Hellgate London Demo thursday

It took me a while to figure out why my character was transparent (first with official drivers then with beta drivers), it turns out that AA, which was turned on at default, still has bugs.

This is bizarre because its a similar AA problem that the Crysis beta suffered from (which is why Crytek told us to turn it off in release 2, then the AA functionality didn't work at all in Release 3). So is Hellgate still in Beta or is the Demo official, because atm, I'm worried about its buggy release...
What a disappointing piece of crap this turned out to be.
If you consider repetitiveness and frustration fun then you are going to enjoy this very much.Calling this Diablo 3D, it's like me making an attempt at a poor joke.
Hack and Slash games can be fun if there's a rewarding aspect to it.
Don't even get me started on the animations.
I've played flash based games that had better animations in them.
This is just a poor excuse of a game.

On the bright side, you do get some free software along with it.
I wonder if they are planning to charge people by the month to watch these ads. Wouldn't suprise me one bit. The sad thing is that most people are dumb enough to do it.
and others are going in expecting more than what was planned :P

I went in expecting a solid game. Is that too much to ask for? It's not like I don't have room to complain - it's a demo for crying out loud, not a beta or some buggy version meant to iron out bugs and gameplay issues.

All my doubts about this game have been realized. I admit it looks cool... but I felt like I was playing the alpha release of a game made by a 2 person development team.
I went in expecting a solid game. Is that too much to ask for? It's not like I don't have room to complain - it's a demo for crying out loud, not a beta or some buggy version meant to iron out bugs and gameplay issues.

All my doubts about this game have been realized. I admit it looks cool... but I felt like I was playing the alpha release of a game made by a 2 person development team.

No, it isn't too much to ask for. I wasn't saying they didn't plan a solid game. I directed that expectations comment towards people that just say, "ug, hack and slash sucks" etc.

From what I've been hearing the game sucks overall though.
they spend all this time developing this peace of garbage ???

hmmm 3 out of 5 stars.
About the ads, they're only in the subway stations and you don't really notice them. There's no spyware or adware, that's just one misinformed noob who think the game infected his pc when he probably was downloading pron off some shady website.

I don't see you guys bitching about Steam collecting your "personal" data. Hell you guys give out more personal information when you sign up on forums and post about yourselves.
This combat in this game is horrible. The melee was the worst, it felt awkward and it looked awkward. Each time you attack something your character lunges 10 feet in the direction you were holding which results in a hopping running lunging combat style that looks stupid and is more annoying than fun.

The ranged combat wasn't much better. Firing a weapon is unresponsive and so is the counter-strike style cone of fire they have implemented. The absence of ammo and (expectedly) poor enemy AI, which could have been made up for by responsive weapons and some form of reaction from enemies when they are hit so it feels like you are doing something, ends up making this a boring experience overall. Unfortunately the character customization doesn't do a whole lot to enhance the poor gameplay.
There's one thing I sort of liked about the demo, the installer was spiffy... allowing you to choose which icon to put on the desktop.