The storyline to Half Life 2 makes no sense.

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Nov 29, 2006
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The human soldiers do good against super big warriors (Xen solders), yet get killed in a 7 hours war?

And 6 billion people can't stop the combine while they are invading but one dude in a suit can while they are here?

Plus... Considering what we've seen of episode 2... 6 billion people didn't do good again't the combine invading, but now 100 million people are supposed to stop the combine AND the monsters that have inhabited Earth in 20 years?

I'm sorry, the game rocks, but they needed to hire someone else to do the storyline.

The human soldiers do good against super big warriors (Xen solders), yet get killed in a 7 hours war?

And 6 billion people can't stop the combine while they are invading but one dude in a suit can while they are here?

Plus... Considering what we've seen of episode 2... 6 billion people didn't do good again't the combine invading, but now 100 million people are supposed to stop the combine AND the monsters that have inhabited Earth in 20 years?

I'm sorry, the game rocks, but they needed to hire someone else to do the storyline.

where did you get all of these number counts from??? i think you just dont enjoy the story or dont get it at all.
He's got a point though.

"Oh my god yes! The one free man has come to save us all! Death to the combine, Death to the citadel! Erm, we'll just stay behind you gordon"
What do you guys think, if earth had not surrendered, would the humans had won?
We also don't know how gnarly the 7-hour war was. I imagine they sent in quite a worldwide strike force, with synth crawling all over the place. Once they had the world under control, they could leave behind a 'maintenance detachment' to keep things going, which is what Gordon (and the rest of the human race) are up against. I also don't recall the human soldiers doing very well against the Xen soldiers (?). Keep in mind that this wasn't a full-on invasion either.

I think if the earth had surrendered, the humans would still have lost, probably in a worse way.
I believe it was Eli (or Kliner?) who told you that 20 years have passed in episode 1.

7 hours war is obvious. 100 million people? Considering the losses and the lack of people, I'm guessing.

About the 7 hours war thing... You don't really know. It could be argued that Britain should've given up to Germany, but they didn't... Lots of stuff happen when yuo put your mind to it... The humans could've done like in Independance day, stolen a few fallen combine fessals, sent them to the combines home planet, blown it up with nukes...
The humans could've done like in Independance day, stolen a few fallen combine fessals, sent them to the combines home planet, blown it up with nukes...
The humans didn't have the ability to react to an invasion as easily, and not in that way. The remaining armies were more than likely all stuck in those last safe cities, leaving them cut off from any missile silos they could've launched nuclear weapons or any other kinds of missiles from to use against The Combine on Earth, or anywhere else.
The human soldiers do good against super big warriors (Xen solders)
No, they got hammered, which is why Black Mesa was nuked. :)

yet get killed in a 7 hours war?
The Combine teleported dozens of battle-ready citadels into the middle of earth's cities - all the nukes in the world were useless, and soldiers were completely off guard.

And 6 billion people can't stop the combine while they are invading but one dude in a suit can while they are here?
a) The initial combine invasion force during the seven hour was bigger than anything seen in HL 2. By the time Gordon comes along, earth has been left in the care of the weaker Trans-human Overwatch.

b) People on earth had lost all hope. When Gordon came, it was like some mythical God had returned from nowhere, 20 years after being last seen. People believed he could topple the Combine. It was Gordon's destruction of Nova Prospekt that triggered the rebellion in City 17.

Plus... Considering what we've seen of episode 2... 6 billion people didn't do good again't the combine invading, but now 100 million people are supposed to stop the combine AND the monsters that have inhabited Earth in 20 years?
Last time we were caught off guard, attacked from within our own cities. Our governments and military bases were destroyed before they knew what hit them.

This time we have prior information of the coming attack, and we have the vortigaunts on our side (:E). We also have 20 years worth of knowledge on the weaknesses of striders, gunships, etc.

I'm sorry, the game rocks, but they needed to hire someone else to do the storyline.
:O Read Laidlaw's 37th Mandala before you say that. Laidlaw is an excellent story writer, something he proved already in HL 1. Have a little faith in him.
oh, they were unprepared huh? Says the guy who has never been in the army.

Soldiers are TRAINED to be prepared for any sort of situation fool.

BTW, the whole world is gonna give up because Dr. Breen says too? Another plot hole there.
SO basically what I'm getting from you is that soldiers were unprepared, slackers, and the normal everyday humans have a better chance against the combine because... THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE UP AGAINST??

