Stern's idiot of the day: Man sets genitals on fire


May 5, 2004
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Man Suffers Serious Burns to His Genitals, Hands After Attempting Stunt From 'Jackass' Movie

Attempts to do a movie stunt landed one man in the hospital with burned genitals and another facing criminal charges. The men were trying to do a stunt from one of the "Jackass" movies, in which a character lights his genitals on fire.

Jared W. Anderson, 20, suffered serious burns to his hands and genitals, according to the criminal complaint. Randell D. Peterson, 43, who sprayed lighter fluid on Anderson and lit him on fire, was charged with felony battery and first-degree reckless endangerment Tuesday in Eau Claire County Court.

According to the complaint:

Anderson pulled down his pants and let Peterson spray him with lighter fluid. When the fire didn't catch, Peterson sprayed more lighter fluid on Anderson, splashing some on his clothing. He tried again to light the fire, catching Anderson's genitals, hands and clothes.

Anderson ran into the bathroom, jumped into the tub and put the flames out. Other guests took him to Luther Hospital, and eventually he was treated at the Regions Hospital Burn Unit in St. Paul, Minn., for second-degree burns.

Anderson told police who were called to the hospital that he didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of the stunt.

Peterson was freed on a $2,000 signature bond. He has a hearing scheduled April 16. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison.

ahhh nothing like getting together with your friends spraying each other's genitals with lighterfluid and playing "dodge the match" ..I swear I'm surprised more people dont kill thmeselves more often in ever more stupid bizarre ways. I think we should encourage people to conitue to do stupid things that put their lives in jeoperdy; there's too many people on this earth; we need a culling ..and the stupids should be the first to go

/me sings

"chestnuts roasting in an open fire..."
ahhh nothing like getting together with your friends spraying each other's genitals with lighterfluid and playing "dodge the match" ..I swear I'm surprised more people dont kill thmeselves more often in ever more stupid bizarre ways. I think we should encourage people to conitue to do stupid things that put their lives in jeoperdy; there's too many people on this earth; we need a culling ..and the stupids should be the first to go

/me sings

"chestnuts roasting in an open fire..."

Wow, that takes some skill...but I agree. Let the stupids kill each other off. No harm done imho. :p
the kid who swallows to many marbles doesn't grow up to have kids of his own
maybe theyr stoped functioning after other "stunts"
picture getting 10 years....

"what are you in for?"

"i lit my friends balls on fire"
picture getting 10 years....

"what are you in for?"

"i lit my friends balls on fire"

Exactly what I wanted to post.

So if he made an unsuccesful suicidal attempt, would he get a life sentence?
Exactly what I wanted to post.

So if he made an unsuccesful suicidal attempt, would he get a life sentence?

That's really annoying, I've thought. You tried to kill yourself, so you go to jail...WOOOO.
who the hell would think that's a good idea
Nowhere in the article did it say the men TOLD reporters they were imitating a stunt from Jackass. I think that's just coincidence.

The real reason is the guy's nuts were cold. And nobody likes cold nuts.
Nowhere in the article did it say the men TOLD reporters they were imitating a stunt from Jackass. I think that's just coincidence.

The real reason is the guy's nuts were cold. And nobody likes cold nuts.

I do like cold nuts!

*puts nuts in freezer*
I want to make a pun, but it would be futile.

More like STERILE! ba-dump-tss, thank you folks, thank you, you're too kind, I'm here until someone kills me.
*bewm headshot* Hate.

Has anyone seen the youtube video of some dumbass kicking a burning container full of lighter fluid or something and having it blow up and catch his foot on fire?

I'm gonna go try that now. Only I'm gonna use my cock instead of my foot. Because I'm ****ing l337.
*bewm headshot* Hate.

Has anyone seen the youtube video of some dumbass kicking a burning container full of lighter fluid or something and having it blow up and catch his foot on fire?

I'm gonna go try that now. Only I'm gonna use my cock instead of my foot. Because I'm ****ing l337.

youtube it when you're done.
*bewm headshot* Hate.

Has anyone seen the youtube video of some dumbass kicking a burning container full of lighter fluid or something and having it blow up and catch his foot on fire?

I'm gonna go try that now. Only I'm gonna use my cock instead of my foot. Because I'm ****ing l337.

This reminds me of the video someone made of me getting shot in the stomach with a blowgun. I gotta find that dude.


Thats seriously retarded.
Hopefully he won't be able to reproduce now. That would clean up the gene pool a little.
*bewm headshot* Hate.

Has anyone seen the youtube video of some dumbass kicking a burning container full of lighter fluid or something and having it blow up and catch his foot on fire?

I'm gonna go try that now. Only I'm gonna use my cock instead of my foot. Because I'm ****ing l337.

I remember one where a kid kicks half a melon full of something flammable (already on fire) and it explodes, catching his leg on fire. Might be the one you're thinking of, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if there are other videos like it.
This thread reminds me of one of them Gym classes I was in. They had to move the assembly area for that period down onto the basketball court from the bleachers, because the kids who sat in the back row would light random things on fire with hairspray; pencils, an apple (which was thrown down into the front rows), the benches, the wall, random body parts...

And that's the good high school in the area. I also went to the bad one for a while, which was interesting.
I find that this picture I saw that TollBoothWillie posted is highly appropriate.

Oh my God you posted a man on fire! What the **** is wrong with you?

The poor bastard is probably reading this and crying. Or he could be dead...

Either way I'm laughing my ass off.
I am confused by your statement, Willie. o_O