Irony and why jealousy never works

Glirk Dient

Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Well here is a story. It is far from bragging rights.

There is this girl that I met in one of my college classes. She is very beautiful(cheerleader and model). I start to flirt with her because thats how I roll. We hang out a few times and I find out she is a hardcore gamer(played EQ more than I did). This was all I needed to hear. Before this it was just playful flirting, nothing serious. Well I end up liking her a lot and she ends up liking me a lot. She was into only mexicans before this and she tells me I am the first white guy she has liked since 7th grade. I broke her in. I win at life.

Things are going great, then I find out she has a BF. This complicates things. I talk to her about it and find out she is scared to break up with him. He is a coke dealer and is obsessed with her. He can do things so she doesn't want anything to happen if me and her hook up. This sucks, this shit is only supposed to happen in rap videos. No worry, I will give her time to break it off with him peacefully and hopefully deport him since he isn't legal and I like me being in one piece.

I give her time, and after about a week she starts half ignoring me. It confuses the hell out of me because she responds and sends a good vibe when I get ahold of her but she no longer wants to hang out or talk or barely text. it gets worse and I get frustrated. I start flirting with other girls and ignoring her in an attempt to make her jealous. Things only get worse and I prepare myself for the inevitable. She begins to talk to me a bit when I call her. Now this sucks, do I get over her or give it a chance? I would hate myself if I didn't try. I give it a chance.

I walk in to english which I sit next to her in. She comes in and we make small talk while the teacher thinks he is teaching. After class she doesnt even wait for me and then she just talks on her phone when I catch up and just goes down some hallway. Im not dumb, I can take a hint. I don't go to math. Screw this. I text her asking her whats wrong. Typical answer..she says "nothing". I ask if she is mad at me or hates me because something is up. After a bit of coaxing she respongs that "Someone told her I didn't like her anymore so she moved on". Wow...that sucks. So she was ignoring me in an attempt to make me jealous and text her more? I was trying to not text her and barely did that whole time in an attempt to make her jealous and wonder why I wasn't talking to her. By doing that she thought the rumors were true and I essentially screwed myself over. Moral of the story, be honest and don't try to mess with peoples feelings in order to get what you want. You end up getting hurt and it hurts...a lot. I feel like shit right now but in a way I am glad. I now know she does hate me so I can stop wasting my time with her.
yeah I got a buddy that used to hang out with dealers and got busted a few years back. Some dick at work pissed him off and the next day the guy got his tires slashed by some hoodlums right infront of the where we work. Moral is don't **** with loco drug dealers.

but I don't get the ironic part of the story.
bring out the sucker punch when she least expects it
So you flirted with some girl who was already attached. When you found that out, you stopped showing interest because you wanted to give her space, but she took that as you really werent interested in trying and so she actually lost interest in you and stopped putting forth any effort at all. So you stop talking to her completely to try and make her jealous, and that just further aggravates things and then it all just cluster****s.

That's way too much trouble for a girl that (I'm assuming) you haven't even slept with yet.
Oh well, atleast you'll get over it in a week. For guys it's like this:

"Oh wow that girl is hot, I think I'm in love with her. I can imagine us going to Brazil together and making sweet love all night. I want to shower her with flowers and totally knock her off her feet. She's my soul mate"
...then after sex
"**** this girl is annoying. All she does is bitch about her problems and her friends and her friends' problems and talk about shoes. I gotta get her off my back. Hey look at that hot chick walking down the street. I think Im in love her now"

For a girl:
"I don't know if I like this guy, he's kind of annoying and gets on my nerves. But I see him every day and he's kind of cute in a wierd way"
...after sex
"wow this guy is so deep and has so many facets I never understood before. I'm gonna take him home to meet my parents and make sure he comes shopping with me. I've finally got somebody that understands me and I can share all of my feelings with. I'm never letting him go."
Looking back, I really hated the bs drama and mind games some people tried to pull in relationships, and I hated people's friends messing with their relationships. If you have to go through that much drama in the beginning, it's just not worth it. Better to wait for someone who's open and honest and doesn't play these stupid mind games with you. And cut it out yourself, instead of trying to think of ways to make her jealous you should have been texting her.
Hard to say buddy...

