The storyline to Half Life 2 makes no sense.

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What happened to the original poster anyway? First he was arguing that it made no sense that Earth lost to aliens that can hop dimensions but the rebels can beat the trans-human troops (wich is a stupid argument), then he changes his argument and says that the rebels dont stand a chance against the actual aline combine forces (and in doing so contradicting his original argument that earth should of beaten the combine in the 7 hours war) wich isn't even part of the story yet and may never be depending on how things work out. Then he starts arguing about teleportion? wtf?

So even if HL did have some plotholes why does that mean the story sucks or that they need to fire Laidlaw? Pretty much every expansive story I've seen has one plothole or another.
Half-Life don't have some big plotholes, people who hate story of HL are idiots.
Your nickname, WTF?
lol, Ive been using the nick "Polaris" for along time now and when I tried to join these boards I saw that it was taken so i just threw on "Teh" instead of adding some random number :laugh:
What happened to the original poster anyway? First he was arguing that it made no sense that Earth lost to aliens that can hop dimensions but the rebels can beat the trans-human troops (wich is a stupid argument), then he changes his argument and says that the rebels dont stand a chance against the actual aline combine forces (and in doing so contradicting his original argument that earth should of beaten the combine in the 7 hours war) wich isn't even part of the story yet and may never be depending on how things work out. Then he starts arguing about teleportion? wtf?

So even if HL did have some plotholes why does that mean the story sucks or that they need to fire Laidlaw? Pretty much every expansive story I've seen has one plothole or another.

He is gone, because he realized it was a massive mistake coming on here to slate the story haha
I don't think that Half-Life really need a totally explicit story. In fact i think that most of the success of that game come from that fuzzy storyline. So anyone can have his own Half-Life story corresponding to his imagination.
Just play one of those totally directive game where you can't do anything else but what you are supposed to do.
In Half-Life Gordon don't talk, great, because you can do the dialogue yourself.
Same with the story, we just see in this thread in how many ways the story can be told. I play Half-life since december 1998 and i still continue to try to guess what the story really is. We have the guidelines, but the details are still unknown. For example who is that Gman!, what did he really do in BM, for whom is he working?
Obviously Gordon has to be made super strong.

80% of FPS's are based on unreasonable odds. One man against XXX number of men.

If you got one-hit killed every time you played to make it "more realistic" no-one would buy the game.

The story doesn't have to exactly "make sense". It just has to be FUN.
guess you have never heard of a leader.......

are all your arguments this baseless? so out of 6+ billion humans inhabiting earth, there was not a single general or president to act as a leader? right...gordon freeman's a scientist, he's the best candidate for a military strategist. like it or not, denial aside, the storyline really makes no sense as the op put it.

Obviously Gordon has to be made super strong.

80% of FPS's are based on unreasonable odds. One man against XXX number of men.

If you got one-hit killed every time you played to make it "more realistic" no-one would buy the game.

The story doesn't have to exactly "make sense". It just has to be FUN.

this is one of the sensible posts here. i just want to see how many people are going to steadfastly defend the story even though odds are against them that they'd rationalize the story to be even possible.

i agree, this is just a game and the entire thread should have been full of arguments telling the op that it's just a game. but instead the prideful fools opted to explain the storyline away. it's just not possible folks...and as an example of your weak arguments i have put giant's post for all to see.
I still like Half-Life no matter what.

Yes yes... i want to go to Vivo city now. must relax....
are all your arguments this baseless? so out of 6+ billion humans inhabiting earth, there was not a single general or president to act as a leader? right...gordon freeman's a scientist, he's the best candidate for a military strategist. like it or not, denial aside, the storyline really makes no sense as the op put it.

this is one of the sensible posts here. i just want to see how many people are going to steadfastly defend the story even though odds are against them that they'd rationalize the story to be even possible.

i agree, this is just a game and the entire thread should have been full of arguments telling the op that it's just a game. but instead the prideful fools opted to explain the storyline away. it's just not possible folks...and as an example of your weak arguments i have put giant's post for all to see.

People explained the storyline because just saying 'its only a game' is probably the weakest argument you could give. Plus, you are in a website called, indicating, that in this website, pretty muhc everyone loves the Half-Life games and wants to talk about them, so coming in here to slag them off about it is just down right stupid.

The human soldiers do good against super big warriors (Xen solders), yet get killed in a 7 hours war?

And 6 billion people can't stop the combine while they are invading but one dude in a suit can while they are here?

Plus... Considering what we've seen of episode 2... 6 billion people didn't do good again't the combine invading, but now 100 million people are supposed to stop the combine AND the monsters that have inhabited Earth in 20 years?

I'm sorry, the game rocks, but they needed to hire someone else to do the storyline.

You do realize that Earth was bombarded the hell out of, and what invaded them weren't Soldiers like the ones you tought in HL2 + Striders etc.. it much bigger and badder enemies, and when that main force moved on to conquer others , a small reserve was left behind and then they started using human tech to create an army to keep it under control(APC's, soldiers etc..)
HUrray for CIggano, Hes a newbie but he knows pretty much, did you lurk alot?
The humans got beat in the 7 hour war cause Dr: Breen was working with the Combine before they came.
How the hell is this stupidity STILL going on?

Zellios: It's just a fu*king game.