Let me ask you something, if it was still the cold war, and Russia had wiped out our armed forces, would normal everyday humans with guns have a better chance to win then our armed forces because we now know what we are up against?

And please, lets stick to the facts, don't bring cheesy, unrealistic 80's movies like Red Dawn into the picture...

I'm talking real. Soldiers who are trained to kill, who wouldn't be afraid to point a gun at someone, versus people who are afraid to die, afraid to poitn a gun at someone. You honestly think these normal people at the hl2 universe have a better shot? if you do, you're smoking something.

I don't really care what these people have gone thru the last 20 years, it still takes alot of training to not be afraid to point your gun at someone and blow their brains out, not that I would know, but I've had family in the army... Training also helps get your quickness up, so you can shoot fast, move fast, and dodge fast.

The soldiers are trained, the humans are walkign targets. If this wasn't a game, or they made it like they should, the humans would all be wiped out by now.
oh, they were unprepared huh? Says the guy who has never been in the army.

Soldiers are TRAINED to be prepared for any sort of situation fool.

BTW, the whole world is gonna give up because Dr. Breen says too? Another plot hole there.
Trained to get their asses handed to them by the Combine?
oh, they were unprepared huh? Says the guy who has never been in the army.

Soldiers are TRAINED to be prepared for any sort of situation fool.

They were unprepared for the portal storms, which came before The Combine invasion. To summarize the portal storms, a portal opened allowing hundreds of thousands of hostile aliens to come pouring through into the world at a constant rate, that has been happening for nearly 20 years. The human population that made it through the initial portal storms barricaded themselves into cities to seek protection against the aliens, and none of the governments or armies of the world had any chance to combat the aliens simply because of the huge amounts of aliens there were, and the huge amounts which kept on coming. I do, however, believe that if the portal storms hadn't happened, the armies on Earth may have had a chance at beating the first Combine forces that came through.
Man it's just a story, why is it so hard to understand Zellio? Besides, it's not even over yet! Theres still much of the story to be revealed...

1. Humans get pwnt by the Combine Forces. It only took 7 hours. Outnumbered, overpowered, simple.
2. A much smaller combine force, the 'overwatch', is left to keep the remaining humans in order, and do other things, iunno.
3. 10-15 Years go by, some scientists from the black mesa (Kleiner, Eli, maybe others) have been hiding, working on their teleportation technology and other things, probably waiting to strike back. Not sure really. EDIT: I guess this explains that part better:
"Barney contacted Dr. Kleiner - another Black Mesa veteran - and helped Gordon escape to Kliener's lab. There he met Alyx - daughter of Eli Vance, yet another of Gordon's former colleagues. It seemed that the surviving Black Mesa personnel were part of an underground resistance against the Combine. Apparently, they helped distressed citizens escape the city to secret rebel bases via a hidden 'railroad' among the canals. But today, Alyx explained, they were about to test their first proper teleporter - which will allow them to send citizens to the bases quickly and easily, without risk."

4. Here's where Gordon comes in. G-man takes him out of stasis for whatever reason. Gordon teams up with the other scientists, the combine find out and start hunting them down. Gordon, with his good ol' HEV suit, fights his way through hundreds of combine CP and soldiers to get to Eli's lab. I don't know exactly what they planned to do once Gordon got there, but whatever it was, they had a change of plans when Eli gets captured and taken to Nova Prospekt.

5. Gordon opens a can of pwnage all over Nova Prospekt, and blows the place up when he and alyx teleport out of there. This starts an uprising against the overwatch. I'm pretty sure that people wouldn't have a problem shooting half-human/alien/machines who have been keeping them locked up in a city for the past decade. Not to mention destroying their whole f*cking planet. No they're not soldiers, but it doesn't matter, they fight anyway and manage to kick ass.

6. With Gordon leading the fight, the rebels do some real damage. Gordon makes his way to the citadel and manages to blow that up too.


Again, it's just a story. And I guess it doesn't seem like much because it's not really told directly to you. You have to speculate on whats going on and try to figure it out for yourself.

Edit: I'm gonna go finish reading this now: because I don't think I ever did read it.
SO basically what I'm getting from you is that soldiers were unprepared, slackers, and the normal everyday humans have a better chance against the combine because... THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE UP AGAINST??

Let me ask you something, if it was still the cold war, and Russia had wiped out our armed forces, would normal everyday humans with guns have a better chance to win then our armed forces because we now know what we are up against?

And please, lets stick to the facts, don't bring cheesy, unrealistic 80's movies like Red Dawn into the picture...

