De_Forest Released


Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Hello everyone, Im pleased to announce the release of De_Forest!

There's been alot of blood sweat and tears to get this into the state it is today, also figuring out how the hell to make a forest map work in the Source engine, but Im pretty proud of how it looks and plays now.

It should run well on most systems with a ati 9800 / nvidia 6xxx or above, not sure about below that as I havent been able to test on lower end systems.














now for some info:
Terrorists have been hiding out in the woods for months and are being hunted down for
information on spies within a number of high ranking organisations assisting
in plotting terror attacks.

As the terrorist team you must destroy all evidence of
such activities by planting bombs at either of the two sites which were being used
as the hideout.

As the CTs you must secure the hideouts and prevent the terrorists from
destorying the information.

If you get lost, find your way back to the river and look for landmarks which will point you in the right direction. There are also many signposts dotted around the forest to help you find your way to the bombsites.

Thanks to everyone who offered feedback and advice on this map, its been a big challenge and a hard journey and I hope you have fun!

I noticed that alot of people were commenting on a lack of ambient sound, I just checked and I forgot to include my custom soudscape and soundfiles!!

I am currently updating the ZIP file to include these files, simply redownload and re-extract to your CS folder (not your maps folder!). Give it around 10 mins from this post to let it upload fully, thanks!


Have fun!
The map looks amazing, if I had CS:S installed, I would have definitively downloaded this!
But that would make enemies hard to see. CS is about hardcore realism, not crap like trees getting in the way.


Awesome job, that looks fantastic. I have mad respect for you making something that unique in CS:S. I really hope it gets a lot of play.

P.S. Any in-game shots? I mean while actually playing, 'cause that'd be sweet.
D: Did you leak EP2? I'm joking, but that looks awesome.
Wow, this map looks amazing. Kudos. If I wasn't on such a TF2 binge I'd be sure to check it out immediately. I hope it gets good circulation, because I'd like to be able to check it out some time if I come back to CSS later.
Well, I downloaded it. I'll tell you want I think if it when I play it!! It looks so cool!!!
Oh man, that looks cool. Reminds me of Delta Force almost :) Amazing work.
dang thats great man KUDOS for you!!!

it kind of reminds me of miltia and some ep2/
That looks beautiful.

The Source engine never ceases to amaze me.
very nice looking, how are the framerates compared to say militia?
Thanks guys! Looking forward to seeing what people think when they play it with a lot of players. The framerate should be better than milita, I get 120fps and 60 at lowest on my x800.

Azner the story is in my first post, I think it's pretty believable :P
Thanks guys! Looking forward to seeing what people think when they play it with a lot of players. The framerate should be better than milita, I get 120fps and 60 at lowest on my x800.

Azner the story is in my first post, I think it's pretty believable :P

Oh, im so sorry.

I didnt finish looking though your post after the pics.

Pretty sweet map tho
Looks great, downloading now - I'll probably end up using it more in GMod than in CSS, lol.

25.0 MB

I think he might have meant the actual size of the map, not the file size.
I played on the map. It's awesome!!! Going to see if I can get it on the server that I'm an admin of.
Really nice map, must have taken nearly a year to create and build everything. Though part of me hates to see something like this wasted on css, most great customs in terms of quality never get played while gg_boxmap will have a hundred servers for it. Regardless, excellent work, hope it gets you a job with Valve cause you deserve it.
I noticed that alot of people were commenting on a lack of ambient sound, I just checked and I forgot to include my custom soudscape and soundfiles!!
I am currently updating the ZIP file to include these files, simply redownload and re-extract to your CS folder (not your maps folder!). Give it around 10 mins from this post to let it upload fully, thanks!

Damn, brisck. You almost make me want to hang up Hammer and retire :/
I know the feeling, people like this guy and Adam Foster make me wonder why I even try :p
I noticed that alot of people were commenting on a lack of ambient sound, I just checked and I forgot to include my custom soudscape and soundfiles!!
I am currently updating the ZIP file to include these files, simply redownload and re-extract to your CS folder (not your maps folder!). Give it around 10 mins from this post to let it upload fully, thanks!


I downloaded it again, but now I'm a bit confused!?!?!? :eek::eek:
I downloaded it again, but now I'm a bit confused!?!?!? :eek::eek:

I noticed in the video there were no ambient sounds like birds singing or trees rustling in the wind. Thats a sign that you didnt have the soundsscapes I previously didnt include
Looks like a fantastic map. I'm gonna try it out in a few minutes.

Though I remember there was a problem for servers with big maps (over 16mb I believe). I remember this from de_matrix. There was something the server had to do in order to be able to upload it to clients. And I'm not talking about BZ2 compression.

Edit: Wow man, most beautiful map built on source EVER!
Looks pretty good to me. I saw some1 use this in Gmod as a cool screenshot.

I just wish the map was at night, that could make things way cooler.
OMG Source engine is old, Crysis FTW !1!....wait. ;)
Very nice work, it looks really like map from Turtle Rock.
I'm not seeing any servers running this. :(

Sadly, people would rather play orange maps...
I just wanna say, AWSOME MAP!

In our public server we have forest.
I think it be cool if you do little larger map.
Or i mean i/we wanna at you do big(encached) forest :D

So my quastion is, How long we must wait? :hmph:
This is precisely the kind of map I was actually thinking about...

Thought there must be one out there somewhere :p
Just sharing a screenshot I took while having some of the greatest fun I and my clan had on css in a long time. We were playing our own designed ninja game. I was captured and my fellow mate was going to rescue me, sneaking up on the guards. A beautiful screenshot on a beautiful map.


I also edited a bit to make it a nice wallpaper.

That looks really noice! Are there any servers currently running it that you know of?