The storyline to Half Life 2 makes no sense.

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ok well to end this hl2 story line makes no sence. YOU MAKE NO SENCE half life 2 makes sence its a fun game the story is cool I have not met one PERSON that said its story makes no sence. Life makes no sence sometimes. Half Life 2 DOES MAKE SENCE!!!! thats my opinion.
ok well to end this hl2 story line makes no sence. YOU MAKE NO SENCE half life 2 makes sence its a fun game the story is cool I have not met one PERSON that said its story makes no sence. Life makes no sence sometimes. Half Life 2 DOES MAKE SENCE!!!! thats my opinion.

*sense :cool:
:hmph: there is always one person out there who is the one who is negative. *jams a half life cd into shiftys head IT WILL MAKE SENSE!:laugh: :laugh:
I guess your precious storyline must be very dear to you if your all going to come in and say the same thing you said before when someone mentions plotholes, which btw happen in every storyline..

Don't worry as long as you like it, who cares?

'The storyline makes sense, YOU MAKE NO SENSE!' What a complete an utterly adult thing to say. I'm wondering now if this forum is entirely made up of kids who say 'WOW! A storyline about mankind getting eliminated! I must've never seen that one before! (Or you're too young to have seen the 50 million different ones).

Did I hurt your feelings?

The thing is, as much as I'm bashing the HL2 storyline, I find it the best game ever. All I play is it and Oblivion. But I'm a very picky person, I never find anything perfect, you know my type.

Just don't ask me what my opinion is on lesser games or we will be here a long, long time :-X
And BTW, your trying to say that these people seeing what the combine has gives them advantage over the marines who were killed...

That's where the main plothole exist, the way they fight in the game, and what is happening. A majority of these people aren't trained, they shouldn't be fighting like the soldiers.

When you are fighting something superior to you, you don't get an advantage by knowing what lies ahead. That is the most moronic crap I've read.

You either get it from these things:

1. You keep pressing them, keep attacking, like in the American Revolutionary War.
2. You create superior technology to them.

The problem is, even in the Revolutionary war men were trained. These people haven't had time for training. They just follow some guy to their deaths and become walking targets.....

And the Dr. Breen thing is a plothole. Considering the way the American ary and American goverment is, they would NEVER surrender because some guy negotiates a treaty...
And one last thing:

Maybe I was playing the wrong Half Life, but In MY half life 1, the soldiers were kicking huge amounts of xen soldier ass. I just sat back and let them fight, and fought the victors... Most of the time it was the soldiers >_<

Even against those big hulking brutes that they kept in glass jars...
Why couldn't the Earths militaries beat the Combine but rag-tag rebels could? Because they where 2 different battles fought under 2 different conditions and by 2 different sides

7 Hour War:
The remaining human population was struggling to cope with the portal storms and Xen wildlife tearing apart the world. People gathered in the last safe places, mainly military defended cities. The Combine then teleported citadels into the centre of the major cities, deploying hundreds of agile, thinking, powerful war machines (gunships, striders and other things) right into the middle of the cities in a supprise attack behind the garrasins. Humanity had no advantage what so ever and was crushed. Unfortunatly much of this info is not given in game, only hinted at but it is in Raising the Bar.

Street War:
Hundreds if not thousands of people rose up against an ocupation force manly consisting of slightly modified humans that had far fewer members. Sure striders and gunships could do alot of damage but the rebels where obviously able to get to weapons caches and as seen at the Nexus a decent number of people can take out a strider (and there are a lot more people than striders). It is urban and gurriea warfare, which favours a lot of people who probably know the city like the backs of their hands rather than large clumsy striders. This time, the humans had the advantages, Gordon/the g-man was just the catalyst and the finishing stroke.

And the military could be Xen aliens because they where orgainised, ready for a fight and obviously better equiped than the Xen aliens who where in a strange world for the first time and probably didn't have a damn clue what was going on.
'The storyline makes sense, YOU MAKE NO SENSE!' What a complete an utterly adult thing to say. I'm wondering now if this forum is entirely made up of kids who say 'WOW! A storyline about mankind getting eliminated! I must've never seen that one before! (Or you're too young to have seen the 50 million different ones).