I'm talking real. Soldiers who are trained to kill, who wouldn't be afraid to point a gun at someone, versus people who are afraid to die, afraid to poitn a gun at someone. You honestly think these normal people at the hl2 universe have a better shot? if you do, you're smoking something.

I don't really care what these people have gone thru the last 20 years, it still takes alot of training to not be afraid to point your gun at someone and blow their brains out, not that I would know, but I've had family in the army... Training also helps get your quickness up, so you can shoot fast, move fast, and dodge fast.

The soldiers are trained, the humans are walkign targets. If this wasn't a game, or they made it like they should, the humans would all be wiped out by now.

Have a friggin clue buddy. Laser weapons, walking synths invulnerable to everything but explosives, sudden teleportation into the middle of bases, cities... not to mention the wildlife, and possibly various Combine forces that havn't been exposed yet. I don't know about you, but even the military would not be prepared for a freaking alien invasion, especially when almost all military leaders of all the world would probably be arguing amongst themselves as to such questions as "Did Russia do this?" and start blaming one another for the whole god damn mess (human nature).

The resistance has a very small, very marginal chance of beating the Combine Transhuman overwatch into dust, and even less chance of surving any Combine, true combine (not transhuman overwatch) retaliation. No, I do not believe that the ragtag resistance has a massive chance of beating the Combine into the ground; What played out in HL2 was a combination of a HEV suit, sheer luck, and being an awesome shot. Seeing how Valve pulls it off in a believable fashion will be one of the highlights of playing the rest of the Half-Life 2 saga.
Soldiers are TRAINED to be prepared for any sort of situation fool.
My dad's been in the army for a LONG time, and I'm pretty durned sure there's nothing in training about a MILE HIGH citadel teleporting into the centre of a city and releasing thousands of spider like things with warp cannons and flying insects that are stronger, faster and more maneuverable than the best helicopters. Not to mention hunter synths that are small, agile, deadly and most importantly, numerous.

Before you start hurling insults, little nublet, I'd like to ask you - are you a half-life fan? If you are not, then go find another forum to rant in. This is a place where people who like the half-life series can discuss the game, not a complaint redressal agency.

BTW, the whole world is gonna give up because Dr. Breen says too? Another plot hole there.
Humans didn't surrender because Breen said so, they surrendered because there was nothing left for them to fight with. Soldiers, war machines, they were all destroyed, most of them before they could be deployed. (Hence the name, seven-hour-war :hmph:)

Breen offered the Combine human (Xen relay based) teleportal technology in exchange for allowing our race to survive. Humans saw that there was no other way.

Training also helps get your quickness up, so you can shoot fast, move fast, and dodge fast.
None of which is any use against an enemy that outnumbers you, attacks from within your own cities, and has technology millenia ahead of you.

Keep at it, little nublet :thumbs:
Also remember that Earth and the human military had been been badly damaged by the portal storms. It's quite likely that most of the remaining people on Earth were concentrated in the large cities, protected by the military. When the massive combine army arrived they were sitting ducks for air and artillery attacks. Sure, a few tens of thousands troops might have survived in the wastelands, but they were not enough to reconquer an entire planet.

The human soldiers do good against super big warriors (Xen solders), yet get killed in a 7 hours war?

The invader weren't vortigaunts(Xen soldiers). Combine are something other. This has been mentioned previously, methinks.

And 6 billion people can't stop the combine while they are invading but one dude in a suit can while they are here?

How many conquistadors did Hernán Cortés bring with in the conquest of the America?
oh, they were unprepared huh? Says the guy who has never been in the army.

Soldiers are TRAINED to be prepared for any sort of situation fool.

BTW, the whole world is gonna give up because Dr. Breen says too? Another plot hole there.

Oh, so you're prepared for the Combine teleporting in from nowhere? Massive quakes that reveal ****ing indestructible who-knows-how-high monstrosities that spews out synths that are more powerful than the ones we saw in HL2? Which can be destroyed, but only with bat **** insane amounts of ammunition?

Oh wait, I know; let's blow out the Citadel! And risk killing countless civilians in the city!

You've got to realise that humans have A LOT to lose by fighting the Combine outright. There'll be little to fight for if they continued fighting till the end. The Combine aren't likely to give up, in any case.
The moral of the story is: Dont dis the storyline if you really haven't a clue what the story is getting at
Well who cares why they lost or why they should have won. in the game they are fighting back. Here is one thing if the main combine attack forces come back that will not be good. If combine were real and they came to are planet we would know all the weaknesses and what to do. But its just a game and im glad of that.
The original poster seems to fail to understand Gordon's role in the world.
As far as the Half life series go, Gordon is close to being a Deux ex machina, he's no "toughguy" hero, he's only the guy who is there (or put there) when he shouldn't be (the right man in the wrong place).

