HL2.net membership's top 100 games - THE RESULTS! (slight 56k warning)

I'm still in love with the list, though the random hissy pants comming through the threads makes baby goatse cry.
Bah, The Sims and the Sims 2 is a brilliant, highly addictive game of sorts. It's fun. I like to dip into it occasionally. It's more fun to dip into than HL2; I play straight through HL2. But HL2 is truely much more fun.
The sims is such a great game because it was inovative, much like StarCraft. It may not be to your liking, but you CANNOT say the game is horrible. You're oppinion does not make something.

And yes, Baby Goatse supports this message.
I wasted so much time on the Sims, I don't even think my hours on CS make up for it.
I tried rather desperately to like the Sims and failed. It was just too repeatative. I don't see how it's really all that innovative: it's only a logical progression of the 'Theme' games and Sim City. However, I think it deserves kudos for the sheer amount of non-gamers it got hooked. There are surely things inside the game that companies could look at if they want to get the same kind of exposure.
the sims is very innovative and superbly designed, doesnt mean you have to like it
Sims is fun for a week at most before it becomes boring IMO.

I agree with most of the list, except HL2 at the top spot Theres plenty of other games that should've gotten that spot but alas this is a HL forum >_> I would've rather maybe HL2 at the second and HL1 somewhere between 5-20. As for the top spot I can't decide :P Maybe Deus Ex, or SS2
Whoever doesn't like KoTOR, Must hate all RPG's in the world. It is the best RPG ever made.
KoTOR is on most top 100 lists. If it isn't, its rigged.
But the Half life part was rigged. I bet.

I agree with most of the list, except HL2 at the top spot Theres plenty of other games that should've gotten that spot but alas this is a HL forum >_> I would've rather maybe HL2 at the second and HL1 somewhere between 5-20. As for the top spot I can't decide :P Maybe Deus Ex, or SS2

You're a Deus Ex fanboy but you think Half-Life 1 should be in the 5-20 range?
If I had to give one game number 1, it'd be Planescape Torment. It has just about everything a successful game should have and then some.
You're a Deus Ex fanboy but you think Half-Life 1 should be in the 5-20 range?

The hell :| I just think Deus ex of SS2 should be ranked higher than HL2 and HL1 (Nevermind I was naming 2 games at random, there are other games that deserve the top spot over HL2) I don't see how this suddenly makes me a Deus Ex Fanboy, and yeah I think HL1 should be in the 5-20 range. Great FPS, but theres definately better stuff out there.

I mean it was one thing if I would've made a whining post all pissed about it like "HL2 higher than Deus ex AND SS2? ARE YOU SERIOUS? BSBSBSBSBSBS"
HL2 should rightly be a few slots ahead of both Deus ex and System shock 2. HL1 shouldn't second though, and nor should it be in the top 10.

If I had to give one game number 1, it'd be Planescape Torment. It has just about everything a successful game should have and then some.

For fuxxors sakes, what's all this 'should' BS? As I've already pointed out, this is not an objective list, it's a summation of people's favourites. Obviously there's going to be a massive skewing towards HL and HL2, even if you don't think they're the best two games ever. Get a freaking grip.
HL2 should rightly be a few slots ahead of both Deus ex and System shock 2. HL1 shouldn't second though, and nor should it be in the top 10.


You're gonna tell me HL2 should be ahead of Deus Ex and System Shock 2 THEN use one of MY phrases to laugh at me?

If this were the 1700s, I'd challenge you to a duel sir.
You're gonna tell me HL2 should be ahead of Deus Ex and System Shock 2 THEN use one of MY phrases to laugh at me?

If this were the 1700s, I'd challenge you to a duel sir.

What do you expect? Look at the name of the site.