Bands that used to be good but now suck tool


May 5, 2004
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god the smashing pumpkins really are annoying ..they used to be so good back in the 90's now I cant stand Corigans annoying shrill voice ..and their music just isnt as well crafted as it once was

disclaimer: the above is a personal opinion and in no way proves they actually suck tool

so what bands do you think were once good but now suck?
I've only heard Smashing Pumpkins' hits, so that's all I have to judge by, but yeah, I like Bullet with Butterfly wings better than Tarantula.

Green Day's first album was good (if a little angsty :P) warning and the other were good (I think it's called insomnia?) the next three were ok, and american idiot... didn't exactly suck, but didn't really feel green day-ish to me. Well, it did, sort of, but the nine-minute songs didn't do it for me.

Offspring used to be awesome, but after ixnay on the hombre, the sucked major. In fact, Offspring and Smash were their best albums...

Guns and roses... I really like appetite for destruction, but use your illusion was boring.

I can't think of any morea atm.
god the smashing pumpkins really are annoying ..they used to be so good back in the 90's now I cant stand Corigans annoying shrill voice ..and their music just isnt as well crafted as it once was

disclaimer: the above is a personal opinion and in no way proves they actually suck tool

so what bands do you think were once good but now suck?

I like the newer Pumpkin's stuff, I can stand it a lot more than other shit on the radio. But you're right, doesn't compare to their older stuff by a mile. And Billy Corgan was always a whiny twat, it's just become more apparent over the years XD

I'd say Coldplay have gotten progressively worse (more stale? Chris Martin gotten more rich?) over their short career.
Van Halen.

Guns and Roses.

Rolling Stones.

My Chemical Romance.
Green Day's first album was good (if a little angsty :P) warning and the other were good (I think it's called insomnia?) the next three were ok, and american idiot... didn't exactly suck, but didn't really feel green day-ish to me. Well, it did, sort of, but the nine-minute songs didn't do it for me.

Offspring used to be awesome, but after ixnay on the hombre, the sucked major. In fact, Offspring and Smash were their best albums...

Green Day had 3 EPs that were merged into an LP (39/Smooth, 1000 Hours, Slappy -> 1039/Smoothed out Slappy Hours) and Kerplunk, all released on Lookout! Records before they got signed to Reprise and released Dookie... And those were all better than anything else they've put out imo.

As for other bands that used to be good and now suck...

  • Better Than Ezra - Quality started deteriorating with "Closer", and "Before the Robots" is a joke.
  • Counting Crows - Maybe - they're supposedly coming out with a new CD that won't suck like Hard Candy did
  • Saves the Day - Got big heads after "Stay What You Are", smoked too much pot and started writing really shitty songs
  • Death Cab for Cutie - Don't have an opinion of my own yet, but supposedly their newest effort sucks.
  • Piebald - Awesome, but they broke up, and therefore they suck for breaking up. Ditto Jets to Brazil. ****ers.
  • Alkaline Trio - Got big, wrote shitty music. Or perhaps, listening to songs about drinking too much and being hung over just got old. Whatever.
  • Koufax - Not entirely sure about this one, but I loved their single "Going to Happen" that was on the Vagrant Records Another Year on the Streets Vol 1 comp, but every album of theirs I've listened to since sucks


My Chemical Romance.
linkin park.

No, they've ALWAYS sucked.

I'd say Coldplay have gotten progressively worse (more stale? Chris Martin gotten more rich?) over their short career.

Agreed on the Foos and Linkin Park. The first couple LP albums were decent if you were, like me, a fan at the time. The latest, no matter your opinion of the band, is a collosal dump.

Lost Prophets were good for their first and maybe(ish) second album. After that they went all hyper look-at-me-I'm-emo like My Chemical Buttmance (see whut I did thar) and just started sucking. But again, you had to be into them at the time to distinguish between the sucking and non-sucking, cause admittedly they were pretty emo to begin with.

Uhh... Metallic-- no, wait.

Nine Inch Nails? I'll leave that one up to the forum faithful, but I've not heard too many positive things about the last two albums.