Think of it as a butterfly effect.

Also, as far as the combine forces go, keep in mind the combine are possibly not that much advanced than humans (humans too, have access to a better teleport technology) and won the war because of the surprise effect, wich is non neglibile when you appear out of portals whitout warning.
oh, they were unprepared huh? Says the guy who has never been in the army.

Soldiers are TRAINED to be prepared for any sort of situation fool.

BTW, the whole world is gonna give up because Dr. Breen says too? Another plot hole there.
Being prepared to blockade the streets or be shipped off to another country at a moment's notice or whatever is one thing, but considering there would have been no contingency plan for the sort of enormous, hugely-advanced, extremely well-planned gang-rape of an invasion that Earth was subjected to, there's no way you can be prepared for that.
Besides, the portal storms had ravaged the shit out of the planet - Earth was in a state of disarray as it was.
The Combine are great deal more advanced than humans.
More advanced? Probably, a great deal? Maybe not.

Combines have: Things that fly, genetics, teleports and computers.

Mankind basically have all these.

The human soldiers do good against super big warriors (Xen solders), yet get killed in a 7 hours war?

1- They didn't do SO good
2- The combine are probably stronger than xen super big warriors
3- The combine attacked with a probably larger armada, composed of bio-enginereed species from everywhere across their multidimensional empire

And 6 billion people can't stop the combine while they are invading but one dude in a suit can while they are here?

1- What are you talking about? THe combine didn't have to fight every human being hand to hand. They just had to disable the major governments and military bases. The combine just had to overrun the whitehouse and the major nuclear missile silos and they would have made the rest of the population a lot less dangerous and organized. Usually when a country declares war to another, they don't just start killing every citizen in the other country one by one.

2-The dude in a suit is Gordon Freeman and he did not fight the whole combine armada.

Plus... Considering what we've seen of episode 2... 6 billion people didn't do good again't the combine invading, but now 100 million people are supposed to stop the combine AND the monsters that have inhabited Earth in 20 years?

Oh my god. It's called science. SCIENCE. Kleiner, Eli, Mossman. Teleport. "Several technological advancement". It's not about numbers, it's about technology and weapons. Damn

I'm sorry, the game rocks, but they needed to hire someone else to do the storyline.

The combine fights against six billion people and wins. Nobody can now oppose. Clean the citadel with your stalker laser eye and operate security terminals! 20 levels of crazy Citadel janitorial activities and typing action!
Yeah but they have striders and cool walls and better weapons plus plasma guns darkenergy dropships that are alive gunships and the way theymake combine and stuff is more advanced then us. we have plain old helecopters airplanes tanks cars guns they are more advanced.In half life they were just starting teleports technoligy. In real life we don't have teleports. ALL HAIL THE COMBINE THE MORE ADVANCED RACE!
The original poster seems to fail to understand Gordon's role in the world.
As far as the Half life series go, Gordon is close to being a Deux ex machina, he's no "toughguy" hero, he's only the guy who is there (or put there) when he shouldn't be (the right man in the wrong place).

Think of it as a butterfly effect.

Also, as far as the combine forces go, keep in mind the combine are possibly not that much advanced than humans (humans too, have access to a better teleport technology) and won the war because of the surprise effect, wich is non neglibile when you appear out of portals whitout warning.

Gordon Freeman is just a toughguy super hero. Nothing more than that.
He fights with a crowbar thats very tough to fight combine with a crowbar. and by the time you are done with hl2 you have probly killed like 1000 or more combine.
Here is a question who would win in a fight gordan freemon from hl2 or master cheif from halo 2????? would be one big fight!
but they needed to hire someone else to do the storyline. DARE you offend Marc Laidlaw...I just, I DARE YOU!

The Combine are great deal more advanced than humans.

That's so Samon. Just jump into the middel of an argument, say something short and simple that WTFBBQPWNS everyone and then retreat back into the shadows. :p
I think the storyline is great I think whoever says it sucks is the one who sucks.
I bet the combine have more cool weapons and synthes then what you see in the game.
I think this is the coolest synth so far.
Dont let this turn into a discussion on the 7 hour war again, its been dicussed to bits lol
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