Personalities of everyone here..

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I have no idea who Dog-- is.
But Cave Canem was cool! :D

P.S.) Bad-Hat, it says, 'Asia is Superior'
Can read extraordinarily tiny text.

Is also presumably good at shooting down enemy aircraft.
Jintor is teh awesomez. And he loves the Tim Schafer.
Dekstar: Perverted Ninja Extraordinaire.
Admirer of awesome, tends to appreciate any lulz-worthy material, awesome Briton.
Well...think of all the members that Pi banned and you'll narrow it down from all the members that have ever been banned by about 5, so that's a start :).
Recognise the avatar, can't remember teh personalit0rz! : o
Being a Trent Reznor lookalike, he tries hard to keep the forumites off him.
No peeps irl like NiN over here in teh UKs!:(
Qonfy is teh sechs! 'nuff said.
Darkside always writes long and very well thought-out posts. Keep up the good work.
Possibly the only one here with an image sig, and he likes Heroes, so he's all good!
The Monkey always writes short, very thoughtless posts. Keep up the good work.

EDIT: Ah damn you Dekstar!

Dekstar posts a lot about actual video games, which is sorta rare for people who frequent the General Off-Topic section. Many dont venture into the other sections. He also has The Dark Elf in his sig twice, which implies something... but I cant quite tell what.
If I could surmise Krynn in one word, it'd probably be rape.

If I could surmise Krynn in two words, it'd probably be buttseckz rape.
Always wrong. Horrid view point on the Transformers movie. Rather awesome, though.
Always right unless he says otherwise. Hates being called Salmon.
Is the de facto dictator of


What ever happened to The Dark Side anyway?

EDIT: Damn you, dekstar!
Has a lot of hate for a lot of things, and will be damned if anyone can change his mind on anything. Its a common enough occurrence that people can now make a thread on a certain topic, and say "In before Samon!" Generally speaking, this results in Krynn laughing.

EDIT: GAH! Stop posting while I do JERKS.
Krynn is teh funny, but his sig keeps catching me :(.
The only guy on that I've played the original CS with.
Still plays the original CS, and I laugh heartily at him for it.

Fellow appreciator of World Trade Center and Steve Irwin jokes.
Eccentric atheist intellectual who likes to drink a lot.
Assumes that I'm not tough.

Is the kind and generous ruler of Pancakeland, who regularly enjoys swimming and canoeing in the Great Jemima Lakes and has been spotted climbing the beautiful Ihopian Mountains. :P
Is the kind and generous ruler of Pancakeland, who regularly enjoys swimming and canoeing in the Great Jemima Lakes and has been spotted climbing the beautiful Ihopian Mountains. :P
His leetspeak username belies his good sense of humor and apparent intelligence.
Has a cool new tatoo design for an avatar.
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