I'm pretty sure you are the first person to even mention the storyline's originality. Most posters in this thread have respectfully given you information or examples that you may not have considered. Others may have criticized you but this a Half-life forum and most people appreciate the game's story. That one shouldn't have been a surprise.

Ultimately, however, Half-life 2 is first and foremost a computer game. Its storyline exists to achieve the interactive experience that Valve intends and not to deliver a ground-breaking (or even consistant) narrative that can be appreciated without playing the game. A little bit of artistic liberty has to be taken by the writer and the reader has to have an open mind to it and the benefits of enjoying Half-life 2's story line at face value seems higher to me than the satisfaction of picking it apart. This is science fiction.

That being said, real life military constants cannot be applied to a situation that has never occured. If you can historically point me to an event in which giant industrial megaliths were warped into civilian centers from outside the fabric of space-time itself, then perhaps we'de have something to accurately compare Half-life to. Vague cold-war examples aren't going to cut it. The Combine which defeated Earth initially would not have been composed of the humanoids Gordon fights in Half-life 2. Those are modeled after the Earth's military. It would have been made up of Synth which, when compared to Earth's modern military, are utterly superior to it. After the war the combine places things into Breen's hands, warps its invading force out, and then puts the Citadels to work. That is what the Combine does.

Gordon's arrival is a cog in the Combine's wheel which was calculated by a seemingly omniscient force; the G-man. You can bet that when and where Gordon was put has everything to do with humanity's (seemingly) successful destruction of the citadel. Perhaps a day later and all those striders we see being constructed would have totally nullified the resistance. Gordon is a pawn for unseen forces in events which he (and the player) has a pretty superficial understanding of. It makes perfect sense in the context of science fiction.
Have you ever played a game that involves a war? Did you go through six weeks of rigorous training before playing? Did you succeed in the game? Thought so.
The storyline in Half-life 2 is an absolute grace to videogaming.
And one last thing:

Maybe I was playing the wrong Half Life, but In MY half life 1, the soldiers were kicking huge amounts of xen soldier ass. I just sat back and let them fight, and fought the victors... Most of the time it was the soldiers >_<

Even against those big hulking brutes that they kept in glass jars...
So, what does comparing how people fought against Xen creatures have anything at all to do with the Combine and their arsenal?

Think about it. The Combine Advisors have the ability to "mind rape" you (in the control room in the Citadel, Ep1). I would say if they have the ability to do that, they also possess military technology the likes of which we have not seen.

To put it into perspective, it would be like the US using all its military power to go in and wipe out an African tribe.

I believe it has been stated before, but so far, what we've seen of the Combine in HL2/Ep1 is a skeleton patrol crew. People seem to think that striders, choppers and gunships are the pinnacle of Combine tech. And I don't think any of those played any significant role in the 7 hour war, they had much more advanced artillery. Gunships, striders and choppers are patrol vehicles, to keep humans confined and show an intimidating, dominant force. I don't believe they are any kind of "warhog" like some people seem to think.
It's only a game for **** sake, stop taking it so damn seriously. OK you don't like the story but you enjoy the game play, fine then, just play it.

As for that comment that the Combine are millenia ahead of us, don't make me laugh. Sure they are advanced, but not that much. Maybe 300 years ahead tech wise.
And one last thing:

Maybe I was playing the wrong Half Life, but In MY half life 1, the soldiers were kicking huge amounts of xen soldier ass. I just sat back and let them fight, and fought the victors... Most of the time it was the soldiers >_<

Even against those big hulking brutes that they kept in glass jars...


Do you understand?

And BTW, your trying to say that these people seeing what the combine has gives them advantage over the marines who were killed...

That's where the main plothole exist, the way they fight in the game, and what is happening. A majority of these people aren't trained, they shouldn't be fighting like the soldiers.

When you are fighting something superior to you, you don't get an advantage by knowing what lies ahead. That is the most moronic crap I've read.

Knowing what lies ahead helps, as a matter of fact. How much it helps is a problem. Yet, known is better than unknown.

