Why WWII shooters need to **** off and die already

I don't mind WWII shooter I just wish they would some using the same damn nations over and over and over. I'd like to see Canada be recognized for it's efforts, I'd like to see the Polish and the Warsaw Uprising and so many other nations that are ignored finally have their spot in the sun.

WE had it the worst on D-Day, and WE liberated Caen. And... some other stuff too, I'm not quite sure.
Ok hopefully, oneday Aussie devs will make something for the Rats or the Diggers on the Track... But the Americans control the market.
WW2 and multiplayer isn't the problem - RTCW/ET, DoD, RO etc all great fun (especially RTCW :)). But let's face it, these the only real conection to WW2 these games have are in the maps and weapons.

I'd like a truly epic WW2 single player fps - something with decent combat that actually tries to capture the sense of scale and devastation of the war as well as affect it had on the poor lads caught up in the fighting. It's a bit much to ask - i'd settle for just something with decent combat tbh.

Oh, a H&D 3 that isn't buggy as sin with decent AI pls - that would be amazing :)

COH is the game that I feel does that best.

Save your replays and zoom in on some things with the draw distance turned up.

Really makes you feel like you're watching the battles first hand. Seeing Americans get gunned to death in an open field infront of you, as you see a tiny explosion in the distance as a tiger advances on one of your shermans.
Bones/Stig: In COD3, you play as a Polish tank crew in some missions, and before that part of a Canadian infantry group. :P
yeah but CoD 3 was rubbish, the tank missions were ludicrous, it was third person, and you could fire a shell every 2 secs for frying out loud
If they HAVE to stay on this genre, why not make it interesting....how about a time traveling ally who was sent back in time to prevent the war, but certain events have transpired regardless and now he is on a mission to destroy them from behind the lines....blah blah blah...anything!
WWII games suck, imo. That might be why I LOVE BF2, and dislike 1942.

Then again, I've not played any WWII games I've liked, amazingly. Though there is this flying game for the 360 that takes place back in one of the old wars that was pretty bad ass...shooting blimps out of the air, and dogfights....
1942 is a completely different style though, so that I can understand....but its these MOH games that are infecting this genre
yeah but CoD 3 was rubbish, the tank missions were ludicrous, it was third person, and you could fire a shell every 2 secs for frying out loud

Not the point, still had two new playable Allies.

Besides, COD3 was practically the same as COD1 and 2, just nicer visuals. :P I'm not complaining - I've enjoyed them all. Can't wait for Modern Warfare.
1942 is a completely different style though, so that I can understand....but its these MOH games that are infecting this genre

Moh used to be good, I pretty much grew up on Allied Assault, Front Line was the other good one, after that, they started to suck so bad! Friggin EA Games, I hate them now so much, I just hope this moh Airborne will be good. Pacific Assault, cmon now, that game sucked reallllllly bad. What else, Rising sun and the other one, and like the one after that for ps2. AA and FL were the only ones worth playing. They suck now. arg sry ea just pisses me off sometimes!
Frontline is the only MoH game I REALLY like.