Well if you think you connected with her on a deep level, I say keep going for it. And if you feel she is something special, you should at least try not to lose her through any means possible. At least keep being a friend and see what happens, you never know. So I would suggest finding out if you two still want to be friends, that way you show you want her to be in your life no matter what. ANd if she says no then there ya go, leave her and move on. It seems you think maybe her bf is brainwashing her and keeping her on a tight leash. We all know that relationship wont last because a woman cant be happy and fulfilled in fear. So if you remain friends, you could have a chance to work your way into her heart. So there ya go man. Im rooting for you!!

(waves little flag that says "Go Glirk Dient!")
This is why I do not have much interest in relationships right now. People can't be up-front anymore. They always have to beat around the bush. Your feelings may get hurt. So what? Now that every thing's out in the open, it can only look up.
wtf, if it was only a rumor why the hell didn't you try and smooth things over?! Why the hell would you just be like "oh so that was why you were avoiding me.....kthxbai"

Seriously dude, it's rare to find a hot girl who loves gaming (well prob not but most hot chicks won't ever admit that they like gaming)...
glirk dient said:
I give her time, and after about a week she starts half ignoring me

that was your cue to say "oh well", and off to the next person ..regardless of what the reason is you really wanna play a full round of "he said/she said" ..just move on and be done with it

how do you know sometime in the future she wouldnt say .."look glirk I know you're my boyfriend but ..I met this guy, I didnt want to go behind your back but ..I dont want to hurt you but.."

what goes around comes around ..
I start to flirt with her because thats how I roll.

I talk to her about it and find out she is scared to break up with him. He is a coke dealer and is obsessed with her. He can do things so she doesn't want anything to happen if me and her hook up.

I give her time, and after about a week she starts half ignoring me.

she just talks on her phone when I catch up and just goes down some hallway. Im not dumb, I can take a hint.

"Someone told her I didn't like her anymore so she moved on".

a few things there.. that's how you roll? oh my god do you actually talk like that? do you know how arrogant that sounds?

also, all the other things are just hints and many many excuses because she just didn't like you but didn't want to be rude. leave the poor girl alone.
a few things there.. that's how you roll? oh my god do you actually talk like that? do you know how arrogant that sounds?

Coming from the man who makes nothing but "I ____ with this woman look how cool I am" threads
direct her to your original post so that she understands wtf happened and that you still want to be with her. Then, when you get back with her, take pics of her and post them here for us to see. The end.
yeah do that, cos you know, that's how you roll.

you smooth cat, you...
She was into only mexicans before this and she tells me I am the first white guy she has liked since 7th grade. I broke her in. I win at life.

Why would you want to date a former racist?

Things are going great, then I find out she has a BF. This complicates things. I talk to her about it and find out she is scared to break up with him. He is a coke dealer and is obsessed with her. He can do things so she doesn't want anything to happen if me and her hook up. This sucks, this shit is only supposed to happen in rap videos.

my guess is that she wanted you to act like a man when she told she had a boyfriend. Maybe she was expecting you to rescue her. You did not do that so you failed.

No worry, I will give her time to break it off with him peacefully and hopefully deport him since he isn't legal and I like me being in one piece.

You can't deport him that easily. If he is a coke dealer first he will go to prison and then the ICE will deport him assuming that he doesn't rot to death in prison.

I give her time, and ............I now know she does hate me so I can stop wasting my time with her.

Learn from the experience and move on.
is it bad that every time i read one of these 'i suck at pulling girls' threads it makes me happy?
is it bad that every time i read one of these 'i suck at pulling girls' threads it makes me happy?

just when I had cleaned up the nose vomit, here it comes again

and kngZleppelin, shhh baby
Rambler, your horrible at reading. This isn't an "I suck at getting girls threads plz help". I do pretty well. This is a thread about why you should talk to the other person and not try to ignore them in order to make them jealous. I dont really care what you say rambler. You lose credibility when you come to a gaming forum to brag.

BTW I talked to her and were gonna be friends. She got over me and was hurt which is why she started to ignore me even though I kept trying to get her. She just took things too literally and its hard for her to like white guys.