Everyone trying to explain why the story does / doesn't make sense to them: It's just a fu*king game.

Not only that, but it is a game about aliens, portals, scientist heroes, zombies, and forced internet updates. You are trying to prove / disprove some pretty ridiculous things, that are NOT the point of the game at all. The fact that Valve turned all of that into an immersing storyline, and a really fun game to play, is a credit to them. Yet all you idiots can do is try to ruin for yourselves and each other, the fun you had with the game. Valve wanted to make a game. They wanted YOU to play a hero. They wanted aliens. The aliens needed to get to earth. The earth needed to be in peril. They just made stuff up to fill in the gaps, and BAM!, a really fun game is born. Why are you idiots arguing about the "gap filler" stuff that was JUST MADE UP TO SUPPORT A PRETTY FAR-FETCHED STORY?

Did you not enjoy the game? Do you think that Valve thought their story was hole-proof? Do you think it makes you look intelligent by finding a few holes in a made-up story about aliens, portals, scientist heroes, and zombies? Or do you think you look stupid for even bothering to look for, and list them, showing that you are taking the game WAY too seriously?

Most people that played HL2 found themselves fully immersed in the game, taking it all in with a smile, or frightened look on their faces. That meant that the story was believable enough to do it's job. It helped the game run smoothly, and be enjoyable. What more does the story need to do?

If you were frightened in Ravenholm, panicked in the main square battling striders and combine elite, or just smiled at Alyx or Dog's quirky little moments, or found any other character to make you smile, then the story did it's job, and was believable enough to serve its purpose.

The humans got beat in the 7 hour war cause Dr: Breen was working with the Combine before they came.

Actually, he can't have. The Combine didn't even know the existance of our universe, and even if they did, they woulnd't be able to interact. Its only because of the portal storms they could get here.
We lost the 7-hour war because Citadels appeared in every city in the world. Synths are quick to make and their cheap, plus, the Citadel can produce and unlimited amount of them.
The creatures that fought then weren't Striders and Gunships; they were the Combine's main force. The Combine are using Earth as an outpost in our universe, and as such, the creatures in Half-Life 2 are those worthy of a Combine "outspost"; the occupation force. The 7-hour war force left to go conquer other worlds. However, if the Combine manage to get there portlas back online, we may be seeing these monsters again...
How the hell is this stupidity STILL going on?

Zellios: It's just a fu*king game.

Everyone trying to explain why the story does / doesn't make sense to them: It's just a fu*king game.

Not only that, but it is a game about aliens, portals, scientist heroes, zombies, and forced internet updates. You are trying to prove / disprove some pretty ridiculous things, that are NOT the point of the game at all. The fact that Valve turned all of that into an immersing storyline, and a really fun game to play, is a credit to them. Yet all you idiots can do is try to ruin for yourselves and each other, the fun you had with the game. Valve wanted to make a game. They wanted YOU to play a hero. They wanted aliens. The aliens needed to get to earth. The earth needed to be in peril. They just made stuff up to fill in the gaps, and BAM!, a really fun game is born. Why are you idiots arguing about the "gap filler" stuff that was JUST MADE UP TO SUPPORT A PRETTY FAR-FETCHED STORY?

Did you not enjoy the game? Do you think that Valve thought their story was hole-proof? Do you think it makes you look intelligent by finding a few holes in a made-up story about aliens, portals, scientist heroes, and zombies? Or do you think you look stupid for even bothering to look for, and list them, showing that you are taking the game WAY too seriously?

Most people that played HL2 found themselves fully immersed in the game, taking it all in with a smile, or frightened look on their faces. That meant that the story was believable enough to do it's job. It helped the game run smoothly, and be enjoyable. What more does the story need to do?

If you were frightened in Ravenholm, panicked in the main square battling striders and combine elite, or just smiled at Alyx or Dog's quirky little moments, or found any other character to make you smile, then the story did it's job, and was believable enough to serve its purpose.


Thank you

Stop over-analysing it, and stop trying to piece together every, single, exact, irrelevant moment, using your own thoughts and speculations as if they were gospel, mixed in with with a few actual established facts. You all look like idiots, that have forgotten it is just a game.

Aliens came.

They beat us.

We finally fought back.

For example. The combine came through portals, to earth. There is no need to argue about how portal technology works like you are all experts, as none of you have any experience with any real portals. You don't even seem to realise that it has nothing to do with the game. If the game shows me a broken Combine portal, and tells me they can't "teleport" re-enforcements in any more, I'm not going to question it. That would ruin my game experience, and for what? To try and sound smart on a forum? I'm not going to try and make up reasons for it to be true, either. That is equally as dumb. If someone can't accept that it is just a game, and the makers need you to believe something to further the story, well that's just stupid. As long as the explanation the developers give seems reasonable, why question it further?

Arguing about how many combine it takes to screw in a light bulb is: ridiculous, pointless, missing the idea of the story, and of course, shows that you can't understand that they, like the game, are not real. You can poke holes in the plot and background story of ANY game, any made-up story, if you look hard enough. But if it is something you enjoy, then why would you want to?

Why can't you just sit back, and say "that was a fun game", and leave it at that. BOTH groups are acting like idiots here, the "it doesn't make sense" people, AND the ones playing their silly game, saying "yes it does, because...".
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