SUM 41!! Haha... I actually got a kick out of their first few albums, and then Chuck came along with a few very listenable tunes, but... my god, the latest one. The Brown Sound has left, and you can really tell that he was responsible for alot of, if not all of the actual substance that the band was putting out, because the new album is ****ing laughable. A friend played it to me to confirm his own suspicions of it, and, to paraphrase myself at the time - "They said they were going back to their 'roots' with this one, didn't they? They didn't say anything about going back to Blink 182 and Green Day's roots."

No shit, I was able to name specific songs that they ripped off on more than one occasion while listening. Not that the Sums ever had much going for them in terms of originality, but it's still kind of sad to hear. Mostly funny, but a little sad. :P
Metallica's the biggest one imo.
Their first few albums were god-like up until their self-titled album.
Ozzy Osbourne's latest album Black Rain is pretty sucky. I've read an interview with him were he said this was the first album he recorded while sober, so yeah, that pretty much explains it...
I'd have to agree with Smashing pumpkins.

I went to a pumpkins concert recently. It was alright I guess, but nothing like the 90's.

I'm sorry but NIN sucks very terribly now.
Lostprophets for sure. The first album, Fake Sound of Progress, was like a mix of Rival Schools meets Thursday with their own elements added (scratching, his vocal style). The second album wasn't bad but then after that, they literally become the deffonition of sell-out right there. They're image changed completly to suit the style of latest trend, and the music just dive-bombed into mediocrity.
Lost Prophets were good for their first and maybe(ish) second album. After that they went all hyper look-at-me-I'm-emo like My Chemical Buttmance (see whut I did thar) and just started sucking. But again, you had to be into them at the time to distinguish between the sucking and non-sucking, cause admittedly they were pretty emo to begin with.

Actually, Lostprophets did go very poppish on their 3rd album, and they are going back into the heavy stuff, but if you look at their live shows even for their third album, they are a pretty skilled well put together band that has their shit together. They're live shows are full of energy, specifically with Ian having his shit together while live, and the new drummer is insane.

And nowadays the bandwagon is to label everything as emo or a sellout.
They honestly went up and said "We just wanted to try something new".
I've only heard Smashing Pumpkins' hits, so that's all I have to judge by, but yeah, I like Bullet with Butterfly wings better than Tarantula.

Green Day's first album was good (if a little angsty :P) warning and the other were good (I think it's called insomnia?) the next three were ok, and american idiot... didn't exactly suck, but didn't really feel green day-ish to me. Well, it did, sort of, but the nine-minute songs didn't do it for me.

Offspring used to be awesome, but after ixnay on the hombre, the sucked major. In fact, Offspring and Smash were their best albums...

Guns and roses... I really like appetite for destruction, but use your illusion was boring.

I can't think of any morea atm.

I think The Offspring still has it, but Conspiracy of One was just plain bad. The band members themselves are also pretty cool.
I'd have to agree with Smashing pumpkins.

I went to a pumpkins concert recently. It was alright I guess, but nothing like the 90's.

I'm sorry but NIN sucks very terribly now.

did the pumpkins concert you went to have explosions in the sky opening, or was it that other band that is touring with them?

they're coming to austin nov. 2nd, and I would seriously consider going because it would just be weird to see explosions open for smashing pumpkins... but I'm not even sure if explosions will be playing that show.
did the pumpkins concert you went to have explosions in the sky opening, or was it that other band that is touring with them?

they're coming to austin nov. 2nd, and I would seriously consider going because it would just be weird to see explosions open for smashing pumpkins... but I'm not even sure if explosions will be playing that show.

It was Virgin Fest in Maryland.

It was Smashing Pumpkins, Velvet Revolver, Police, Beastie Boys, 311, Incubus, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Amy Winehouse.
Nine Inch Nails? I'll leave that one up to the forum faithful, but I've not heard too many positive things about the last two albums.


Anyway, With Teeth was bashed (and continues to be) by the online community, but received decent reviews. Year Zero has gotten better reviews; so if you're saying "positive" as "OH MY GOD TRENT TAKE ME NOW," then no, there hasn't been any. The albums haven't tanked, either.
yes indeed linkinpark, its total shit now their new album
coldplay has gotten worse, I hope their new album will be better
lostprohets too, become too poppy..with songs like "rooftops" and all..

and incubus is still rocking on theotherguy, i still love them for all their hits in their new album "a kiss to send us off" "oil and water" "dig" "anna molly" such awesome songs, but then again, they have turned a little more mainstream

basically, I can see that all these godlike bands have turned more poppy and mainstream. Dammit, its like a disease spreading through the greatest bands..
Would you PLEASE stop using the word mainstream as a negative. Who cares about that?

