PC Action Mag: Black Box Release Date


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
<div align="justify">We've been informed that the latest issue of German computer gaming magazine PC Action released today featured an exclusive preview article of Team Fortress 2 that included some new information, including something we've all been waiting for, but that we cringe hearing, knowing our beloved Valve's tendency to be a bit fickle with such things: the release date. PC Action reports that the Black Box bundle will be released in late September 2007. We also learned some new gameplay issues about TF2. Capture the flag is now 'Capture the Documents', grenades have been removed from all classes except for the Demolition Man, Medics can heal from a distance and provide temporary invincibility, and Scouts can double-jump as seen in other popular FPS titles.[br]It's not much, but it should be enough to chew on in the meantime as we watch September draw nearer, bringing with it new information and updates on what to expect with TF2, Portal, and Episode 2. Stay tuned.[br]More information can be found herehttp://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=2209757&postcount=16.</div>
Hope its true, but man its far! :(
I can't believe they're canning the nades. I loved in TFC where you could spam the hell out of the base with spy nades or launch EMPs off the battlemats in 2fort. What a shame.
finish the products then announce the release date
oy,havent we learned from our previous releases?
i guess not.
finish the products then announce the release date
oy,havent we learned from our previous releases?
i guess not.
They haven't announced a thing. The magazine was just given another variation of the Fall/Back-to-school ETA.
We all know Valve will announce the release date themselves...........then missed it.....three times.
Thank you very much
that does sound awesome, the personalized statistics sounds cool
i cant believe nades have been removed. well im sure theyll make up for it with other gameplay features... they better.
With game release dates, I ignore everything I hear and assume that the game will be out several years from now--then, when the game is released five months after the first announced release date, I'm still happy.

Edit: I'm a bit confused about the grenade part. Are they removing ALL non-demoman grenades, or just taking out the generic frags and leaving the more unique class grenades?
I thought Valve had already confirmed fall 2007 (what we call Winter over in blighty)? So that Spetember 30th 2007 wouldn't be far of the mark would it?

'Capture the documents'??!! What's all that about?!
Not long considering the rate this year I going over. Shame I start my second year of college again then :-/.
I thought Valve had already confirmed fall 2007 (what we call Winter over in blighty)? So that Spetember 30th 2007 wouldn't be far of the mark would it?

'Capture the documents'??!! What's all that about?!
No, we call it Autumn... Leaves falling etc...

Capture the Documents is the same as CTF, just a different thing to capture...
wtf are they doing to team fortress :(

Oh well at least we have fortress forever which looks pwnage.
Thanks Marco!! Too bad it's the end of the September! I'm starting the second year of studies as well. No time for playing:P
I'm sorry... but NO nades except for the Demo class? Are they trying to ruin my day?

I'll have to take this with a huge grain of salt until all of this is confirmed as being from Valve, in English.
If there's to be no "normal" grenades, sure as shit better be "unique" grenades.
i dont know what every one is boo hooing about the nades. As valve said they unify all the classes and the whole point of tf2 is that each class is different not like bf2 where all the classes are the same with little variety. If you want nades so much play with the respective class.

I'm also assuming this being valve that they play tested the ass out of it to make sure that everyone not having nades was a good thing.
That wasn't the reference point for their talk of class unification. You obviously can't read. Go play some TFC, you'll get the attitude.
No, we call it Autumn... Leaves falling etc...

Capture the Documents is the same as CTF, just a different thing to capture...
Well it feels like winter! Leaves falling, everyone freezing their tits off!!

Capture the Documents is the same as capture the flag ...... but just a different thing to capture? Well, yeah. That was my point! Instead off running along with a flag sticking out of your backside your going to be running around with a bunch of A4!! Just doesn't sound right to me. CTD?! If it's the same game why change it? If it ain't broke don't fix it I say. Capture the flag is one of the oldest forms of online multiplayer game there is other than good old Deathmatch.
I figure that the hardcore TFC niche will find more solace in FF than TF2... TF2 looks to be excellent for those of us who were never more than casual TFC players though.
Yeah, the elitist assholes that cannot handle change can play FF.
Here's a loose translation of the essential information from that site:


* There won't be "normal" grenades anymore. Valve thinks that they unify the different classes too much.

* Unlike in Fortress Forever, teleporters are kept in Team Fortress 2. The ammo dispenser will make a comeback as well.

* There will be a personalized statistics system. For example, you could see an in-game message like "Hey, you've never played your class as well as today - keep it up!"

* Valve thinks that classes in other games are a joke. "Where's the difference between me choosing a M16 or an AK-47 rifle?", asks Robin Walker.

* It would be technically feasible to let owners of a PC, XBOX 360 and PS3 play against each other. Whether this feature makes it into the final game is still uncertain and depends on Sony and Microsoft.

* Valve received very few threatening letters because of TF2's comic design.

* Owners of multicore processors will get additional, undisclosed, graphics details.


* The Scout can perform a double jump, as known from the Unreal games. That is, he'll be able to jump a second time while in the air.

* The Medic can heal team members from long distances, as long as they are in sight. Furthermore, he can make himself and his patients invulnerable for 10 seconds.

* Every class has a unique close-combat weapon. Even the secondary weapons differ from each other often times. Following is a list of classes with their primary, secondary and close-combat weapons:

* Scout: Shotgun, pistol, baseball bat.
* Soldier: Rocket launcher, shotgun, shovel.
* Pyro: Flamethrower, shotgun, fire axe.
* Demo Man: Sticky bomb slingshot, grenade thrower, broken bottle.
* Heavy Weapons Guy: Machine gun (mini gun), shotgun, fists.
* Engineer: Shotgun, pistol, wrench.
* Medic: Machine pistol, healing ray, bone saw.
* Sniper: Sniper rifle, machine pistol, club.
* Spy: Revolver, cigar case (PDA for switching your disguise), knife.

Maps & Gameplay

* Apart from 2Fort, there'll be a remake of Well.

* There will be completely new maps for the game mode "Territorial Control". It will be randomly decided which area of a map is supposed to be conquered and the team in possession of that area will assume the role of defenders.

* There will be trains rolling through the map Well, which should be avoided by players.

* Capture The Flag becomes Capture The Documents. Instead of capturing a flag, you'll have to capture a briefcase from the opponent's base.

Man this sounds kickass!!!!!!
hahahahaha "release date" hahahahahaha

when will they ever learn?

seriously though, i finally got a 360, and im actually looking forward to this package. im hesitant only to get the one with ep 3 included though in the future. i will be so pissed if i play 1-2 and then 3 is 2 years behind them.

portals, no interest, but tf3 on 360 x-box live i honestly think it would ****ing pwn GOW.
Interesting. They say they're taking the grenades out because "they unify the different classes too much". Yet, half the classes carry shotguns around.

Medic can heal over a distance?? Make himself and his pacients INVULNERABLE for 10 seconds?? So I guess a team of 3 medics can make themselves invulnerable for 30 seconds? Well, there's no point in setting up defense then. Even if it just for 10 seconds... it still a huge advantage for the attacking team...

I can't wait for Fortress Forever.
CTP - Capture the Planet! How about that? Lets think bigger than flags & A4 documents :-)
I'll wait til i see the finished product before I pass judgement.