Personalities of everyone here..

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His hat controls his mind. Is possibly related to Evil^Milk.
Loves anime too, probably dyes his hair a certian color or wears digimon suits around malaysia or aussie or wherever he is. (Its always not clear where you are, you visit malaysia time to time mmrite?)


Tollboth, i dont dye my hair any color. Though i do want an urahara hat.
One of his life problems is that so many members have so many life problems that they have to blame all their misery on the revolting masses of Argentina, Tony Blair, George W Bush or the fact that the world isn't run by hundreds of uncompeting, unadvancing, unachieving, overpopulated, overworked communists.

Hes blaming this problem of his on those members who have said problems.
Hasn't changed back his avatar, despite that Christmas was 10 months ago.

Hasn't changed back his avatar, despite that Christmas was 10 months ago.

You're seeing that the wrong way. It's not that christmas was 10 months ago, it's that christmas is only 2 months away!
Fantastic CSS player, and generally the man. Also does a fantastic D: face.
Has an unhealthy obsession with the D: face, and still uses PENISPENISPENIS in his signature, despite it being an oooooooooooooooold thing.
Is clearly spiritually bonded to me, for I also regret clicking Krynn's sig
I differ from him in that I don't regret clicking that link.
One of the more serious people in the forum, or at least the one who speaks up most. Although, thats not saying much. Hes also been beaten into submission by the entire forum on multiple occasions when he tries to change his amazing avatar to something else.

Oh and he "left" us once, but clearly he missed us. <3
Still has a Christmas-themed avatar. He's either extremely lazy, or has deftly planned ahead for the coming Christmas season.
Likes to comment about the same person multiple times in this thread. :P

As for my avatar... Im in the christmas spirit year-round so you all can stuff it!
Likes to comment about the same person multiple times in this thread. :P

As for my avatar... Im in the christmas spirit year-round so you all can stuff it!

Is an all around awesome member :thumbs:

And has inspired me to be back in the Christmas spirit too.
Apparently likes pokemon, and most likely has a Misty fetish.

Dekstar is a contributing member of His cameo appearances on the Steam Communities chat has been a fulfilling experience for both myself and other members. Dekstar also has many, presumably sexual, bonds with TDE.
The most stubborn character in the history of mankind when it comes to opinions :p
On the few occasions I have had dealings with -Psycho-, he seemed pretty cool.
Ennui cares not for the petty affairs of mortals.
Seriously though, what the **** does that say? Now I'm curious.
Has had similar opinions, and some very different ones from me regarding various issues. Like to debate with.
Likes death. According to the name. I'm assuming he likes dealing it?
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