Stupid moments?


Apr 30, 2006
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Well, Im playing HL2 again, and Im fighting the attack chopper at the dam just before Eli's lab...I manage to survive the onslaught, blow the chopper to hell, notice the wrecking falling straight at me...I back up, but the chopper smashes into my airboat and kills me! Oh man I fell out of my chair laughing!


So, what sort of stupid/funny/crazy moments did you get to enjoy in HL2?
For some very strange reason, whilst in playing through 'Entanglement', another Alyx randomly spawned and started following me around, so in the sequences where I was with the real Alyx, there were two Alyx's. What was crazy and funny however was that near the end of the scenerio just before you go into the room where you find Mossman, the other Alyx was no where to be seen and when I entered the room and the door was locked, the mission failed because of the inability to protect mission vital personel, when really the other Alyx had just got stuck on a door somewhere and was locked out!
After defeating the Antlionguard is Sandtraps, I sat and waited for the Vortigaunt to come out and blast the corpse. Unfortunately when he came to do it, the Guards corpse was positioned on such a slant that it keeled over due to the blast, crushing and killing the Vort.
I forgot where this was but I had just finished a firefight with one health left and I turn the corner where there is absolutely no one in front/side/above/below/behind me, and I fall to the ground dead. Its like the game was more realistic and you just die when so freaking close to death.
I was fighting in the anti person or something one levelI heard the Head crab shell comeing and Boom its ends up hitting me. ouch:laugh:
Wow...Id have to say being smashed by a Headcrab canister is probably the worst way to die in the HL world...
I'll say but it was funny to me. I thought geting killed by that car in ravenholm was bad I went through there and hit the switch and keep going and squish:laugh: The car fell on me. I die alot in the game.
The first time I saw a rollermine:

"Awww, its adorable!" *gets out of car and runs to rollermine*
*rollermine shocks me*
"OMG WTF crazy robot!" *shoots rocket in blind panic, dies*
I seem to remember getting "stuck" in a physics object due to some rare engine glitch and being crushed to death. That's pretty goofy, it's like Gordon tripped over whatever it was, smashed his brains out and died. I declare this evidence for the theory that Gordon doesn't wear a helmet. Though with that level of clumsyness, I imagine he wears big flourescent yellow elbow and knee protectors which his mother fastens securely for him whenever he steps outside to play with the bigger kids.

Not as memorable as that time in UT2004, when I ejected from a Raptor at a considerable altitude, had a lengthy firefight with some guy that was ultimately interrupted by the completely forgotten about Raptor's vertical descent upon my severly unlucky opponent. It was sort of like watching the poor bastard being stamped on by one of Terry Gillingham's animated feet.
I went into the building on the highway and it was all calm and all the roller mines come in and kill me I shoot one with the gravity gun it bounces off a wall and hits me. then I die I think it might have been a glitch for me to die that easy.
I missed health and armor power ups along highway 17 once, I had like 94h 89a. :o
I seem to remember getting "stuck" in a physics object due to some rare engine glitch and being crushed to death. That's pretty goofy, it's like Gordon tripped over whatever it was, smashed his brains out and died. I declare this evidence for the theory that Gordon doesn't wear a helmet. Though with that level of clumsyness, I imagine he wears big flourescent yellow elbow and knee protectors which his mother fastens securely for him whenever he steps outside to play with the bigger kids.

Not as memorable as that time in UT2004, when I ejected from a Raptor at a considerable altitude, had a lengthy firefight with some guy that was ultimately interrupted by the completely forgotten about Raptor's vertical descent upon my severly unlucky opponent. It was sort of like watching the poor bastard being stamped on by one of Terry Gillingham's animated feet.

Speaking of physics glitches...I was riding the airboat down the canals, blasting away combine soldiers, when you come to the fork where the combine and headcrabs lurk under the windmill...I was sitting in the airboat, shooting the headcrab pod...all of a sudden, I flip over, look out the side and see the windmill blades in my face...I fell back down, upside down, rolled over and ended up pinned between the overturned truck and the wall...
On my first play though, driving along in my buggy I saw roller mines coming at me so I swerved to avoid them, slid of the side of a hill then rolled my buggy, so I jumped out and got crushed by the buggy.

Me “**** that I’m out of here”
Buggy “WTF!!! If I’m going you coming with me”

On Sandtraps when the rebel was shouting at me to put the Buggy in the garage, I frantically tried to run him over but for some reason the Buggy was hurrled into the Ocean when I made contact with the rebel. :(
NPCs that are being scripted are like INVINCIBLE PHYSICS OBJECTS or something, I believe.
Just before i entered the Nova Prospekt complex, i climbed a steep cliff (sea under my feet), and there was a big water pipe coming out of the cliff which leads inside the main yard of the prison.
One last jump and i will be inside the pipe, when i peeked in the pipe and saw a fast zombie running and howling against me.

