Things to see and do in HL2 (Document)

v nice. on my second playthrough and cant wait to find out the ' spooy secret' in anticitizen one
When I reached the area in Nova Prospekt where you have to setup 3 sentries, I had a really hard time maintaing the sentries. So what I eventually did was to use the boxes and barrles to build a stair to the second level, setup the sentries randomly and then flee to the second level where there is a station (with bullet proof glass) that you can use to protect yourself, and it worked! :D

Of course, the downside is that you see Alyx and the Combine spawning from nowhere, because the upper station is certainly not a place Valve expected the player to be during the sequence.
Eli's lab at BME is scattered with items of interest from the expository news clippings on the bulletin boards to the severed head of a Cremator (deleted HL2 enemy) in a jar. Approaching either of these will cause Eli to comment on it.

he has never commented on these things when I play, what does he say?
He says "Alyx always bring the weird things", and not sure on what cremator head is.
I lol'd.

But the cremator head is that oval plant looking thing in a jar.
Cremator's were combine janitors really, they had large napalm flamethrowers, and walked along in long trench coats burning corpses and decaying matter on the streets of City 17, to clean the whole place up. The head is like a silver oval ball with 2 eyes in and a gauze like mouth. See Raising the Bar for pictures.
I'm sure you all know but when u set fire on slow zombies they scream. Play that backwards and they say something like "god, help me oh god" or something.

Pvt Shadow Runner

By the way where can i see raising the bar?
6. There's a spooky little Easter egg hidden late in the level, shortly before Gordon enters the warehouse area. When you see the Combine vs. zombies (and barnacles) battle in the underground sewer area, be sure to explore the out of the way, barnacle-infested corridor off to the left. After seeing a hapless Combine soldier get trapped and devoured by a barnacle take a right turn, then climb a short flight of stairs and continue forward. Soon, you will see a small alcove with a dead citizen and what looks like a 4x4 supporting a section of ceiling. Smash the 4x4 and prepare to be startled.

Is that where

The poison headcrabs drop down?
Cremator's were combine janitors really, they had large napalm flamethrowers, and walked along in long trench coats burning corpses and decaying matter on the streets of City 17, to clean the whole place up. The head is like a silver oval ball with 2 eyes in and a gauze like mouth. See Raising the Bar for pictures.
But weren't Cremators supposed to be a bit of a symbol of oppression and something to be feared. I remember a cut poster that featured a Cremator that had a rather threatening feeling to it, if a somewhat silly line.
I've seen quite a few burnt bodies around the place in HL2, could those be the work of the Cremator?
I've seen quite a few burnt bodies around the place in HL2, could those be the work of the Cremator?

Could have sworn some one else has said that before. Anyway , I don't think it is the work of cremators because they would most likely want to leave no trace what so ever of the body being there.
Could have sworn some one else has said that before. Anyway , I don't think it is the work of cremators because they would most likely want to leave no trace what so ever of the body being there.

And that's who??? I haven't copy this.
I never said you did copy it. I just said I thought some one had said this in the past.
I think those bodies are just rotted, not burnt. I've seen pictures of bodies that have been dead for months, and they had actually turned black like the HL2 ones.

Mad Squid would you stop posting in a month/year old thread?!
Also your post is.... shitty!

So long as its a sticky ill post in it no matter when it was started...
It actually is possible that the crowbar barney gives you is the orginal crowbar. In blueshift, at the end of the game you are teleported to a little storage room. Through the grate in the floor, you can see gordon getting dragged away by the military. Its possible, although not depicted in the game, that gordon was holding the crowbar as he was dragged away, and just so happened to drop it near the grate, allowing barney to reach it and take it. Thats just a suggestion though.

One other thing, i dunno if it got mentioned before, is that theres a picture of Kleiner on the noticeboard in his lab. It has "UNCLE KLEINER" written on it in crayon, and was probabaly drawn by alyx when she was a child.
I keep missing one supply cache. In the Route Kanal level where the horde of manhacks follow you into the soon-to-be-flooded room full of explosive barrels- there appears to be an HEV battery at the end of a ventilation shaft, but I can't jump into it.

Are you able to get it? With the one grenade perhaps?
In Black Mesa East, throw Dog's ball out over the cliffs. Alyx laughs and says: "Where's your ball, Dog?" Dog then picks up other nearby objects (like the barrel thing the ball was kept under) and throws them instead.

Towards the end of Follow Freeman, when you're on the roof overlooking the battle in the courtyard below, you can try to bring down a strider; there's an infinite ammo crate for the rocket launcher (used when fighting an earlier gunship) and it's easy enough to shoot rockets past the fence by firing them into the air and pointing the laser sight after they're launched.

When you extend the skybridge, there's a pile of empty headcrab shells (?) near the controls; climbing on them gives you a good vantage point for sniping the soldiers pouring across. While up there, you can vaporise large numbers of them by shooting comboings into the window next to the skybridge door. Aimed right, it'll bounce around in the corridor and hit everyone congregating inside.

