl he ever comes into contact with, be it in real life, or in f*ckin' MYSPACE, he will make every pathetic attempt he can muster to date them. We've even given this group of girls a name, the "198" (I'm not going to explain it now.)

Now, as a friend of his, I cannot stand idly by as he continuously hands over his testicals to random bitches. As he nears his 21st birthday, my fellow compadres and I have become more and more concerned about the loss of his manhood. To that end, we have devised a plan to shock him out of this disgusting cycle of pussiness.

We're going to invent a girl on Myspace, and get my friend to fall for her.

"She" will start talking to our friend, from now on known as "Todd," and become more and more friendly. Todd will become infatuated with her, as he always does, but will never get an opprotunity to meet her. Until, that is, she tells him she'll be able to see him on his 21st birthday.

And now this is where things get very ugly.

Todd will be very excited to finally meet this girl. I can see him already, being all antsy and hyper about it. But when he finally opens the door to his dream girl, he will finally meet the very thing he's been pining over all these days. Me, dressed up like a girl.

After that, me and my friends will sit him down and explain what we did. There will be tears, there will be laughter, and chances are I'll get my ass kicked, but maybe this will finally teach the bitch a lesson about being so freakin sensitive.

Anyway, I made this thread just to see your thoughts. Also, I may need to pool creative resources from this fine group, and see what you would like to add to this prank. What do you gentlemen think?
I think you better be very confident about your abilities to impersonate a woman, enough to fool an over-sensitive man.

If you do feel this confident, you either have a very messed up friend, or you lead a terrible and disturbing double-life where you pretend to be a woman. frequently.

If however, you are not so confident about your ability to pretend to be a woman online, (and of course when your friend opens the door) I have a few words of advice:

Shaved legs. Oh yes.

Lip Balm to practice for dressing up for your friends 'special day'.

Pack of Ice, for the moment when your friend turns from 'pussy' into 'he-man' and punches you.

With these tips, you'll be set.
You must document this somewhere and release the entire thing onto the interwebs after the prank is pulled.
What Jintor said

And omg ur gonna really hurt his feelings man
I'd stay away from the apartment later... for some five weeks.

Icepicks can hurt.
I say you get bliink to play as the girl on MySpace so that way she can talk more realistically lol.
If you seriously would, I think you need to reconsider your decision. That's a bit extreme. Personally I think it wouldn't be worth the permanent side effects of eating hot tar. I'd rather just pretend to like the kid.
What would you like on your tombstone?
Does this really sound like a good prank/lesson to unleash on someone who is (and I quote) "so freakin sensitive"? I mean, if you juxtapose the two, sit back in your chair, and spend a second or two contemplating it.
Damn i should have placed bets on Tr0n surpporting this idea...

It was so Mother****ing obvious!!!
Do it. But only because I do not know this person and he is nothing but a name to me on the Internets and I'll not have to bare the consequences of this prank and I can just sit back and enjoy the plentiful hurting of feelings.

If you're not in that position, it's a terrible idea.

But still, DOOOO EEEEETT!!
I'm hesitant to say so, but you sound like a total arsehole to be seriously contemplating this. The only way you're not a callous bastard is if you really think this jape is going to have the supposed effect, which it will not. It won't. Believe it or not, causing a sensitive person embarrassment and humiliation won't make them snap out of their sensitivity, it'll make them paranoid and suspicious on top.
As far as I can see you're going to ruin your 'friend's' 21st birthday, probably end your friendship, and cause him massive humiliation .. for what?
It's probably not going to work... And he's probably always going to be sensitive. But if you know the guy well enough to know that a few laughs and beers later it'll all be fine - then it's up to you.

Only hiccup, make sure the myspace looks ultra real...
Yeah 21birthday, the day he becomes an adult, ull ruin his Adulthood...
Dude, that's such an awesomely unique idea, I wonder why noone else has ever thought to play a girl on the internet!! :rolleyes:
I don't think impersonating the girl will be the biggest problem...

I have a feeling during the process of getting "friendly" with him on Myspace under the guise of this girl, you're going to see a side of him which could possibly endanger your friendship, or atleast just make things very awkward. Sensitive-types like him (I should know :P) are generally alot different around girlfriend-types than they are around friends, in a way they generally don't like to share. And for good reason.

But, if you think you can stomach it...

Edit - Also, sensitive guys are generally slow to forgive, especially over stuff like this. And if he can't see the fun side of it, it's doubtful he'll be wanting to change because of it.
I agree with the hat, Part of me see's the bad bad friendship ruining idea that this is and how if you value his friendship you should not even think about doing this... the other part loves a good juicy drama that this will ultimatly become...

I'm honestly stuck on this one.
Any guy did that too me, it'll take more than the population of my local town to tear me off of him...
Woah i dun wanna get in trouble with you man
You might want to give the talk before the prank and wait a while. Or even better... just keep talking... and talking... and talking. Don't stop! Not even for breath. Who needs breath? Not you. Just keep talking.
This is awesome.

If you think he'll be able to laugh about it after, and not go on a killer rampage.
Most of you seem concerned about my friend's murderous rage after the fact. While I know he will be extremely pissed off, I also know that he'll forgive me on this one, and even laugh about it later. It's not like he's going to fall head over heals in love with this female persona. It's hard to explain Todd and his 198; he like's them a lot, but at the same time, he doesn't care.

Think about how much you love your girlfriend. Now take that given amount of love and spread that to every girl you've ever known your entire life. It sort of gets spread out thin, right? That's how Todd is. Todd really doesn't cry over girls (well, he did once when he was shmammered, and that was hilarious.)

Also, I've made the myspace, and would put the link on this site to allow you guys to critique it, but I'm afraid some of you will blow this prank. I'll probably post everything, including chat logs, when it's all done.
Think about how much you love your girlfriend.
My what?
I fill mine with helium and do her on the ceiling. Also if you make a punture in the mouth, you can do both her voice and yours!

Ahem, anyway I think it's a poor idea to do that to a sensitive person. I don't usually hold grudges, but I'd think you were a ****tard for a long while if you did that to me, and it wouldn't help much at all.
However, if you're still going to do it. youtube it.
Do it, you-tube it.

Will be awesome.
Oh, and by the way, HOLY SHIT!

I just visited my myspace account that I made 10 hours ago. I don't know how many people on this forum who are girls and have myspace accounts, but jesus christ, your internet lives must be hell.

Within the 10 bland hours of existence, my account has 20 friends request and 10 messages, most of them professing their adoration to me. I thought the idea that myspace was used for anonymous internet sex was a steriotype, not a freaking reality.

Case in point:
"nothing else needs to be said !! except, you have made your point !!!!
stunning and very beautiful !!!!
(absolutely great pix's !!!! )
very lovely, indeed !!!!!!!
perfectly pure & hot !!!!
(just a compliment to a lovely lady !!!!!!! )
the way you were meant to be, perfect !!!!!
so, sweet! & hot !!!!!
very lovely!"

Thanks Jim. However, he should know that I got the pictures from a myspace account which was named something like "fart queen" by this 19 year old girl who "loves to fart." Just goes to show you what looks mean in this world. ESPECIALLY on the internet.
Myspacians are sad... lonely people.

Not that I can't admit to having an account...
If someone did this to me I would probably just laugh my ass off when I realized what happened. But only if you were holding many beers when I opened the door. Oh and yes, you must post this in video format (screenshots of chats and etc, plus the birthday video) on youtube.

and lol @ myspace pervs.
So you want to de-sensitise your highly sensitive "friend" by humiliating him on his 21st birthday???? really should take up a career with the Samaritans.