Is global warming really caused by humans?


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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By this I mean, do we really have that great a participation? *waits for clarky to post*
Aren't the emissions of the ocean and volcanoes millions of times worse than our emissions?
Aren't the emissions of the ocean and volcanoes millions of times worse than our emissions?

Yay. That's what I think but Al Gore thinks he is right...

As far as I'm aware a majority of scientists have disproved this whole theory that we are the main cause of global warming but of course people don't listen.
"An Inconvient Truth" did give some good facts and good charts of what's going on. Obviously slanted a little bit, but I don't think we can completely ignore a lot of the data it showed.
Whilst we may not be the main cause, we are still a major contributing factor :)

Aren't the emissions of the ocean and volcanoes millions of times worse than our emissions?

No. Oceans I don't know any figures on, but volcanoes emit only a minute fraction of what we emit.

As far as I'm aware a majority of scientists have disproved this whole theory that we are the main cause of global warming but of course people don't listen.

Aren't you guilty of not listening as well, and only hearing what you want to hear?
what bugs me more is that people is more focused on who is responsilbe that the problem itself
"An Inconvient Truth" did give some good facts and good charts of what's going on. Obviously slanted a little bit, but I don't think we can completely ignore a lot of the data it showed.

If his charts are right, were totally ****ed. I mean really. The ice age that killed nearly everything that existed was a mere cool breeze on a sunny day compared to what we have coming - according to that movie. It appeared to me that something 10 times worse is predicted.

We got somebody working on that... right? :o

I mean, there are mountains that have had snow and ice on them that date back to when the earth was formed pretty much, and now, for the first time, the ice is all melted away...

I don't know what to believe. D:
i cant honestly decide whether I believe humans are solely responsible or if its just a myth conjured up for some political reason....

Canada's too cold anyway :)
frankly, there's not enough data to SAY that we are the cause. Obviously, to say that we as a race have no impact on the enviroment would be neglegent to say the least, but we've only been charting weather and temperatures for a little over 100 years, which frankly, is no where near enough time to say if this is a natural cycle, or a man made problem.

I have little problem with the goals that the Global Warming community are trying to accomplish however, I would LOVE to see us get off of oil (and thereby funding certain nations, as well as a few pricks pocketbooks) And cut down on emissions in general (Air in cities is just plain nasty sometimes...)
I'm convinced that we are completely responsible for the global warming, and I don't doubt it's going to escalate badly in the near 50 years.
While it is a problem, and we are a part of it (though global warming is a natural thing we've just sped it up), I believe everything about it is very overexagerated. But we are dealing with it. Pathetically sure, but we are.
As far as I'm aware a majority of scientists have disproved this whole theory that we are the main cause of global warming but of course people don't listen.
Name one respected scientist who claims that human has no impact on Global Warming.
I never said that humans had no impact. :)
As far as I'm aware a majority of scientists have disproved this whole theory that we are the main cause of global warming but of course people don't listen.
The consensus today is that it is a problem we created.

Volcanoes don't release even a fraction of the greenhouse emmissions as our vehicles and industries. Most of what they release is just ash.
Aren't the emissions of the ocean and volcanoes millions of times worse than our emissions?

Oceans actually absorb far more carbon dioxide than they emit. In fact, most of our CO2 scrubbing comes from oceans, not plants. Once the oceans become super-saturated with CO2 however (which has already happened in Antarctica), then we will see very very rapid global warming.

Volcanoes do emit greenhouse gases, but they are a very tiny fraction compared to the amount human industry and cattle emit.

Solar cycles also contribute to global warming, but as of now, the solar cycle only accounts for %5 of the observed temperature rise, the rest is greenhouse gases.

So, it seems, the shoe fits. If 95% of our global temperature rise can be attributed to greenhouse gases, and if most of the greenhouse gases emitted globally come from human industry and practices, then clearly we are to blame.
frankly, there's not enough data to SAY that we are the cause. Obviously, to say that we as a race have no impact on the enviroment would be neglegent to say the least, but we've only been charting weather and temperatures for a little over 100 years, which frankly, is no where near enough time to say if this is a natural cycle, or a man made problem.

I have little problem with the goals that the Global Warming community are trying to accomplish however, I would LOVE to see us get off of oil (and thereby funding certain nations, as well as a few pricks pocketbooks) And cut down on emissions in general (Air in cities is just plain nasty sometimes...)

There is enormous data to say we are the cause. We can analyze temperature and climate over the past 500,000 years or so using gases trapped in ice cores. We can also calculate exactly how much CO2 we emit, and how much this CO2 will warm the atmosphere. The data lines up almost perfectly with the calculations. We can also see in the ice core data which atmospheric warming can be attributed to solar cycles and which to greenhouse gases.

For instance, the end of the last ice age was due largely to solar cycles, yet the Palaeocene-Eocene Temperature Maximum (PETM), which was a short period of intense global warming very similar to the one we are now experiencing, was caused when a seabed of peat was exposed along the ancient English coast, caught on fire, and burned for several decades, releasing CO2 into the air at alarming rates. The resulting warming lasted for a few hundred years, and then died off as the CO2 was absorbed back into the ocean.

Other periods of extreme global warming can be attributed to gigantic methane eruptions from undersea bacteria, which releases methane and toxic sulfur-based gases into the atmosphere, causing short periods of intense global warming.

Todays warming is no different from these catastrophic events in the distant past. We are an anomaly of nature, dumping CO2 and Methane into the atmosphere at much higher than normal rates, and eventually, if we continue to do this, the system won't be able to keep up, and our temperatures will rise dramatically.
Even if global warming was complete bullshit, we've still contaminated a lot of other stuff. I'm thinking air and water reserves here, which are rather important (read: primordial) factors for life indeed. So we still need to cut the contamination crap.
Human cause or not, I vote most depressing issue ever.