And it is not the untrained street fighters who led the war into a victory, but God. And the God is called Gordon Freeman. Combine will not be defeat if there is no Gordon Freeman, for we know how much Gordon did in the both the street and Citadel. As well as Gordon Freeman is a man with a ultrastrong suit, the space-time assistance of Gman and a unique skill- save & load.
Think about this:
If a Half Life Scenario WERE to happen, would Earth's forces be able to stand up and be victors?
I really don't see your point Zellio. You cannot compare earth getting dominated by the combine vs the rebel war?
During the 7 hour war when earth got dominated was not by the combine troops you see. Maybe striders and gunships but those are the only troops you see now that were in the 7 hour war. The combine troops you see in HL2 are humans. The troops they used during the 7 hour war we have no idea of. We have never seen them. The troops you fight in HL2 were at one time humans(the metro police still are).

The rebel war however is humans vs humans(metro police)/humans with screwed up brains(combine soliders). This is really more of a civil war than anything else. Humans are killing humans. Thats all that is happening throw in some Striders/Gunships that were made via earths resources. Then for extra parties you have antlions and headcrabs who attack everybody.

So the battle that the trained troops fought is not much at all like the battle the rebels are fighting. One was against much superior troops of another planet while the other is basically a civil war. In fact the main reason the combine probably even let humans live was for the technological aspect. Humans proved worthy of intelligence. Humans solved the ability to transport around on a planet, a technology that the combine didn't have. The combine could teleport to a planet but had to move by ground once they got there.
I guess this little part must've passed by everyones brains, because apparantly you worship Half Life 2 to think...

They sent out a distress signal in Episode 1. With the combines forces in chaos, the elite will return to Earth. And somehow you think a force of 100 million will do better against them then 6 billion?

I was hoping you'd get this.

Theirs no way the combine is gonna let the humans set there and retake their planet without doing anything. They wanted to take over the human race. They aren't gonna back down now.

Unless they are incredibily stupid, with the catedal gone, the synth will return.

EDIT: Sorry about that, talking out of anger.

I guess We'll hafta see how it plays out. But I don't see the humans winning unless they develop something stronger then lasers, like plasma which can disolve enemies instantly...

And the Xen Warriors make sense... Huge warriors much bigger then humans? They shouldn't be winning with just guns. If they can do a good job against them, they could last alot longer then the 7 hours time they gave in the game. And then all bow to some guy... Just seems like an easy way to explain the storyline...
You just triple posted, so I deleted the 2 posts, use the edit button please.
I guess your precious storyline must be very dear to you if your all going to come in and say the same thing you said before when someone mentions plotholes, which btw happen in every storyline..

Don't worry as long as you like it, who cares?

'The storyline makes sense, YOU MAKE NO SENSE!' What a complete an utterly adult thing to say. I'm wondering now if this forum is entirely made up of kids who say 'WOW! A storyline about mankind getting eliminated! I must've never seen that one before! (Or you're too young to have seen the 50 million different ones).

Did I hurt your feelings?

Why do you insult us so? :(

If we can pick holes in you picking holes in Half-Life 2's plotholes, we do have a right to do so without being insulted and called children.

And ignore ELITE COMBINE - i think he is a kid. :D
They sent out a distress signal in Episode 1. With the combines forces in chaos, the elite will return to Earth. And somehow you think a force of 100 million will do better against them then 6 billion?
Could've sworn that the destruction of the core of the Citadel in City 17 ment access to and from the Combine world to earth was cut off.
And the Xen Warriors make sense... Huge warriors much bigger then humans? They shouldn't be winning with just guns. If they can do a good job against them, they could last alot longer then the 7 hours time they gave in the game. And then all bow to some guy... Just seems like an easy way to explain the storyline...
Really. So because they might be 2-3 times the size of the human they're automatically superior? So by that line of thinking, elephants are actually the superior species on Earth. Even though we can kill them pretty easily with a gun, they're just allowing us to exist right? :rolleyes:
The guys who were living in the citadel are going to relay the message to the combine.

And besides, they've been keeping track of the humans for 20 years, if they suddenly stop getting messages, any clever species will see this as an attack and move their forces in.

