Hellgate London Demo thursday


May 5, 2004
Reaction score

Electronic Arts has announced that the Flagship Studios developed fantasy action-RPG Hellgate London has gone gold and will ship to stores on Oct. 31 in the US. In addition a single player demo of the game will be released on Thursday. Here is a snip:

The singleplayer demo represents just a small taste of the Hellgate: London experience. Gamers can choose from two of the game's six character classes: the Blademaster, a master of swordplay and action-packed melee combat, or the Marksman, a cool, calculating, long-range specialist. In the demo, these heroes are able to battle through a small handful of storyline and side quests as they adventure through the streets and tunnels around London's Holborn Station.

too many games, so little time
My poor PC. Is this going to be on the 360? (I am currently too lazy to check.) :)
Well, I guess I will have to listen to all of you other folks talking about how great it is once again. :( I hope it stinks!! (for my own selfish reasons of course.) My poor single-core DX9 system...:x
Well, I guess I will have to listen to all of you other folks talking about how great it is once again. :( I hope it stinks!! (for my own selfish reasons of course.) My poor single-core DX9 system...:x

it doesnt seem that graphically intensive, you may be able to play it after all ..you'll know thursday
I coulda sworn this was a console game originally (360)... maybe my memory doesn't serve me so well.

I'll have to download the demo, see how it is.. Man it was ages ago i checked this game, and it's just sprung out of no where like that! awesome :thumbs:
Sweet, I was looking forward to it quite a bit... not so much now, maybe the demo will change my mind.
meh all of the videos and stuff ive seen look boring. just looks like another poor mmofps.
I've been playing since alpha and a few notes:

the videos ARE boring. However, actually playing the game is quite a lot of fun.

As for system req, I think it scales fairly well but the engine still needs to be optimized quite a bit especially in large outdoor areas.
is there more to do than slay demons, rinse and repeat? crafting? story driven quests? shacknews says that part is sort of generic to mmos
A lot of it is slaying demons (which is quite fun actually) but they have some variety in the story quests. One of them puts you in an RTS perspective and has you guide a squad to victory, another one is controlling a turret and shooting stuff down, and there's a few other amusing ones.
A lot of it is slaying demons (which is quite fun actually) but they have some variety in the story quests. One of them puts you in an RTS perspective and has you guide a squad to victory, another one is controlling a turret and shooting stuff down, and there's a few other amusing ones.
Now THAT sounds very cool. Reminds me of that Viking game coming soon that attempts to blend a couple of genres together in what seems to me to be a new way of doing things. Hopefully the demo will run at least passably on my machine....
Now THAT sounds very cool. Reminds me of that Viking game coming soon that attempts to blend a couple of genres together in what seems to me to be a new way of doing things. Hopefully the demo will run at least passably on my machine....

If you are into those genre blending games, check out Space Rangers 2. Its got RTS, Third-Person Shooter, Text Adventure, and of course, Space Sim. There is a demo avaliable if you are interested.

On Topic: Boo Yah! When I saw this thread, I was hoping you could play as the marksman, cause I perfer twitch based skills, more than turn based stuff.
Don't expect much in the quest/story department. It's more or less Diablo 3, it's loot driven.
Update The game's official web site now has the demo coming out on Friday, not Thursday as was announced in the initial press release

Thanks for the update, Stern. This should determine if this is actually worth the purchase (much less that damn monthly they had to add if you want to have any fun online). They are going to have a VERY hard time finding a market considering that Blizzard really owns the pay-to-play and Guild Wars dominates free-to-play. Suicidal marketing ftw. The gameplay had better blow 99.9% of CRPGs out of the water.
this sucks I dropped fileshack connection for some odd reason ..but had been waiting on fileplant so now I'm 40% done
It's Diablo with a new coat of paint and new gameplay. I explored everything there is to explore with a sniper and that was mildy entertaining. It's dead easy though. I died once, and only through fiddling with my inventory and not paying attention to what was happening. It looks ... OK I guess. The level design is basically non-existent since it's randomly generated each time. I can see myself buying this when all the games on my wishlist are bought, but I am certainly nog going to pay a subscription for this.
Game is okay.

Movement feels really restricting though, sort of static.
Guns have unlimited ammo it seems from what I played.
Graphics are alright, nothing phenomenal.
It really does just feel like Diablo in 3D with guns.

I won't be buying it on release that's for sure.
Meh, 2007's been a really weak year for PC gaming... there's almost nothing worthwhile coming out.

Looks like my Christmas games list will be empty this year.
Quite fun I suppose, picked the shooty class. Dual pistols :D

Probably a bug, but I got to the end of the Steam Tunnels and there was nothing to do, could not interact with the machines. None of the npc's would talk to me, and there was nowhere else to go. The coded message thing in my inventory did nothing.

Walked around mowing down zombies for a bit, then quit.
For a whole lotta months I have been following the development of this game. I was Looking forward to the FPS/RPG hybrid gameplay.

Then I heard the demo was being released a day early and I was stoked! So I downloaded the demo & headed in game. 15 mins later, I exited, almost in tears. I had such high hopes for this game. What a waste of time that 15 mins turned out to be.