If we were as good at discussing and blaming as we were at solving, we'd be able to say **** it and just go terraform some other planet to shit up instead.
All I know right now is live earth is the biggest load of hypocritical tripe to air on TV. They mustof sucked up a weeks worth of power equivalent to a small town in just a single day.
The thread title was also the title to a piece of course work I recently handed in.

And I believe it is.
None of this matters, according to Nostradamus, the Mayan calender, and several other Roman prophets humanity will end in 2012.

All I know right now is live earth is the biggest load of hypocritical tripe to air on TV. They mustof sucked up a weeks worth of power equivalent to a small town in just a single day.
That was what instantly sprung to mind when I realised what it was, oh the hypocrisy of it all! Even though they claim it raising global awareness of global warming, when they were interviewing random people they all said they were there for the music and nothing more!

Still, good to see Metallica warming up for their headlining show at Wembley :D
Humans definately contribute, but the claims are way over the top IMO. Global warming is also, I believe, an effect of the end of our past ice age.
OK, so if Human's are responsible we're screwed if we don't do anything, if humans aren't responsible we're screwed whatever we do.

90% of scientists are now saying that human activity does contribute to global warming. Exactly what would anyone gain through lying about global warming?
OK, so if Human's are responsible we're screwed if we don't do anything, if humans aren't responsible we're screwed whatever we do.

90% of scientists are now saying that human activity does contribute to global warming. Exactly what would anyone gain through lying about global warming?

eh, it's kinda like parents lying to their kids about santa, it makes the kids believe in something so they are good
eh, it's kinda like parents lying to their kids about santa, it makes the kids believe in something so they are good
The only difference being in this case lying about global warming will end the planet.
like uh...
yah know, kids be happy and well behaved if santa's real, if santa's not real they throw temper tantrums and dont listen

( i hope you know i was being sarcastic )
like uh...
yah know, kids be happy and well behaved if santa's real, if santa's not real they throw temper tantrums and dont listen

( i hope you know i was being sarcastic )

Not good enough.
Me too. Everyone's sarcastic on the Internet!
Global warming is a politically expedient excuse to tax people to death and control them, little more.

Oh yeah, we just had the wettest June since records began. It was like winter. July hasn't been much better - today has been the only genuinely nice day we've had since some time in May. Perfect weather for a round-trip to Brighton at three-figure speeds, an up yours to Ken Livingstone if nothing else. :angel:
All I know right now is live earth is the biggest load of hypocritical tripe to air on TV. They mustof sucked up a weeks worth of power equivalent to a small town in just a single day.

They're using biofuel according to the site. They are also using other stuff of a similar nature.

Oh, and Nothing Else Matters was amazing. :D
Ah, repiV, as 90% of people, doesn't actually understand what global warming means.
And I suppose you know all about it, your expert scientific opinion as proof that doomsday is upon us.

I know enough of it to know your previous post was full of shit, yes.

Global warming is a politically expedient excuse to tax people to death and control them, little more.

Oh yeah, we just had the wettest June since records began. It was like winter. July hasn't been much better - today has been the only genuinely nice day we've had since some time in May. Perfect weather for a round-trip to Brighton at three-figure speeds, an up yours to Ken Livingstone if nothing else. :angel:

Global warming does not necessarily predict an even spread of additional warmth throughout the year, "but it was like very cold today!" doesn't mean a damn thing. What global warming does predict is to make what we view as extremes today, more common. What for example happens when there's an unusually hot period in some region? Water evaporates. Lots of water evaporates. And I believe what comes up, most come down (more rain but also in another part more droughts). Then there's wind, wind is a product of interaction of hot and cold air (high and low pressure), greater differences between those two will produce more violent storms. You're not one of them "gee, global warming sounds good to me, it's a bit too cold here" people, are you?
I know enough of it to know your previous post was full of shit, yes.

Global warming does not necessarily predict an even spread of additional warmth throughout the year, "but it was like very cold today!" doesn't mean a damn thing. What global warming does predict is to make what we view as extremes today, more common. What for example happens when there's an unusually hot period in some region? Water evaporates. Lots of water evaporates. And I believe what comes up, most come down (more rain but also in another part more droughts). Then there's wind, wind is a product of interaction of hot and cold air (high and low pressure), greater differences between those two will produce more violent storms. You're not one of them "gee, global warming sounds good to me, it's a bit too cold here" people, are you?

No, I'm one of them "**** off and stop justifying your authoritarian ideas with your global warming shite you don't even understand" people.
Global warming hysteria is almost as ridiculous as the aliens-are-invading hysteria of 1930s America. ONLY TEN YEARS LEFT TO SAVE THE PLANET!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! :rolleyes:
We'll see. lolz.
No, I'm one of them "**** off and stop justifying your authoritarian ideas with your global warming shite you don't even understand" people.
Global warming hysteria is almost as ridiculous as the aliens-are-invading hysteria of 1930s America. ONLY TEN YEARS LEFT TO SAVE THE PLANET!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! :rolleyes:

There was such a hysteria? Anyway, your rationale for this global warming "scam" is also a bunch of bull, namely that they can tax you more. Except that I believe the total cost of fighting global warming would amount to 9 trillion or somewhere around that. Doesn't sound too profitable to me, spending billions on stuff like reinforcing the coast-line and so you can tax people more for a toaster.

But I think a better description of you would be: "the government is out to get me" anarchist.