Either way it goes, somehow the humans are going to hafta take out the combine on their home planet. The combine isn't going to let them live, and if they stop getting message transfers, they will send units to investigate. If these units bring back info that the humans destryoed the citadel and are at war, and are free, they will send a strike force to stop them. It's going to be interesting to see how it turns out, but as of right now, it makes no bloody sense.

"Really. So because they might be 2-3 times the size of the human they're automatically superior? So by that line of thinking, elephants are actually the superior species on Earth. Even though we can kill them pretty easily with a gun, they're just allowing us to exist right?"

Elephants also don't have the attack power of the Xen soldiers. Elephants also don't shoot plasma lightning out their hands like the vortigaunts (Which btw, really should be enough to kill anyone instantly in one hit, including combine).
The guys who were living in the citadel are going to relay the message to the combine.
They did, at the end of Episode 1.

Either way it goes, somehow the humans are going to hafta take out the combine on their home planet.
No, they just have to find a way to seal their dimension from Combine intrusion. Why? Because the Combine have no homeworld. Maybe they did a looong time ago, but today they are spread across hundreds if not thousands of dimensions (as in "worlds").

The Combine simply cannot be destroyed, period. :p

Elephants also don't have the attack power of the Xen soldiers. Elephants also don't shoot plasma lightning out their hands like the vortigaunts (Which btw, really should be enough to kill anyone instantly in one hit, including combine).
Vortigaunts can kill very effectively, the problem is they are few and far between. We cannot rely on them as a major fighting force.
There's always a leader...

Everything done by a group always goes to one guy...

Kill that one guy, kill the organization.
Either way it goes, somehow the humans are going to hafta take out the combine on their home planet. The combine isn't going to let them live, and if they stop getting message transfers, they will send units to investigate. If these units bring back info that the humans destryoed the citadel and are at war, and are free, they will send a strike force to stop them. It's going to be interesting to see how it turns out, but as of right now, it makes no bloody sense.
What makes no sense.

City 17 is free. Who says the entire earth population is up in rebellion? The Combine probably do not care that much about earth. What they are doing is very effective killing. They have Citadels that use earth resources to turn humans into a soldier for the combine and make Striders/Gunships/Other. There is more than one citadel. The combine developed a method to effectively have the human race kill itself off and drain the resources of it's planet for combine war power. The harder the rebels fight the more citizens they can use from other cities to turn them into combine to fight the rebels.

I'd say thats smart.

There's always a leader...

Everything done by a group always goes to one guy...

Kill that one guy, kill the organization.
That last line is false though. There are people who are next in line to take over the organization if the one leader dies. For example if you shot the president...would the united states die? No. Shoot both presdent and vice president no. Hell there is a long list of people that you would have to kill before theres no one left to take over. The same probably applies to the combine. Throw in how would you get to the combines homeworld?
Zellio, please don't let our zealots drive you out. We haven't had an intelligent dissenter in a long while, so our arguments are mostly just restricted to screamed discussions about which way Houndeye knees bend (or whatever).

Not to insult painstaking, heated arguments about fanon; I love that stuff. It does get a little grating after a while though.

Or maybe I'm just tired.
Whaddya mean, Zealots?

I can tolerate some types of criticism (even if I disagree) like - alien invasion isn't an original theme. Or, Gordon should talk...

And I'm sure the HL plotline has a plothole somewhere, but I don't know of one yet. But what Zellio is mentioning aren't plotholes, they are parts of the storyline for which hints exist but are never explicitly mentioned.

The Combine Advisor is not a single entity, as we are shown in Ep 1. There are many of them. Kill one, and what happens? Nada.
I was hoping you'd get this.

Awh god. We're supposed to realise that you were actually arguing about that? What, are we all mind readers?

They sent out a distress signal in Episode 1. With the combines forces in chaos, the elite will return to Earth. And somehow you think a force of 100 million will do better against them then 6 billion?

Who ever ****ing implied that? God.
You have no ****ing clue what you are on about. Jesus. No, they aren't going to have to take them out on their home planet. The Combine are a mass of races, they've conquered and enslaved countless planets and you've only seen one actual Combine. The Combine was attracted to Earth due to the events of HL1. They arrived and set about butchering us until Breen surrendered. Currently they are augmenting our species into their ranks, sucking the planet dry of resources and using it as an outpost within our universe.