In Station #6 towards the end of Route Kanal, there's a citizen in a fenced-off room showing off his awesome new hat. Shooting it (before or after the citizen collapses) will result in long-distance flinging of the body, as if you'd used the rocket launcher.

Though leaving Ravenholm requires the use of Grigori's slow-moving cart, you can wait for it in the comfort of (someone's abandoned) home. When he announces his intention to send over the cart, jump off the opposite side of the roof onto the ledge you'd come up just prior. Go inside, shut the door so the zombies don't follow you in, head over to the ladder leading to the roof, and wait until you hear Grigori announce the boarding call before you go up (and open the hatch).

While it is not possible to save Laszlo, it is possible to kill the antlions before they kill him, making him die a rather inexplicable and jarringly scripted death. The best way to see this would be by deploying the rocket launcher; massive damage, large blast radius, and amazingly convenient friendly-fire prohibitions keeping Laszlo and friend utterly unharmed despite being in the middle of it.
I keep missing one supply cache. In the Route Kanal level where the horde of manhacks follow you into the soon-to-be-flooded room full of explosive barrels- there appears to be an HEV battery at the end of a ventilation shaft, but I can't jump into it.

Are you able to get it? With the one grenade perhaps?

Bring a barrel to stand on.

Or alternatively, it might be easier to use the supply crate floating in the valve room nearby, since it doesn't roll. Just make sure not to break the crate open until after you've used it as a stepping block!
In Dr. Kliener's lab, you will find a seismograph (?) printing a readout, only to send the printed paper directly into a rubbish bin.

When you visit his lab for the first time in "A Red Letter Day," he has two big tanks filled with some bubbly reddish liquid. When you go there again in "Entanglement," the tanks are empty and broken, and there is a reddish stain on the floor around them.
Yeah, I didn't learn anything new. :p Didn't you guys ever look at a four year old Easter Egg list or detailed descriptions of all the Joey and Erdim couple sightings for instance? :)

Once, after falling off a cliff on the Coast level (or possibly sandtraps) I got a post death message (similar to those 'failure to preserve mission critical personnel/equipment ones) saying something like 'subject freeman displayed poor judgement'.

Also, on point insertion there's a chance to witness some bad combine driving. As you cross the roofs towards your meeting with Alyx, two CP's will run up the street below behind you. Watch as they get run over by the APC that drives down from that end of the street.

Lastly, console command trickery, for if you're feeling bored or sadistic. Play around with the command 'ent_fire entityname ignite'. Fun to be had setting the gman alight when you're sick of him being all mysterious, also useful for shutting up Breen. I've also set fire to flocks of crows and the Icthyosaur with this. It also works on the menu screens. WARNING: can cause scripted sequences to mess up and leave you stuck.
It should also be nored that the same couple on the couch, saddened and trying comfort another... can be seen in Ep2. Right when you reach White Forest, follow Alyx inside, but before going down the hallway, look in a window, somewhere nearby. details are fuzzy at 2am. you can see them sitting on the couch eli sits on after alyx tells him what the gman said.
Is it OK if i say this?You forgot to put on Water Hazard That at the start when you in the airboat.There is like a barn thing.On the Balcony of the Barn thing is Gman.Just to say man.;)
It's not exactly an easter egg, but it does make a difficult segment slightly easier: In "Follow Freeman", once you've made it to the roof of the Overwatch headquarters, there's a replenishing crate of rockets that you use to shoot down a gunship. If you're patient and careful not to accidentally blow yourself up, you can also use these to destroy (or at least damage) one of the striders you'll be facing in the courtyard shortly. You have to move quickly, though, as it doesn't stay on screen for long.
Wow! These are all great! Has anybody found anything for Epidoes 1 and 2?

In Episode 2, there is a G-Man sighting on the bridge where you first get the car. Once Freeman, Alyx and the Vortigon (who I swear is voiced by Tony Todd of Candyman and Star Trek fame...) enter the overlook, Alyx comments that she sees a car on the bridge. If you look out the left windows, the G-Man can be seen walking a short distance on the bridge and disappears into a white building to the left.

I was so proud to have seen that easter egg. :laugh:
Maybe lock the thread if you don't want it necro'ed? Just a thought. Oh, and I am a newbie playing HL2 for the first time. So sue me. :P
Maybe check post dates, and don't post on an old thread, huh. AFAIK it's okay to bump stickies.
Everyone in this thread has been dieing to hear his answer for X amount of years (cbf looking) and this is how you treat him?

This guy is a ****ing hero.
The OP's first post made me replay HL2 ALL over again. It was fun to find new things that you hadn't seen before.
I found something weird while playing through City 17.
Every now and then, you hear a jet flying overhead as ambiance.
Does the Combine have some new airborne synth, or are they permitting mass Air transit as well as railways?
im sorry..this maybe stupid to ask..
im playing this one but i dont know what episode this is..

can someone tell me what episode this is..?