[NSFW] Image Dump II

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its a cargo plane

I remember that it is particularily constructed for transporting parts of a greater plane. (A380?)
FFS, when will you noobs learn? HOTLINKING FROM 4CHAN DOESN'T WORK.

Anyway, I found that pic of the plane about a month ago, and just about crapped myself laughing. It's one of my all-time favorites- the caption is just perfect :laugh:
It was a gif animation and I could only host 1 pic out of like 20.
haha wow i wouldn't have thought of that...im one of those generic fools who thinks that you have to go into the maze :(
GEEK JOKES?! I know alot of geeks that get a major kick out of those...******s. At least /b/ is getting the attention it wants ;p
haha you can see a catpion that says "I can has a cheezburger" hahaha <3
stop with the band of brothers clown pie gif. Its been posted like 30 times in this thread already.
wow lol, why can't humans inject venom or have like a giant claw or something...man we're so weak and boring and un- bad ass - physically
I didn't have a camera, nor a phone back then... D:

Kami fails! ;(
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