When Gordon destroyed the teleport reactor he shut down the communication system and their teleportation grid on Earth. Citadel portals on Earth no longer work, and they are stranded. They send a distress message (via overloading the core and destroying a single Citadel) - the contents are unknown. They don't usually send messages off, they simply just communicate with the Citadels.
Currently, the Combine on Earth are cut off from the rest of the Combine Empire, they can't teleport to Earth and they can't get a stable communications grid up. Therefore humanity has time to regroup and strike back. There's still a fair few Citadel controlled city's up, but you have to remember that these Citadels are now inactive.

The Overwatch soldiers are augmented humans, the ultimate fate of humanity (or stalkers). They didn't arrive on Earth with these, they arrived with a much greater force, and when the teleportation grid is back up they'll return with these forces. The reason they aren't there now is because they weren't needed, they built a force suited to Earth and its environment.

The resistance cannot launch an attack on the Combine off world. They've no idea how to get there, where to go or what to do. It won't happen. The most plausible next step would be for them to stop the Combine teleporting to Earth completely - it's the only way they are going to stop them.

The only thing that doesn’t actually make sense is you.

There's always a leader...

Everything done by a group always goes to one guy...

Kill that one guy, kill the organization.

Holy ****ing wrong batman.
Yeah, when they already know the cordinates.

So, when someone knows where you live, you can somehow completely stop them from coming?

Magic powers?

Either them or the rebel alliance (gman) is gonna hafta take out the main combine forces. But someone will.
The coordinates? No sir. The Citadel teleporters are not working. They don't work, they can't get to Earth. Does that compute?
Imagine, Zellio. If you are on the Earth and I somehow managed to destroy all the spacecrafts human has, how are you going to get to the moon?
Oh I get it.


All that advanced computers and they can't keep backup data incase something goes wrong... tsk tsk...

Oh, and they warped from the citadel, not from their homeworld, so obviously the backup data was destroyed when the citadel was destroyed! No, backup data couldn't possibly be at their home planet!


Just because the teleporters aren't working, doesn't mean they don't know the cordinates anymore.
Yeah, when they already know the cordinates.

They do, but the Combine on Earth cannot 'receive' them.

So, when someone knows where you live, you can somehow completely stop them from coming?

They can't bloody teleport to Earth, and something tells me the Combine's forces aren't generally suited for travelling on some ole mothership piece of sci-fi shit.

Magic powers?

You just don't get it, do you? From what we know, the Combine attacks primarily by teleporting Citadels and pouring shit loads of troops, synths, etc. If they were to help the remaining forces on Earth, they'd probably do the same. It's simple.

Teleportation for Dummies

Unknown Location --------------------> Earth

The rocket in HL1 launched a satellite that needed to be in place for Gordon's teleportation and butt-kicking operation in Xen, but it also helped the Combine to teleport Citadels to Earth and whatnot.

So how can the Resistance stop this? I don't know. I have no idea how any of these work, but common sense still is useful.

Unknown Location ----------/----------> Earth

The Resistance do something to block the teleportation. Teleportation assplodes (doesn't work out)!

Either them or the rebel alliance (gman) is gonna hafta take out the main combine forces. But someone will.

If the Combine can't get to Earth, why would the humans foolishly try to destroy their indomitable empire?
I feel as though I'm throwing peanuts at a concrete wall here.
"The rocket in HL1 launched a satellite that needed to be in place for Gordon's teleportation and butt-kicking operation in Xen, but it also helped the Combine to teleport Citadels to Earth and whatnot."

*sigh* It let them know of the LOCATION of earth you... Once they know of it's location, it's like a map.

Why is this so hard to get?

I'm guessing they needed a teleportation grid to get to earth originally. Oh, and from the looks of Xen, they needed a satilite put into space to find the coordinates.

Or maybe they were just using them as scientific tools?

Do you people even understand how science works?

The didn't warp in from the citadel, they warped from their home planet. If the citadel is destroyed, their home planet still has the coordinates.
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