Actually, Lostprophets did go very poppish on their 3rd album, and they are going back into the heavy stuff, but if you look at their live shows even for their third album, they are a pretty skilled well put together band that has their shit together. They're live shows are full of energy, specifically with Ian having his shit together while live, and the new drummer is insane.

And nowadays the bandwagon is to label everything as emo or a sellout.
They honestly went up and said "We just wanted to try something new".

In my opinion, the new stuff just sucks, plain as. Not because of their desperate NME-like grasp at fasion over music, or the watering down of their music to appeal to a greater mass, but I just thought compared to the first album, they weren't even the same band.

I'd say there about as emo as a brick, too. First album was post-hardcoreish at best, like Hell is For Heroes.
Guns N' Roses doesn't count since it's the Axl Rose Band these days.
Incubus - but only slightly, their music is just different now.
Manic Street Preachers.

first 3 albums are great, 4th is amazing, 5th is getting more rubbish and by the 6th it's bland bland bland bland bland bland bland...

Haven't listened to anything recently so they may of returned to some sort of form, but damn did they dive bomb.
basically, I can see that all these godlike bands have turned more poppy and mainstream. Dammit, its like a disease spreading through the greatest bands..

GODLIKE.. what the ****, not one of those is even 'good'... let alone great :/
Green Day
by GODLIKE, i referred not really to my bands but too all of the rest stated as well, you misunderstood old badger..

and I think muse has well, gotten better in my opinion..
ELO - after their first few albums it was all shit

Bob Dylan - Oh my God, after Blonde on Blonde it was all shit, then he released Blood on the Tracks which was an AMAZING album, and went back to making shit

AC/DC - Brian Johnson = ugh

Godsmack - First two albums were quite good, but somewhere along the lines they ruined it

Led Zeppelin - As awesome as Zep is, you can't deny their later albums are bad (after Physical Graffiti)
Idunno, I'm still a fan of Incubus and think they've been getting progressively better over the last few albums. However, that's only after the drop-off in creativity from Make Yourself to Morning View. You could easily argue they've changed their style, but I can't see how it's for the worse, unless you're only listening to what you hear of them on the radio (and that can ruin anyone's opinion of a band, I used to hate them when all I would hear was Drive).

Muse... again, they've gotten different. It seems to be a trend a few of the bands I listen to have gone through with their latest albums - Incubus, Muse, Deftones - that they went a little more progressive with their sound, but at the same time toned it down a bit and went slightly more... pop. Or maybe not, but that's the best description I can think of. Personally I liked Muse's last couple of albums mostly just because they were Muse - there's never gonna be another Origin of Symmetry ^_^
Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Gosh, yeah, nearly everything. Half Man Half Biscuit might be the one true constant. Them and Bad Brains
Red Hot Chilli Peppers

I like some of their newer stuff, mind you, it's definitely not as good as their last few albums. Incubus is also still good, just slightly different.

Megadeth did not have one good song on United Abominations... even the A Tout Le Monde remake had that god awful chick from Laguna Coil. I guess Mustaine still has some Metallica in him. System of a Down is also losing steam, as Toxicity was certainly their high point. I think it's a good thing Serj and Daron are off doing solo albums for the time being.

I'm just glad Coheed and Cambria keep getting better.
Green Day

they make one bad album and you're willing to say they suck? **** that!

black holes had a few decent songs on it... not like it was a complete failure.

I saw them live in july, and they kicked ass.

Our Lady Peace. I mean, the guy who founded the band left 2 albums ago. What the **** is that.
System of a Down is also losing steam, as Toxicity was certainly their high point.
Eh. I loved Toxicity at the time it was released, but I can barely listen to it now. Mezmerize was great, Hypnotize not quite so much, but the self-titled will always be their high point.
Am I the only one who thinks that Metallica was never really god-like?