Also stern...we never did anything. She had a BF but liked me and hated him. It will happen to anyone so its not that bad. If we did something I would be worried...if I dated her.
You can't deport him that easily. If he is a coke dealer first he will go to prison and then the ICE will deport him assuming that he doesn't rot to death in prison.

You have no idea of the policy against illegal immigrants do you? They'd deport him faster then throw his ass in jail. Thats the last thing the government would do is keep his sorry butt in America.
You have no idea of the policy against illegal immigrants do you? They'd deport him faster then throw his ass in jail. Thats the last thing the government would do is keep his sorry butt in America.

False. If the guy is a drug dealer, first he'll do time then he'll go back to Mexico. What if the guy was a rapist or a murderer, in that case, do you think they would deport him to Mexico or throw him in a prison cell?

Yup, selling coke is also a serious crime.
Rambler, your horrible at reading. This isn't an "I suck at getting girls threads plz help". I do pretty well. This is a thread about why you should talk to the other person and not try to ignore them in order to make them jealous. I dont really care what you say rambler. You lose credibility when you come to a gaming forum to brag.

BTW I talked to her and were gonna be friends. She got over me and was hurt which is why she started to ignore me even though I kept trying to get her. She just took things too literally and its hard for her to like white guys.

Also stern...we never did anything. She had a BF but liked me and hated him. It will happen to anyone so its not that bad. If we did something I would be worried...if I dated her.
Enough talking from you. Where are the pics? :P
**** her brains out. Then tell say she owes you 10 bucks.
Enough talking from you. Where are the pics? :P

ive shown pics to a few people that I trust here. Really I dont want to be bragging or have her pics spread around on the net without her knowledge. There really is no point to post them.
Cool man!!

Keep rolling "Glirk Dient" style...

a few things there.. that's how you roll? oh my god do you actually talk like that? do you know how arrogant that sounds?

(yelling from the streets) "Daddies lock up your teen daughters, Glirk Dient is unleashed and SEXY!! OOOOOOOwwww!!!
You win some you loose some mate.

But yeah, trying to make someone jealous never works, ever.
i agree with badger, usually girls will just ignore you more as a kind of whiplash, or get with someone else, cos they don't want to show that they like you by being jealous, especially not if your some dick that tries to make girls jealous (i'm not calling you one, it's an example)
No rambler. Girls don't ignore guys they like. If they are mad at you they will make it obvious. They don't completely ignore you when they like you. She did that because she was over me at that point because someone said I didnt like her anymore. You have proved to be worthless enough and an ass thus far so it's hard to take any of your "advice" seriously when you seem to lack on the subject. BTW the whole "I roll like that" was meant more as a joke. I am glad to see some of you picked up on it but apparently it went over your head and you just look like an ass now.
I'm laughing with rambler here,

'thats how I roll'
Hilarious :D

<3 Glirk
No rambler. Girls don't ignore guys they like. If they are mad at you they will make it obvious. They don't completely ignore you when they like you. She did that because she was over me at that point because someone said I didnt like her anymore. You have proved to be worthless enough and an ass thus far so it's hard to take any of your "advice" seriously when you seem to lack on the subject. BTW the whole "I roll like that" was meant more as a joke. I am glad to see some of you picked up on it but apparently it went over your head and you just look like an ass now.

ok first of all, calm down, second of all, it's called 'playing hard to get' and girls do it alot. it's just how they roll. :laugh:
Cool man!!

Keep rolling "Glirk Dient" style...

(yelling from the streets) "Daddies lock up your teen daughters, Glirk Dient is unleashed and SEXY!! OOOOOOOwwww!!!

Did anyone else find this post hilarious:D

I don't have anything to say to you(Glirk) except that you should stop thinking that you friend can read your mind and know wht youre doing(you girlfriend is also guilty of this too, I mean someone told her you weren't interested anymore, so she starts ignoring you? I'm pretty sure she's lieing to you, hell the coke dealer boyfriend is probably a figment of her imagination to.)
New record? Page three an no one has suggested rape?

Also, <3 rambler
You live in Minnesota and she likes Mexicans who sell crack? I call hermaphrodite