1) So-so Graphics.
2) Ho-Hum Audio.
3) NPC's that talk, but their lips don't move. Diakatana all over again.
4) Boring Gameplay.
5) Waste of time.

While i'm sure there will be those of you here that enjoy the demo & if you did, then i'm glad. But for me, I expected a whole hell of a lot more that what the demo gave me. True this is just that, a demo, but you know what they say about first impressions...

There ain't no way in hell that i'll be buying this game, if the demo is any indication of what the retail game has to offer.
I've been playing since Alpha, and I wish the NDA went down with the demo, because there is so much shit I'd like to get off my chest :/
A few comments:
It's Diablo with a new coat of paint and new gameplay. I explored everything there is to explore with a sniper and that was mildy entertaining. It's dead easy though. I died once, and only through fiddling with my inventory and not paying attention to what was happening. It looks ... OK I guess. The level design is basically non-existent since it's randomly generated each time. I can see myself buying this when all the games on my wishlist are bought, but I am certainly nog going to pay a subscription for this.

It gets harder as you go along

Meh, 2007's been a really weak year for PC gaming... there's almost nothing worthwhile coming out.

Looks like my Christmas games list will be empty this year.


Quite fun I suppose, picked the shooty class. Dual pistols :D

Probably a bug, but I got to the end of the Steam Tunnels and there was nothing to do, could not interact with the machines. None of the npc's would talk to me, and there was nowhere else to go. The coded message thing in my inventory did nothing.

Walked around mowing down zombies for a bit, then quit.

There are some instances where you just have to kill a boss in or do another quest or something. Not sure what you were expecting here.

For a whole lotta months I have been following the development of this game. I was Looking forward to the FPS/RPG hybrid gameplay.

Then I heard the demo was being released a day early and I was stoked! So I downloaded the demo & headed in game. 15 mins later, I exited, almost in tears. I had such high hopes for this game. What a waste of time that 15 mins turned out to be.

1) So-so Graphics.
2) Ho-Hum Audio.
3) NPC's that talk, but their lips don't move. Diakatana all over again.
4) Boring Gameplay.
5) Waste of time.

While i'm sure there will be those of you here that enjoy the demo & if you did, then i'm glad. But for me, I expected a whole hell of a lot more that what the demo gave me. True this is just that, a demo, but you know what they say about first impressions...

There ain't no way in hell that i'll be buying this game, if the demo is any indication of what the retail game has to offer.


Graphics are pretty good for my impressions. The game still needs a lot of optimizing though (and bug fixing).

2) Sounds good to me, music is pretty awesome too.

3) don't really care

4) gameplay is essentially the same as Diablo like others have said so I'm not sure what you were expecting.
I'ma ctually having QUITE a bit of fun, I got an invite to the beta today too. It really is the true successor to Diablo II.

I just got my Blademaster to 5 and am dual-wielding toxic swords and absolutely shredding hell's minions, gotta love it. Not sure if I'd pay-to-play - but I'm having a lot of mindless fun.
It really is the true successor to Diablo II.


This was a pretty terrible demo. After about 15 minutes I beat the demo, but spent 20 minutes figuring that fact out. Combat is sluggish, interface is clunky and unintuitive. Graphics are... well, it looks like Doom 3.
Is there a minigun?


/will download tomarrow

This was a pretty terrible demo. After about 15 minutes I beat the demo, but spent 20 minutes figuring that fact out. Combat is sluggish, interface is clunky and unintuitive. Graphics are... well, it looks like Doom 3.

Eh, Diablo as we knew it, though, is being carried on by these guys - I guess we'll never see a true true successor to D2, but this comes pretty close.
Is there a minigun?


/will download tomarrow

I think there's mini miniguns (one handed) I saw in one vid.

And yeah, it's been made by all the guys who did D2 so it might as well be the successor.
Not even going to bother with this since all the videos out there make it look so, so terrible. And that they want to get people to pay every month to for gameplay that's 10 years old... I'm baffled. This is all ex-Blizzard guys can do? I seriously hope I'm wrong... if it gets some good reviews I'll try it.

Mask of the Betrayer is my RPG fix for now... having an awesome time with that.
Eh, Diablo as we knew it, though, is being carried on by these guys - I guess we'll never see a true true successor to D2, but this comes pretty close.

Unless, you know, Diablo 3 comes out.

Which it will, eventually.
I can't understand how you guys can complain about the graphics, it looks good. And the gameplay is loot driven, I don't know what you were expecting.

Anyway, gonna miss my char when it gets deleted :(

I've heard rumor's that they're gonna let the beta people keep their characters
They aren't forcing you to pay monthly for the game unless you want to get more char slots, guild support, monthly content additions, 24/7 customer support, etc.

From what I've been hearing, some like it just as a Diablo-clone, some think it doesn't live up to Diablo and others are going in expecting more than what was planned :P
The demo, in one world, is catastrophic. From gfx to design,combat,ememies,sound and gameplay is shit. It's like the worst hack-and-slash, copy-paste rpg you can think of, but only in "FPS" form.

Once again the question rises, do developers play their own games?! and how can a publisher let something like that out. A demo is supposed to encourage buying, not the other way around. I played better MODS.