I simply waited 'till it jumped on me, i crouched and saw the poor creature fluying above my head and right into the sea down there...i gues it was going for a swim...*lmao* :D
I was in the anti person one level and in the begining dog was fighting with that combine car and I was fighting with the combine by that building I turn around and a flying car comes at me squish. It was the first time I had played that level and I did not know he would do that but it was funny to me:laugh: When I was on the cliffs on the high way this antlion kept followng me it would not die. I could not kill it it ramed me and my car became a baseball and I went flying off the cliff into the nice leech infested water. Could it have been a glitch?
How did your stunt end? Bad Or good I was driving on the railway and I ran into the oncomeing train.
lol these are all halarios! One time when I was playing a fast zombie started to chase me so I started to back up and fell off a legde into one of those never-ending gorges. The zombie jumped after me, pushing me in mid air onto the other side of the gorge. I stood on the ledge whatching the zombie scream and fall into the oblivion below him. It was SO funny!
How did your stunt end? Bad Or good I was driving on the railway and I ran into the oncomeing train.

Pretty well. The train comes when you go past the stalled train, so it didn't bother me. But there was a second shield. :) I just pushed the buggy over it with the gravgun and used 2 crates to climb on the stalled train to get over the shield. It was a lot of fun :D
lol i have got to try that!! I remember taking forever to finish that level, i kept falling off the brigde!!
I allways used the turbo (nitrous) when had to deal with the train...
I went past the train and hit the rock wall and died even though the train missed me.
In the nova prospekt level in the controlroom where you get to set up the turrets for the first time when i was done killing everything i accidently was standing under the hatch where alyx drops out, so when she kicked out the grid, it landed on me and i died. It was so freaking funny to have survided a wave of combine a then to die by a stupid grid
The first time I saw the train I turned around, turboed and excaped. The train didn't scratch me but for some reason as soon as it went past my car I got a failure screen for not preserving mission-critical resources. :\
I remember that my brother had the idea in Nova Prospekt to maintain both the turrets from the prior sentry gun defence scene, so he'd play that level thru again, take the guns, fight through combines, always with the two sentries, casting them throughout infested water, and when he finally arrived at the teleporter, where the second defense scenario was to take place- the guns shot Eli! XD Like in the speedrun, he was inocently carrying them around putting them up while Alyx was talking and stuff, and suddenly they just shot poor Eli Vanve, captured in his stalker-stower, only because he's black:'( ****ing racist combine sentry turrets. Oh, that reminds me of lovely potd on phwonline, it displayed a breencastmonitor, with a black Resistance fighter on it, manifesting that 'Breen doesn't care for the black populace', lmao
Also, when riding down the elevator in ep1, with debris from the citadel falling on you, I somehow fell off or was pushed off by large debris, but after a few metres fall (I was already thinking 'great, f9 all over again') I fell onto one of those circular rebars or whatever, emerging from the walls surrouding the shaft. So, I landed on one of those, surprised and with a mere 6 hp I think, only having to wait for the lift to come down on a few seconds and jumping onto it, as if nothing happened XD
Rofl, the above thing with fastzombs lunging at you is frigging hilarious^^ Stupid screamers.
LOL I tried doing the fast zombie thing over the cliff but he was stopped by my 4 antlions who killed him with ease, with me crouching down underneath the ledge like a little baby...
A matter of luck...try killing the antlions before showing up.
I was able to watch him jump off the cliff he thought he could FLY> WEEEEEEEE SPLAT. dumb zombie
Kill Anty?! Are you insane?! Hes my best friend!
Don't worry! I'm sure we'll find you a new Anty, "...there are plenty to go around..." :D
One time I was showing a kid HL2 by playing it from the start, before Gordon even gets to Kleiner's lab. There I am, playing up to the point where the Combines are aware of my presence and start chasing me, so I'm rushing through the rooms in the civilian apartment to get to the roof.

BUT, I somehow get stuck between some wood and furniture in one room close to the wall AND the exit, so the Combine close in on me and start beating the crap out of me.

The kid is going on at me to get away but try as I might, I'm totally stuck in the physics objects and I simply cannot move or get away as the Combines beat me to a bloody pulp. Then I died.

Ironic way to go, really: Humanity's last hope for salvation crushed because their saviour was beaten to death when he got his foot stuck in the broken furniture.

And I bet the kid thought I was a crap player because he doesn't understand the programming behind such complex physics and collision detection.
One time while doing Half Life 2 through, on 4 consecutive runs I fell off the ledges as Im making a run for Kleiner's lab...
As I'm being teliported from the Entanglement scene of Nova Prospekt to Dr. Klieners lab just as the teliports ready to roll I hop in it before Alyx and it goes up with only me.

Also Alyx is too late, is alone w/ combine, & eventually dies as my teliporter platform rises & im almost teliported to Dr. Kliener lab alont without Alyx; but before I am teliported, I am greeted by a "Mission Phailure, Phailed to preserve mission critical NPC's" because she gets shot to death by Overwatch.
I was runing up the mines to freedom and when you turn on that saw mine car to kill the zombies it goes to the top and back down again. I doged it and then it got I was sliced in half and THEN IT CAME BACK AGAIN AND MY BODY WENT DOWN MORE SSHHHHHII THE SLICE NOISE. and again until I must have been sliced 3 times. You know how when you die you can look around well the view kept getting lower after every slice but it was funny.